Chapter 73 Surpise ahead

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Chapter 73 Surprise ahead.

Xby CounterflixPowered by Counterflix✕Powered by CounterflixA few more months go by. Yuki is working in the Cafe. Zero comes in panicked. "Yuki, Anna has a fever. She is very cranky. I can't calm her down. I can't get the fever down either. Its been like this since last night, when we went home." Zero says. "Ok let us take her temperature now," Yuki says. "God Zero it's 105. We need to get her to the Hospital. " Yuki shouts in panic. "Yori please take care of the Cafe." Yuki asks. "Of course go do what you need to." Yori responds.

Zero and Yuki drive to the hospital. Yuki holding Anna. Who is now two in her arms the whole way there. The little girl now has shoulder length brownish red hair with brownish eyes. Once at the Hospital, Zero parks. Then they both rush her in. The doctors taking her. Checking her temp, that now just went up to 106. They put the poor child in an ice bath. While running some tests. "Its a good thing you took her here when you did." The doctor says. Her temperature is out of control. We are going to give her an ice bath. Then see what is going on. We also normally ask for blood donation in case. We need it. " The doctor adds. "Of course I'm her father. I will donate." Zero says. The doctor looking at Yuki. "Oh, I can to as well, just not sure. How it will help. I'm not her biological mother." Yuki states. "Well if you don't mind, we will take some of yours anyway, just in case." The doctor says. "Ok, Yuki says. Not a problem."

While waiting for the results Kamane comes. "My love. I came soon as Yori told me." Kamane says. "Thank you." She says as she gives him a hug. " They don't know. What's wrong yet. " Yuki says. "I am sure. She will be fine." Kamane states. Sitting down in the hallway next to Yuki and Zero. After a few hours, Kamane gets up to walk around. Telling them both, he will be right back. He will go get some coffee for everyone. Zero and Yuki left together sitting there. Zero puts his hand on hers and they hold hands. Worried about the little girl. Kamane comes back. He hands them there Coffee. "Still no word?" Kamane asks. "No, nothing. This is driving me crazy." Yuki states. Now seeing the doctor walking down the hall. "Doctor any word?" "Why yes, but I am very confused. I will start with the child's fever is coming down slowly. We feel she will be fine." The doctor says. Yuki and Zero looking at each other relieved. "What are you confused about then doctor?" Zero asks. "Well, we ran the blood the both of you gave to us. I told the lab that Yuki isn't her mother, but to please run it. Just in case. So they did. When we got the results back, they were a bit confusing. Zero you as you said are Anna's biological father, But Yuki you are Anna's Biological mother." The doctor states. Kamane, Zero, and Yuki looking at the doctor like he is crazy. "Doctor I'm not sure. What test you ran, but she isn't my child. I didn't give birth to her." Yuki states. "Well that may be true, but I had them test your blood five times. The whole five times was the same result. Did you ever give any of your eggs away for donation?" The doctor asks. "No, I would never give them away," Yuki responds. "Did you ever go to a doctor to check them?" The doctor asks. 

"Yes about ten or so years ago. Zero and I went to check to see if we could have a child together." Yuki admits. " Then maybe someone took your eggs or something?" The doctor states. "Is there a way you can ask the woman who gave birth to the child?" The doctor asks. "No, she passed away." Zero replies. "Well if you can by some way get me her medical records. We can see. What is going on." The doctor adds. Zero and Yuki just look at each other. Zero calling up the Association. Asking Yagari to get a warrant. "Yagari said he will be here with a warrant soon as he can." Zero says. "Zero how can this be? She is mine? Ours?" Yuki says looking up into his lavender eyes. Kamane just sitting there in disbelief. "I don't know. If this is true. It's wonderful though. Oh god, Yuki that would be incredible." Zero announces. " I Know. I'm not getting my hopes up. Let's see. What the records show first." Yuki states. Kamane watching. How these two are hoping it's hers. Another child? How could this be? What the hell was Kharis doing? Kamane thought.

About an hour later. Yagari comes with the warrant. "Hey guys, here is what you needed. I hope all goes the way you want." He says. Giving Yuki a hug. "Thank you so much Yagari. This means the world to us." "Doctor we got the warrant for her records." Zero says. 'Great. I will see. What I can do." The Doctor goes off. Leaving them in the hallway. He returns within another hour. "Sorry for the wait. We had to locate them. Well, it seems about ten and a half years ago, Kharis went to the same doctor. You two went to. She took a few of Yuki's eggs. She also took the Sperm Zero donated to have tested. She had both frozen. When she was ready. She used them. Yuki this child is 100% percent yours. Kharis couldn't have a child of her own. She didn't have any working eggs. She could have never gotten pregnant with Zeros child, without the help of your egg." The doctor states. "Also Anna is doing much better the fever broke. You two can go see her. "Thank you so much doctor." Zero says. Yuki just looking at him. "Zero she is ours? We have another baby. Our baby." She says looking into his eyes. "I Know babe. Its what you wanted so much. We did it and didn't even know." Zero replies. "She didn't make it with you. She didn't have your child." Yuki says relieved. "Yuki I'm not sure. What you think. We didn't have sex like you believe. We only did it a few times. I know. That still hurts, but I wasn't all over her. I did my best to fight her." Zero explains. " At this moment, I am so happy. I don't even care. She is my baby. That's why. I couldn't stay away from her. Its why i fell in love with her." Yuki says. Going into the room to see Anna.

 Kamane just sits outside taking all this in. "That dumb bitch, She had Yuki's child. She made a child with Zero and Yuki. What did she think? That would make him love her? Oh god, i don't know. What she was thinking." Kamane says to himself. Extremely upset about this. Knowing that this would bond Zero and Yuki together again. That it would make Yuki closer to Zero. Knowing this child was theirs. He thought. He saw a resemblance. The child was starting to look a lot like Yuki did. When she was a child. He just shrugged it off. Never thinking this was the reason.

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