Chapter 18 Trouble

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Chapter 18 Trouble

A few weeks back to there regular routine, Yuki is planning another surprise get away. She wants to spend as much time, with Zero alone as she can. They really enjoyed there time together. As she is making plans, she sees Hanabusa. Walking up and down nervously. "Hanabusa." She asks. "Is everything OK?" " No!" He replies. Yori just won't listen to me. She doesn't understand. How I feel. She insists on her way." He responds. "What are you going on about?" Yuki inquires. "I want to turn her into a vampire. So she can be with me for a long time. She refuses me every time. I ask. I don't understand. Why she wouldn't want to live longer. To be with me and our son. I can't watch her get sick and die. I will still be here without her. The thought kills me.". Hanabusa Sighs. "I am so sorry." She says. I asked her a few times also. She denied me as well. She is happy as a human. She wants to die. When it's her time. I'm sorry Hanabusa. I know it hurts. Its how I felt when Zero was a regular Vampire. I was always worried about him. "I know. I remember.." He replies. "Now I'm going through it. It just hurts me." He says. If I could become human to be with her. I would. I just haven't figured that out yet. It was easier for me to figure out, how to take Kamane back as a vampire. Then too as a human. Not without someone dying anyway. Have you thought any more about that?" Hanabusa asks. "Its always on my mind." Yuki admits, "It's really hard. I'm not sure. What to do. For now, I think its best. We stay as we are. I don't need to add complications to our life." Yuki says. I am really sorry Hanabusa, about Yori. We are still young. She could always change her mind. I don't believe she will Yuki. "There are sometimes, no matter how much. We want to protect our loved ones. We have to let them make there own decisions. If we don't. They resent some of the things we do for them, or at least don't understand it all." Yuki says." Yea. She doesn't understand how I feel, or at least she thinks she is doing the best way. I don't know." Hanabusa says. I just don't want to live without her.

Yuki totally understood. What Hanabusa was going through. She went through. The same thing. It only made things broken. When she tried to fix it. She knew. The way wasn't the best, but she did what she thought was right. Its why she wasn't willing at the moment to change anything. Things were going too well. They were happier than they ever been. Going back to plan her trip. Zero walks in. Kissing her on her head. Hey babe, Hi Zero. "What are you doing?" Zero asks. "I'm planning another surprise get away." Yuki replies. "Oh really." He says? The last one was fun. "This one will be too." Yuki states. "What did I do, to deserve all these little get a ways?" He askes. I think we deserve it Zero." Works for me, babe. I am getting some slack at work though. They are giving me shit. About me being the strongest Vampire hunter, and being with a Pureblood. They don't even know. We are married. I'm still getting crap. Some are not very fond of you being a Pure Blood and Hunting with me. They are saying it's not natural." Zero explains. "Well, I guess. It was too quiet for too long. I'm sure the Council isn't any happier. Who really cares what they think. You do your job well Zero." I am not sure. Why they care, who you are with" Yuki states.. "I do my job as well. They just love to pick on us. I'm not paying any attention to them Yuki. Nothing will stop me from being with you." Zero responds. "Plus the people at the Vampire Hunter Association are pretty scared of me." Zero smirks." Oh I know." says Yuki " I hear it all at work. How The president is a meanie." She giggles." Just like when we were at Cross. The Zero I know isn't a meanie. He is sweet and kind." Yuki admits. "Now, now, don't you go saying that stuff at work. We can't let that get out." Zero Smiles. "That's our secret," Yuki says. You do still have your moments though. "Yea yea." Zero replies. "Well, you know the Counsel is still scared of me. They do not know my power, never came back as strong. I do still have my other powers but the special one is a little lighter then it use to be. I think. Its because I'm not upset or full of anger. It's wired that it has to work that way. I can say. I am the happiest. I have ever been at the moment." Yuki Says. "I am so glad to hear that." Zero comments.. Going over to her, putting his arms around her. Kissing her head lightly. Zero I want you to be careful, please. I don't know. What these people will do. I don't want you hurt. "I know I know. Stop worrying OK?" Zero remarks. I will never. Stop worrying about you Zero. You should know that by now. "I do, but I'm sure they are not going to do anything. Nothing I can't handle anyway. I'm just as immortal as you now remember?" Zero says."Yes, I remember." She says. Kissing him on his lips.

Zero heads back to work. He notices the butterflies again. Staying close, protecting him. "She is always here. No matter what. I sure do love her". He says to himself. "Maybe I shouldn't have told her. She would have only found out on her own anyway though. She does work with me." He thought to himself. Hoping deep down nothing bad happens. She was right. When she said it was quiet for too long. They never could just leave us alone. They hated the fact. That I'm a Vampire hunter. She is a Pureblood Vampire. I would never hurt her. I will kill myself first. Thinking to himself First the thought of bringing Kaname back now this. Which is worse? Kamane he thought. I could fight or even leave the Association if need be. Kamane on the other hand. I could fight, but would I win? Even after all this time, Zero had his worries about losing Yuki to him. The only other man that would have Yuk'is Attention and love. He laughed to himself, saying I'm the big mean strongest Vampire hunter scared to lose my girl to him. Could you freaking believe it. I'm not scared of anything but him. My whole freaking life, will it ever end.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now