Chapter 177 Date Night

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Chapter 177 Date Night.

Zero rides home as fast as he can. Changing in his office before leaving. Putting on a black turtleneck to cover his tattoo. Blue dark wash jeans and sneakers. Putting his trench coat on top. He knew out in public him and Yuki still had to be careful. He didn't want to be the one getting caught. He did know that Kaname did a lot to help them. He didn't want to ruin his reputation. Zero was growing a lot. He still was hot-headed. Just trying to show Yuki he could be what she was wanting. As he was driving home it started to snow. He pulls up to the house. Yuki wasting no time getting into the car.

"Hey, Babe." Zero starts to say. As Yuki just kisses him passionately on the lips. "I guess. You really did miss me?" Zero Smirks. "More then you know. I am very happy to see you. I hope you had a nice day at work." Yuki replies. "Yes. it was fine. I thought about you most of the day. I got a beanie hat for myself to wear to cover my hair. I got you a wig." Zero states. "A wig?" Yuki laughs. "Yes. We are out in public We need to be careful. I know. We can't keep out hands off each other. So, I figured we would disguise ourselves. It might even be fun." Zero admits." Let me see this wig you got. " Yuki asks. Zero handing her the bag. "A long blonde wavy wig. So, I guess. I am blonde for this evening?" She grins."Thought it would be something different. No one would recognize you." Zero responds. "Ok. I'm your blonde for tonight. " She responds putting on the wig. "You look very pretty." Zero states. "Thank you. You look quite cute in that beanie. I see your bangs through it though. It makes you even cuter." Yuki says with a smile. "I am glad you like. I guess tonight is going to be fun." Zero states. Pulling up to a parking lot. Parking the car. Yuki looks around spotting a bowling alley. "Zero we are going bowling?" Yuki asks. "Yep. I thought something we haven't done in years. Whoever wins gets to do what the other wants for the night." Zero grins. "Sounds good. I'm Sure I can kick that sexy butt of yours." Yuki remarks. "I wasn't really thinking of you kicking it." Zero chuckles." Yuki shakes her head and laughs. Giving him a big kiss. " I think we need to get out of the car. If we don't. We might not make it to bowling this evening. " Zero announces. "You may be right." Yuki answers.

They both get out of the car, The snowflakes hitting them. Yuki grabs Zero's hand and they walk to the bowling alley. Zero just looking at how happy she is. How free she is with him. More free then she ever has been. The control she always tried to have, let go. It was wonderful.

They walk into the bowling alley, taking off their coats. Getting a table. There were booths in front of the alley. So you can sit and eat while you play. They grab one. Ordering hot wings and a pizza, with two sodas. Yuki sitting very close to Zero. Always touching him. Placing kisses on either his cheek or lips. As they talk he just watches as she smiles up at him. With a warm glow in her eyes.

"Ok, We ate. Now we play. So who wins gets what they want for the night?" Yuki asks. "Yep. Anything they ask the other has to do." Zero replies. "You got it." Yuki says. As she gets up to pick up her ball. She goes over picking the lightest one for herself. As she is picking and getting ready to aim. Zero goes up to her planting a long passionate kiss on her. Making her body fall into his. Her eyes close and she tries to keep her composer. "Well, that wasn't very fair. You little brat."She says to him. Zero snickering in the booth. "What? No one said we couldn't use distractions." Zero laughs. Yuki giving him a glare. Getting ready and she gets a strike. Sticking out her tongue to him." You got lucky." Zero states. Zero gets up to get his ball and get ready. As he is Yuki slaps his ass. "Go get em, tiger." She says with a laugh. "Who is being a brat now?" He replies with a smile. He gets a strike. The night goes on. with games within games. Having the most fun they have had in years. It was like they were teens again. Being playful and enjoying each others company.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now