Chater 162 I found her.

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Chapter 162 FOUND HER

Once home. Zero parks the car. Getting his things and heading into the house. Where he smells Fresh baked bread, and pie. A bit confused. He walks into the kitchen. Finding the crockpot on, filled with stew. Two freshly baked apple pies and four loaves of bread. The house smells incredible. He knows. Yuki had to be there or have been there. " I guess. She isn't that mad at me after all."Zero thought. Looking all around to the dinner table already set for dinner. But still no sign of Yuki. He heads upstairs to there bedroom. When he opens the door. To his thankful surprise. He see's Yuki Laying in bed on her tummy. On his side of the bed holding his pillow sleeping. She is wearing one of his white Dress shirts. All curled up in bed. The site warms him. 

She is at home. She came home. Zero slides into the bed up against her. Putting his arms around her, pushing her closer to him. Her body snuggling up against his. He lightly kisses her lips. "Babe, you came home?" Zero asks. "Yes. I had a long day. My head and stomach really don't feel well. I just wanted to be in the place, that makes me the happiest. Here. I missed you. I knew. I couldn't come to the association. So, I just came here. I made us dinner and dessert before I just had to go to bed." Yuki states. "I am so glad your here. You look mighty good in my shirt." Zero snickers. "I wanted to be close to you, so I put in on. Your scent is all over it. Makes me smile. Trust me. I needed a smile after today. I need to be close to you." Yuki says tears filling her eyes. "Babe, please. Don't cry. I know. You read it. I am so sorry. I am extremely sorry for what, I called you last night. I was so upset. I didn't mean it." Zero replies. " I thought of that all day. It really did hurt me Zero. That you would think that of me. It hurt more than the newspaper to be honest. The stuff in the paper wasn't news to me. It's the same shit just getting stirred up again and again." Yuki responds. "You are so right. Just babe. Why didn't you answer your phone? OR call me? to let me know you would be here?" Zero asks. "I did. Didn't you get the message? I called Kaname also." Yuki says getting her phone and showing Zero. " That's weird the texts are on your phone but didn't go to mine." Zero comments. "Let me Call Kaname and let him know you're ok," Zero adds.

"Hey, Kaname. She is at home. She came home this afternoon. She said. She left you a message did you get it?" Zero asks. "No, I been worried sick. I went all around town looking for her." Kaname states. "Well, that's odd because the message, she sent you and me are on her phone. They just didn't go to ours. Our messages, for some reason, are there but on hold. I think someone tampered with her phone." Zero replies. "Turn it off. Then bring it to the association tomorrow for testing. Someone could have played around with it." Kaname responds. "Then they are doing this on purpose. Someone really wants us to worry and fight." Zero states. " Yea I am seeing this. I will Come down tomorrow. I will leave Rai there, with you and Yuki tonight. There is no sense in me coming down now."Kaname comments. "That's fine. Dinner is already here also. I will talk to you tomorrow." Zero says hanging up the phone.

Zero sits back on the bed. "Someone did this on purpose. They didn't want us to get each other's calls or messages." Zero states. "At this point, I don't care. I am just tired." Yuki says cuddling up to Zero. " I understand. How you feel. I just need to know. Who is doing this to us? Damn you do know? You look hot in my shirt right?" Zero replies. "Yes, this is the second time you mention something about it." She responds. Sitting on his lap. "You say that you can't resist me. The same goes for me. " Zero says as he gives her a long passionate kiss. Sliding his hands up under the white dress shirt. Yuki gives out a light moan. Making Zero want more. His hands roam her body and their mouths kiss each other hungrily. He slides her underwear off and unbuckles his pants. SLiding into her eagerly. Pushing himself in and out fast. Not able to control his needs. Wanting her to badly to even think straight. He moves in and out faster and faster till he loses every ounce of control. They both climax and lay in each other's arms.

"Maybe I should wear your shirts more often?" Yuki says out of breath. "Please do. I think. I was just so happy to see you home. In our bed. Knowing you came here, Made me happy." Zero replies. "I'm glad to be home." Yuki replies.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now