Chapter 129 The Boiling Point

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Chapter 129. The Boiling point.

After that conversation. Kamane just stays at the ball a few more minutes. Yuki can tell, that the conversation got to Kamane. He is ready to leave. "Yuki, I think its time for us to go." Kamane states. "Sure. I will get my coat." Yuki gets her coat. Taking one last stare at Zero. He sees. She is leaving. Kamane grabs her arm and heads to the car. On the way home, he is very quiet. They both head into the house. "Are you going to the bedroom Yuki?" Kamane asks. "No, I am going to head to the Cafe. I can change there. So the bedroom is yours tonight." Yuki states. "Do you really need to go there. Can't you just stay here?" Kamane asks. "Maybe tomorrow night. I have things to do. I promised. I would meet up with Zero." Yuki admits. "It figures. Run to him. You know. You are going to get us all caught? The councilman already has an idea. He thinks. Your cheating on me. Do you know? How that makes me look? Not to mention feel? Can't you stay away from him? Just for a little bit?" Kamane snaps. Losing his cool. "I'm sorry Kamane. I miss him. I don't see him very much as it is now. I know. This is very hard for you. I am truly sorry." Yuki states. "You just don't understand. Just how hard."Kamane admits. Walking upstairs. Yuki hears the glass break in the bathroom. She knows. Kamane is pissed. Her heart torn. Do I go to Kamane or go to the Cafe? She figured. She would go to the Cafe. Kamane is pretty mad so let him cool down.

She walks out of the townhouse in the red gown and fur coat. Looking at the coat feeling even more upset. She goes into the cafe, heading up to the apartment. Sitting on the couch. Waiting for Zero to arrive. In a short while, she hears him at the door.

 "Hey, babe," Zero says. She runs to his arms. Placing a kiss on his lips." I missed you." Yuki says. "I missed you too. The ball was interesting to watch." Zero mentions. "I am sure it was. It was no better from my end." Yuki states. "What the hell is with Kamane? Every chance he got. He would touch you in some way." Zero snaps. "I know. I think his feelings are getting in the way. I might not be able to stay there much longer." Yuki admits. "Great. How are we going to play this out then?" Zero asks. "I am not sure. I need time to think. For tonight I just want to be with you. I need you Zero." Yuki states. "Sounds good to me. I do have a request though. I want to see you only in that necklace and fur coat. Nothing else." Zero smirks. "Well aren't you a dirty boy." Yuki says. "Yes. I have been thinking about it all night."Zero says. Thinking to himself. You want to give her fancy gifts. I am going to use them to my advantage. Yuki goes into the bedroom taking off the red dress, bra, and panties. Leaving on the necklace, black fur coat, and red high heels. Feeling in a way, that she is betraying Kamane. These were his gifts to me. She knew if she told that to Zero. It would only piss him off and start a fight. So she kept her thoughts to herself. She then walks out of the room, leaving the coat slightly open. "Well Damn. Aren't you hot looking over there." Zero says. Walking over to her. Placing his hands under the coat and on her soft ass. Pulling her close to him. Zero makes love to her. On the coat. Every time he would look at it. IT just made him pleasure her more. Making her lose every ounce of control. She had. "You may be able to buy her all these things. But you can't make her feel like this." Zero said in his mind. A slight grin appearing on his face.

Before morning came. Zero knew. He had to sneak out. He didn't want anyone to know. He was there. He kissed her on her head. Telling her he would see her this weekend. Yuki looks down at the coat and feels sick inside. This is just a mess. What do I do? She put her clothes back on and heads back to the townhouse. Where Kamane is laying on the couch. Wide awake. "Kamane you could have taken the bed." Yuki says in a low voice. "That's ok. I'm fine. I can't sleep anyway. I take it Zero went home?" Kamane asks. "Yes." Yuki states. taking off the coat and sitting next to Kamane. "You looked gorgeous tonight. Yuki. I don't think. I can control myself anymore. I know. We made a deal. It's just hard when you're living in the same house as me. Being this close to you. I want more." Kamane states. "I understand that. Its why I try not to be around you so much. I don't want those feelings to come back. Tonight I saw a glimpse of them. When you kissed me. When you got mad. I felt terrible. I can't live like this either. We both know. This wouldn't work Kamane. There is this pull to Zero that won't let it. I would only hurt you even more. I don't want to do that. I also don't want to lose the friendship that we built. You're my best friend. I can tell you anything. I trust you with anything. I don't have that with Zero. I love him dearly but anytime I tell him something about you. He throws it back in my face. You don't do that to me. I can be honest and myself. Please. Let's not mess that up." Yuki begs. "I understand. I do like I have something with you. That he doesn't. It is something Special to. Yes. You can always tell me anything. I am there for you. No matter what.

 I also know what you are saying is true. Even if you are with me. You would always run back to him. THat damn blood bond. I will behave myself." Kamane states. "Kamane, I have to ask you something. Is there any way one of us or both of us could be on the Counsel?" Yuki asks. "I guess we can. I just never really wanted to be. I thought that would have been using my status. Plus there would have to be empty seats for that to happen." Kamane states. "If there were. Could we? With two of us on the board. We override everything or anyone else because of our status right?" Yuki states. "Pretty much. You know they are scared of us as it is. Without the bastard that is the head now. Things would be easier. The others are workable. Yuki what are you thinking? We can't kill them. You know it's against the rules." Kamane states. "Yes. If we kill them. Not if a demon from another dimension kills them." Yuki says with a grin. "Oh, my. You really have been thinking this over?" Kamane comments. "Yes. I need my life back. I need this to go away. For all of us to live normally. This would have to be between just me and you though. Let's leave Zero in the dark." Yuki states. "I told you anything you ever needed. I am there. You do know. This is murder Yuki. Once you cross that line there is no going back. I have done it in the past. I took out all of the council." Kamane admits. "Yes. I know. Its why I can trust you. Maybe they do all need to go again. We put who we want in. So there will be no problems. I killed Kharis, Kamane. I felt nothing. To be honest afterward. I felt more powerful than I ever had. " Yuki admits. "I know you hated her. It was easy. Some of these people are innocent." Kamane states. "Not really. They all sent that person to shoot Zero. They wanted him dead. They just got me instead. They didn't care. He had children or a family. They just wanted him dead. Why should I care about them?" Yuki comments. "You sure do have a dark side."Kamane responds. "It's in the family." Yuki Grins.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now