Chapter 127 Wearing Thin.

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Chapter 127 WEARING THIN.

On Wednesday. Zero keeps his promise. Going to the Cafe. He heads out early so, he can spend the whole day with her. He is hoping. She is doing a bit better. Then she was the weekend. He is hoping. She got over it.

When he gets to the Cafe. It's Seven in the morning. The door is open and the breakfast crowd is there. The place is packed. Yuki at the counter serving up the goodies. He heads behind the counter. He starts helping. Yuki giving him a warm smile. Around eight Am the crowd thins out. Just a tad. They can finally breathe a little. Yuki leaving Zero at the counter, while she goes in back to get more bread. Placing more in the ovens. When it finally calms down. Zero takes a seat with a cup of coffee. Yuki doing the same.

"I see. That it's still very busy here." Zero states. "Yes. The morning crowd is the busiest. As you can see. I do still need your help. I would like you to come back." Yuki says. "I know. I just don't think. Its a good idea for every day. I don't want them seeing us always together. You know while we are together. We may forget and do something to let them on." Zero answers. "You just insist on working there don't you?" Yuki snaps. "You're not over that yet. I see. " Zero replies. "No, How could I get over ? That you could die. That someone could just hurt you. I worry about you all the time. I want you to stop." Yuki begs. "Babe. I am fine. You need to just relax. It's not going to be forever. It helps me know. What they are up to." Zero replies. ' You are doing this to get back at me. For being with Kamane. Aren't you?"Yuki snaps. "Really babe? You think that?" Zero laughs. "With you. I never know. What the hell your thinking. If it is. it's not fair. It's not like I have a choice now." Yuki insists. "I'm not doing it for that. I just really needed something to do. I missed it. Remember when we did it together? How much fun we had?" Zero Thinks. "Yea, it was fun. I was also there seeing everything happening. I knew you were ok." Yuki states. "You are still their babe. You think? I don't notice the Butterflies? I know. They keep there distance. I see them anyway." Zero explains.

 "I have to be there some way. After the ball, I want to come home. I want to be with you that night." Yuki responds. "Ok. That's fine. Maybe it's better if, I come here. I can sneak into the Cafe. You coming home on that night. Isn't a good idea. Anyone watching will see you left Kamane." Zero states. "Oh, whatever. I am so tired of this." Yuki replies. Standing up and going into the kitchen. Zero noticing. That her tolerance for this is getting less and less. He knows. This won't be able to last much longer.

Zero, Stays the day with Yuki. He helps her the best he can. The place seems packed most of the day. He also notices there are a lot of take out orders now. With new drivers to do the deliveries. He knows. That Yuki spends most of her days and nights here. She doesn't spend that much time with Kamane. He also notices. They still have a tenderness towards each other. That Kamane will touch and kiss her any chance he gets. Yuki so engrossed with the Cafe doesn't pay any attention to it. Zero knew. She would get that way. When she was blocking out whatever was happening in her life. That she wanted away from. He also noticed that Yori isn't the young girl anymore. Things were harder for her to do. She was aging. There was a lot of things she couldn't do anymore. Without help. She always had to take breaks and sit down. Yuki pretty much ran the place herself. With some help from a few new staff members. She hired. He knew Yori's Time was coming to an end. Hanabusa would be all alone. Zero never really paid attention before. Always lost in his own world. His own life. Today he actually sat down and watched. He saw how Yuki ran the place like it was nothing. She was fully in control. It took over her life. It was her life. Trying to hide from her real life. Living with Kamane, being away from him. She put everything into the Cafe. It was her one stable. The one thing that wouldn't hurt or betray her.

He also noticed that Kamane was the one. That took care of the kids mostly. He would pick and drop them off at school. Help with homework. Get them snacks. Yuki would go home to make dinner and tuck them in bed. Going straight back to the Cafe. Was it so she wasn't around Kamane? So that old feelings didn't spring up? Zero wondered. He also thought anyone watching, would see them together like an old married couple. One that is so used to each other. They didn't have to always be around each other. Nothing like what Zero and she shared once. He now realized. What she was talking about. When she said their relationship was different. It wasn't obsessive at all. Kamane gave her all the space in the world. He let her be. Who she was. He also noticed. That Kamane wasn't a problem lately. They had there spat the other day. but nothing major in a while. Kamane seems to let go. He was happy having Yuki any way he could. Even if it was just like this. In a way, he was winning. She wasn't always around Zero. Only seeing him on weekends. Zero thought to himself. He should come in a little more often. That Kamane might get a little too cozy with things this way. Zero knew. He needed to keep the relationship fresh. He knew. Yuki loved him still. They had a chemistry that nothing ever seems to kill.

When it was closing time. Yuki put the closed signup. She looked at Zero sadly. Knowing. He would be leaving soon. They go into his office to talk. "I will see you Friday babe." Zero states. "Yes. I will be there. Thank you for coming today. It was nice spending time with you." Yuki responds. "Yes. I realized just how much I missed being with you every day. I may come in another day as well. We will see. I do see you need the help." Zero responds. "Yes. I do. Yori has slowed down a lot. I need all the help. I can get now." Yuki answers. "Babe, I also noticed your never home. You're always here. Don't you think? You should get more rest?" Zero asks. "There is no point staying there Zero. I can't sleep. All I do is toss and turn. I steal Kaname's bed. At least when I am here, he can use his own bed. He probably gets more use out of it then I do." Yuki admits. "I know Kamane. He isn't going to care to give his bed up to you. You need to rest. How much longer can you go until you crash?" Zero asks. "I will try. I sleep on the weekend. When I'm in your arms. When I know your safe." Yuki confesses. "I am safe. Stop worrying about me. " Zero states. "Easier said than done." Yuki remarks.

 "Babe, I also notice you don't spend that much time with Kamane. Is there a reason?" Zero asks. "I see him throughout the day. I guess. I try not to be alone with him. I try not for it to seem like we are really together." Yuki admits. "Has he tried something?" Zero snaps. "No. He has been a total gentleman. I just know this is hard on him as well. I try my best not to lead him on in any way. I don't want to hurt him. We have a very nice relationship. I don't want to lose that." Yuki states. "Yea I guess so. I was just wondering. " Zero comments. 'I guess. I should be going." Zero states. Yuki's eyes close and she sighs. "I guess so." Zero gives her a big kiss and hug. Yuki wraps her arms around him tightly. They stay just holding each other for a few minutes before letting go. " See you Friday," Zero says. "Yes. Friday." Yuki replies. Zero walking out of the Cafe, into his car. Yuki going home. He notices the sadness in Yuki. He feels it himself. He just tries not to give in.

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