Chapter 189 Kaname's Feelings.

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Chapter 189 Kaname's Feelings.

It's been a few weeks since Zero and Yuki have been home from Cross. Their relationship has been better than ever. They go on dates nights and spend a lot of time together. Zero still loving his job and working every day. Trying his best to be able to go on the field more. Without Yuki knowing. He was getting couped up always sitting at the desk. He loved the field. He would go out as often as he could. Kaname wasn't around. He left on vacation with Martha weeks ago. There was no lurking over him. He knew he had to be careful though. He didn't want to start Yuki up. Or hurt there relationship. Things were going great. He just wanted the extra excitement he got when he was on the field.

Yuki is at the Cafe working. Pretty much what she always does. She is in great spirits. Yuki doing her normal routine when she sees Kaname walk into the Cafe. "Kaname, Your home." Yuki says running to him giving him a big hug. " just got in. I thought I would come to see my girl. I missed you." Kaname replies. "Same here. How was it? Did you have fun?" Yuki asks. "We had a blast. I listened to you and let go of some. I really enjoyed myself. I feel better then I have in a long time." Kaname reveals. "I am so happy for you. Do you think? Things can go back to normal now?" Yuki asks. "Yes. I believe so. I did some soul-searching. I want to say I am sorry for acting like a fool. I will not be doing that anymore." Kaname states. "That's fine. We all have our moments. Trust me I had mine. I am just so glad your doing better." Yuki comments. "Martha seem to get closer to me on this trip. She asked me why I haven't taken blood from her."Kaname admits. "Oh. Did you explain why?" Yuki asks. "I told her she is human. A pureblood can't bite a human without it making her a vampire. If she doesn't take my blood as well. She will go to level E. She is a vampire hunter Yuki. She knows this already. Why is she asking?" Kaname comments. "Because you fool. She wants to be a vampire like you. She wants to be with you." Yuki remarks. "Another Kiryu? I don't think so. It's bad enough I created him. Look where that got me." Kaname confesses. "It would be different. She would be yours." Yuki replies. "Would she? Or is that all she is after? Wanting to be the Queen? Which she wouldn't be. You are. Your status doesn't change because we are not married. You are a true pureblood. Anything happens to you. The role goes to our daughter Ai. No one else!" Kaname hisses.

 "Why so much hate? Kaname do you feel she is using you?" Yuki asks. "I was doing great till she asked me that. It could be harmless. It's just I know she knew the answer to her own question. You know we have to be careful with who we take as mates or even friends. Everyone is after our blood, status or power. It gets old after awhile." Kaname admits. "I think. You will be fine. If you don't want to make her a vampire don't. If that is why she is with you. She will soon realize it's not happening and let go. I just don't think it's about that. I think she wants to be with you. I think she just wanted to hear the words come out of your mouth. You are pretty seductive Kaname. You have a way about you. That can drive a woman crazy." Yuki admits. "It happens when you're over 10.000. You do learn a few tricks." Kaname smiles. "So how are you and him doing?"Kaname adds. "Great, Better than ever. I never thought it would be this way again. He lights my whole life up. It's like we are dating. We have done tons of things over the years. It's just like now they are all new. It's so much fun. And we don't have to hide which makes it even better." Yuki says her eyes gleaming. "I am glad your happy. It's nice to see you this happy. I am glad things turned around." Kaname comments. "So what are you going to do?"Yuki asks. "I am going to do what you said. I am just going to see what she does. I am still scared Yuki. I never been in love with anyone but you. I didn't have to fear you wanted my status or any of that. Zero was always my problem. But not this. So now being in a regular relationship. Everything scares me. I have to be cautious. I am not going to say anything to her. Just watch and see."Kaname states.

When Kaname leaves. Yuki thinks about what he said. Hoping that it was nothing. Thinking that Kaname is just overreacting. She did see he was in better spirits. That he wasn't dwelling over her. It was good. Maybe now they could just be friends like they use to be. She just didn't want Martha to hurt him. As she is thinking about all this. No other then Martha comes into the Cafe.

Walking up to the counter. "Hi, Yuki." Martha says. "Hi, Martha. How are you? How was your vacation?" Yuki asks. "Great. I loved being alone with Kaname. God, he is so dreamy. I think. I might have made a mistake though." Martha admits. "What did you do?" Yuki asks. "I asked him why. He hasn't bit me. Of course, I know the answer. I'm a vampire hunter. I just wanted on the subject."Martha states. "Why? Why ask that?" Yuki comments. "Because I want to be with Kaname always. I'm a human. If I was a vampire I would be more on his level. Vampires are beautiful people. He would see me as one. Maybe fall more in love. Maybe I would have a better chance." Martha explains. "Oh. You know. I think you should explain this to him. Let him know your real reasons for that question. I think. It would help you more than you know." Yuki remarks. "You think? I was kind of scared to bring it up again. He looked at me weirdly when I asked it the first time." Martha confesses. "I think. If he knew where you were coming from. It would help him. Sometimes, you're going to have to explain yourself. Kaname isn't used to this. It's all new to him. The more you talk to him. The better." Yuki remarks. "I will. Do so tonight then. Thank you so much for your help. I feel so much better. It seems he has let go of you some on this Vacation. I wasn't in your shadow until I asked that question."Martha responds. 

"He will let go. He is trying If I can be all honest with you. It's not the fact he isn't with me anymore. Its the fact he lost to Zero. That is what pisses him off so."Yuki reveals. Trying to make Martha feel better. "I thought so. I know he dislikes him." Martha states. "They feel the same way towards each other. But when it comes down to it. They work well together. If I need them to." Yuki answers.

Martha leaving and going to the townhouse to talk to Kaname. Yuki feeling relief to hear Martha really means no harm. It was just Kaname overreacting. It would really take Kaname time with this. For many reasons. Not only because of Yuki.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now