Chapter 43 Moving On.

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Chapter 43 Moving on

A few days later, Yuki is feeling better. Her arm is healing. Ren, Aiko, and Ai are returning to Cross. She can't wait to see them. Yuki still isn't her full self. She is trying to return to a normal life. Kamane wants to talk to her. She isn't really into talking to him at the moment. She didn't like that he got involved, but does understand. Why he did.

"Yuki I want to thank you for sparing Yoshiko. It means a lot to me." Kamane says. " I did it for you Kamane, for all the times you did really protect me. For the time you brought me back, to be with my babies. I will never forget that." Yuki states. "But also I really didn't appreciate you getting in the middle. I could have gotten hurt. She could have chopped my head off." Yuki Responds. "Yes. I thought that after it took place. I am truly sorry. For the first time, I let my emotions get in the way. " Kamane comments. "It's over now." Yuki declares. "I just want to ask you. Where you will be staying?" Yuki says. "I think. I am going to stay here at Cross. Ai will be coming home. I would like to spend time with her. Help her run things. Be the father, I should have been." Kamane remarks. "That sounds like a good idea. I am going back to the mansion. I am going to try to rebuild my life with Zero." Yuki states." So you're staying with him?" Kamane asks. "Yes. I am. I love you Kamane, but I can't." Kamane nods. "Yuki I want Yoshiko to come to Cross as well. She is doing really well. I want to spend time with both my children." Kamane comments. "Look Kamane. I don't really care what you do with her, but just don't let her touch my children. IF she does, I swear to you nothing will save her." Yuki snaps. "I understand. Yuki. She isn't the same person. I believe things will be fine. I will be there for her. I will give her the attention. She needs." Kamane says. "That's fine. That's a good thing." Yuki says. " Please watch over Ren and Aiko for me. Ai wants them here, but to be honest I don't. I also know. I 'can't baby them forever. "Yuki responds." I will. I promise. I would like to get to know them too. You know. I am there Uncle. I honestly can't wait to meet them all." Kamane blushes. "The twins are Zero. They look like him and Aiko acts like him. She chuckles. My Ren is my heart. " She says with pride. "Well, I really want to meet him. Seems like Zero has a little more competition." Kamane laughs. " For many years, Zero had to share a bed with Ren, who slept between us." Yuki Giggles. "I'm sure that was fun." Kamane states. As they look at each other and smile. " I will miss you Yuki. " Kamane says. I will miss you to Kamane, but this is for the best.

The next day. Ai and the kids are home. Ai is happy to finally be with Kamane. "So mother I heard all about the adventures when I was gone." Ai says. "Yes. We let you go away to be safe. I wasn't sure, what the crazy bitch was going to do next." Yuki admits. "Mother you don't seem the same." Ai responds. "I don't think I will ever be the same after all that." Yuki replies. "I am just glad its over. That all my children are home safe." Yuki says."Dad is really a remarkable man". Ai says. "Yes Kamane is."'Yuki replies. "I am enjoying spending time with him." "I am glad your happy Ai. He is going to stay here with you. So you can have a lot of time with him". Yuki comments. " I know. He told me. He is looking forward to Grandkids. He told me. He wants to do with them, all he never got to do with me." Ai says. Yuki smiles at her. I'm glad. " How is Daddy doing with all this?" Ai asks." Zero is ok. I noticed he has been hiding his feelings about Kamane. He knows. I was conflicted and he tried to just let me do my thing." Yuki admits." Its been hard for both of us. This whole thing. It flipped our lives upside down." Yuki says. "I am really sorry mother." Ai remarks. I know sweety. It's ok its not your fault. Please take care of the twins. I will visit on the weekends. " Ok Mother. It will be great to see you. I have missed you." Ai says. " Same here." Yuki replies.

A few days later Yuki. Zero and Hanabusa get ready to head home. They say their goodbyes. Yuki gives the twins a great big hug and heads towards the car. Her heart feeling empty. Zero can see how leaving them makes Yuki sad. The car ride home is pretty quiet, except for Hanabusa and Zero. Talking about general things. Yuki stays quiet for the trip. Her mind elsewhere. Once home, Hanabusa goes to see Yori. Zero and Yuki go to unpack. Yuki still very quiet. They head upstairs. Zero goes into there old bedroom. Yuki walks up the stairs slowly and stands outside the bedroom door. Frozen. Zero looks back at her, then realizes. They are back in the room where it all took place. Yuki standing outside the door. Holding her bags in both hands. Zero puts his bags on the floor and walks over to her. Putting his arms tightly around her. " Babe, do you want to go to the guest room?" He asks. Yuki nods her head yes. Ok, babe, that's fine. Let me get my bags. We will head there. Zero walks in the room gets his bags and walks back over to Yuki. They walk slowly to the guest room. Once there they place their bags on the bed. Yuki just sits on the bed, next to her bag. While Zero is unpacking. "Babe are you ok?" He asks. " Yes, I am just a little tired." She replies.." Its been a long few months." Yuki says. " Yes, it has. I am glad. We are home." Zero replies. Yuki just smiles.

Later that night when its time for bed. Yuki holds Zero extremely close. So tight that he almost can't breathe. Its like she is scared of something. She doesn't sleep very much, She keeps staring at the bedroom door. Like she is waiting for someone to come in. Zero notices Yuki isn't the same. Something is just missing. He isn't sure really what it is. Is it being in this house? Are the memories taking over? He feels in time things will go back to normal. Or at least he hopes.

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