Chapter 156 Losing Composer

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Chapter 156 Losing composer

Zero just watches as Yuki stays on the terrace alone. She hasn't said or bothered anyone. She was just lost in her own thoughts. Drinking more, then she should. Or ever have for that matter. As much as he wanted to go to her. He couldn't. It didn't look right, not to mention if she started a fight here with him. Everyone would see it. It would make a scene. So far no one noticed anything. Everything was quiet. No one really knew the truth. Kaname just sat at the table trying his best to interact with the people. Being nice. They did ask him where his wife was. He said. She needed a little air. She would be right back.

Kaname then lifts himself up from his chair. Walking onto the Terrance to talk to Yuki. "I Know you would like to be alone right now, but we have a room full of people. Wondering where the bride's mother is. Where my wife is. Do you think you can come out? Dance with me? Be my girl?" Kaname says smoothly. "Of course. Anything for you." Yuki responds leaving the champagne bottle. Kaname and her walk back into the reception. Hand in hand. People just watching. How loving they are. How tender Kaname is with her. Zero sitting next to Yagari watching as well. Thinking nothing of Kaname getting her. He was glad someone did. Kaname takes Yuki to the dance floor. It's a slow song. He pulls her close. Putting his arms around her waist. Yuki puts her arms and head on his chest. "Are you ok my girl?" Kaname asks. " I want to just forget him and tonight, please. It's just me and you." Yuki remarks. "Ok, if that is what you want." Kaname remarks. Not really surprised. She has been through a lot lately. Letting go of Zero for a few hours might be good for her. Out of nowhere Now Taking surprise of Kaname. Yuki rubs her hand on his chest, then placing it on his face. Where she pulls him close and places a passionate kiss on his lips. He doesn't resist the kiss. He falls into it. It's like no one else is there. The kiss lingers.

"Zero, What is going on?" Yagari asks. "Damn it! She is so mad. She is using him again. It's been strange. Lately, when she is mad at me. She uses him against me. She knows. The thought of him touching her drives me crazy. So she does it on purpose! " Zero snaps. "Well, that sure is a long kiss. It doesn't look like she is doing it out of revenge. It looks like she is kissing him because she wants to." Yagari states. "She is drunk and mad. Not a good combo. She never drank before. I don't know. How she reacts to booze." Zero comments. "I don't think its a good idea for you to let her live with him much longer. If this keeps up. She is going to stay with him. I know. She is mad. I saw what Kharis did. it just seems to push her more towards him. I don't see anything good coming from this Zero." Yagari remarks. "I think your right. It's been getting worse and worse. Sometimes I wonder if its just because she wants to." Zero replies. "She is all cuddled up over there with him. She hasn't even looked over here at you once. It's like you don't exist."Yagari responds. "Yes, I noticed that too. She is trying to hide her feelings. I don't know. It's been a mess lately. I can't even blame Kaname. It's not his fault. She starts it. He just goes along with her. He loves her so much, he can't tell her no." Zero remarks. "Then you better. You better fix this. You are going to regret it if you don't. She is going to do something with him. That doesn't look like an act Zero. You can't fake that." Yagari states. I know.

"Kaname lets leave. They cut the cake. All is well. I just want to go home." Yuki asks. "Of course. I am getting tired of this as well. How much can you fake, liking people?" Kaname replies. "I will tell Aiko bye and meet you at the car." Yuki responds. Yuki goes up to Aiko and Nezera. Congratulating them and saying there wedding was very nice. Aiko thanked her mother for everything. Nezera wanting to say more but holds it in. Knowing this isn't the place. Even though Yuki drank a ton. It didn't seem to affect her yet. Know one would know. How much she really consumed. She grabs her coat and walks outside. Getting into the car that Kaname is waiting in. Not even saying goodbye to Zero. Trying her best to even remember he existed. Feeling a way. She hasn't felt in a very long time. She sits in the car and pushes herself close to Kaname. Placing her head and hand on his chest. "Are you ok?"Kaname asks. "Yes, I just want to be close to you. I feel so safe with you." Yuki admits. "I am so glad. I can make you feel that way." Kaname responds. The car ride home is a nice one. She stays close to him. Feeling safe and loved.

Once home. They enter the townhouse. Kaname going over to get himself a drink. Yuki following him into his office. "Something wrong?" Kaname asks "No, I want to be with you." Yuki states. "Of course. Have a seat." Kaname answers innocently. "No, not in that way." She admits. As she walks up to him, putting her hands on his face. Kissing him passionately. Throwing him down onto the couch. Sitting on top of his lap. Kissing him again and undoing his shirt. Rubbing up against his groin. Kaname not knowing. What is happening? His mind saying no. But his body saying Yes. To feel her warm core rub up against his manhood drove him crazy. His hands couldn't help but roam her body. Her soft moans rang through his ears. The wanting and desire were taking hold of him. He picks her up and carries her to his bed. Lightly placing her on top of it. And himself on her. Her legs wrap around him. and her lips go to his. His hands roam her and hers roam his. As his hands slide under her short black dress, he kisses her again. Where he smells the booze on her breath. Part of him trying to come out of this. " Yuki, Stop. We can't. This isn't you. Your drunk, in the morning your going to regret it. You're going to go back to him." Kamane says breathing heavy. "I want to forget him. Please, I want you." Yuki responds. "Its the booze not you. I love you, and god knows. How much I want you. I just know better. Get some sleep."Kaname remarks as he pushes himself up and off of her. His body trembling from desire. Feeling things he hasn't felt in a very long time. His control slipping. He walks outside of the bedroom and closes the door.

Standing outside the door up against the wall. trying to get his composer. His shirt open, his pants open with his belt undone. Lipstick all over his face and chest. His brown locks all around his face. Standing there trying to get hold of himself. Taking deep breaths. He walks downstairs to his office. Getting himself a drink. Trying to calm his nerves and body. His mind cloudy, and his heart beating fast. His thoughts all over the place. As much as he wanted her. He knew better than to go along with it. He wanted her sober. He wanted her to truly want him. Not because she was mad or drunk. Because she truly wanted to be with him in that way. His desire for her was like nothing he ever felt before. At this point he was shaking so much, he almost wanted to give in to his blood bond and bite her. He wanted to taste her. Yearning for her body and blood. What he managed to control all these years, was coming undone right in front of him. He knew if he went back into the bedroom tomorrow would bring problems. For one night of pleasure, he would suffer forever. Knowing deep down. She would go back to Zero. And it would crush him. Some things were better off left alone.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now