Chapter 57 Something Stirring

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Chapter 57 Something Stirring

A week went by. Zero is now always at the Association. He comes home late. He is rarely around Yuki. She sees him at bedtime. He is always so tired. He has been hanging out with Kharis almost every day for the week.

Yuki waits up for Zero, it's almost midnight. He is just pulling up. "Zero, why are you so late?" Yuki asks. Had a lot to do and talk about babe." Zero replies. "You don't work there any more Zero. Why do you spend so much time there?" She responds. " I have been thinking. I may go back." Zero admits. "Oh, when were you going to tell me this?" Yuki asks. "I just did." He says. "Zero what is wrong with you lately? Something is different. You're never with me anymore. We haven't made love since the ball." Yuki remarks. " I am just tired from work. It's so nice to around people that talk about stuff that is different. Instead of Food, or kids." Zero comments." I thought you liked the catering business?" Yuki asks. " I do, but this is so much more me. It always has been. I gave it up for you... but now. I am needing more." Zero replies. "Funny. How you were fine till that tramp showed up!" Yuki snaps. "Oh, there you go again. Now she is a tramp. Just because she took interest in me. Yuki that is so rude." Zero snaps back. "I don't want you to see her anymore." Yuki says. "Heh, I don't want Kamane in my house. Guess. We will have to live with what we can't change." Zero hisses. She gets out of bed and goes over to Zero, putting her hands on his back. "Zero please, Whatever this is please stop. I Love you." Yuki says. "Then you're going to have to live with me back at the Association." Zero remarks. "Can you at least come home at a regular time? We still have a family here." Yuki asks. "We will see." Zero answers.

A few months go by. Things are getting worse. Zero is almost never home. He hasn't had time for Yuki, or the kids. He is always at the Association and spends most of his time with Kharis. Yuki throws herself more into the Cratering business. She tries not to pay it mind. But it hurts her deeply. She misses. What they had. She isn't sure. What is going on. Or even what happened. They were so happy. It just seems to be disappearing little by little.

Zero comes home late. Yuki is waiting up in bed. "Zero your finally home. I Missed you." Yuki says. "Yea." Zero replies. "Is something wrong?" Yuki asks. "No. Just tired." He slides into bed. Yuki going over to him putting her head on his shoulder. Sliding her hands over his chest. Kissing him. " Babe I'm tired. Not tonight." Zero says. It hits Yuki like a ton of bricks. They have been married for almost twenty-seven years. He never once said that before. The smell of that woman on his body. Yuki turns off the light and lies down on her side of the bed hurt. Knowing something bad is happening. She says to herself. Tomorrow I'm going to his office. I m going to see what is going on.

Tomorrow arrives. She waits for Zero to leave for work. Giving him a few hours to be in his office. She gets in the car and drives to the Association. She slips through the front desk. So they can't call up and tell him. She is on her way. She walks to his office, making sure no one stops her. She doesn't knock. She just opens the door. There before her eyes. She sees something she never thought, she would ever see. Her heart falls to the ground. Her eyes fill with tears. She sees Zero with no Shirts, pants down and Kharis naked sitting on top of him, in his office chair. Yuki can't control herself. The wind outside starts to lightning starts to crash. The floor in the office starts to shake. Zero pulls up his pants. Trying to go over to Yuki. Who just grabs him by the throat Squeezing tightly. A ring of fire goes around the desk. Whipping Kharis across the face. Leaving a scar. Still Squeezing Zero tight, with Her tear filled eyes. looking into his. Her pain relevant. He doesn't fight back, He doesn't try to take her hands away, or get himself freed. He stays there. Letting her squeeze the life out of him. Staring into his lavender eyes, the ones, she always could trust till now. She lets go of him. throwing him across the room, like a rag doll. Her rage still fuming. She walks out of the office and goes downstairs to get out of the building. Where now the fire alarms have gone off. All the people are evacuating. She mixes in with them. Walking her self out. Getting into the Car and driving off way too fast. She just keeps putting her foot on the gas, The wind still howling. Lighting crashing even harder. She goes way too fast until she loses control. She hits a tree. Stopping the wind, and the lightning. Hearing fire engines in the back of her. One stopping, when they saw her crash.

They rush her to the hospital. Kamane being the first one to arrive. "Yuki are you ok?" Kamane asks. Walking into the hospital room looking at Yuki. Her eyes filled with tears, face red. beside herself. "Yuki." He repeats " Are you ok?" Staring out the window, she says in a low voice. "No." "What the hell happened? Did you know that the Association had a fire? Kharis was there. She has this big scar now. Going from her left eye down her face from it. Zero was knocked out too." Kamane explains. "Is he still alive?" Yuki asks. "Yes. He is fine. He should be on his way to see you." Kamane remarks. Zero standing in the door way, looking in. "Oh, there you are. She seems fine just a little shook up." Kamane says. Zero walks in the room. Toward Yuki's bed. She looks at him and Says. " How could you?" Yuki says. "I'm Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It just happened. I love her." Zero remarks. "GET OUT, GET OUT! GET OUT!" Yuki starts screaming. "Yuki Please. It doesn't have to end this way. We can still be friends." Zero says. "Get out of my sight, before I turn you to dust." She replies. "Ok." Zero says as he turns around. Walking out. Kamane standing there, just watching what took place. "Yuki turning into a crying mess. "Yuki. Oh my. What happened?" Kamane asks as he rushes over to her, and puts his arms around her.

 "Zero left me for Kharis. He is in love with her. He has been with her for months now. I confirmed that today. Walking in on them making love. I started the fire. I gave her the scar. I almost killed him as well." Yuki admits. " You didn't though, you stopped yourself." Kamane says. "Yes for our children." Yuki says. " How could he. We were so happy. We had everything. Then just one day he does this. I never thought. He would. He left me." She cries. "Oh Yuki. I am so sorry. I am here for you." Kamane says. "I want to go home." Yuki remarks. "Ok, I will get the discharge papers. I get you out of here." Kamane comments.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now