Chapter 79 Saying Goodbye

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ChAPTER 79 Saying goodbye

Zero goes the Cafe. Just seeing Yuki sitting there. Tears streaming down her face. Taking in, what just took place. "How could he do that Zero? He took our lives and turned them inside out." Yuki states "Its what he does. For some reason, you never could see it with him." Zero replies. "I thought for once, I was in a normal relationship. One with no craziness. No obsession. I am so dumb. I wouldn't know normal if it hit me." Yuki admits. "Yuki that's not true. We did have normal. Its just you always let Kamane be in the way of us. So did i. I was just as much at fault as you. You would let it go. I would bring it back up. I am truly sorry about that Yuki." Zero admits. " It was different than our relationship. I felt at ease. I didn't have to worry if I was hurting him. Like I did with you. That I would say the wrong thing." Yuki confesses. 'I'm sorry. You had to feel that way. You didn't have to. I am a big boy Yuki. You are always trying to protect me." Zero admits. "Yes, you are. But your heart was already so hurt. I didn't want to cause any more to it. " Yuki states. "Oh babe, This surely is a mess isn't it?" Zero says as he puts his arms around her. "Yes, it sure is." Yuki responds. "What are you going to do now?" Zero asks. "I am not sure. I don't want to go back there right now. I guess. I will just stay in the cafe. I can't face him right now. I know. He is hurting as bad as I am though." Yuki states. "You still care about his feelings? Will it ever end?" Zero snaps. " Zero its like I am stuck between the two of you. There are times I can't breathe. You both push and pull me. I'm not a rag doll. You both need to learn. I have Feelings, Emotions. I Care. It's not a competition on who is going to win the girl. Maybe I should just stay away from both of you." Yuki comments. "'I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I guess your right. I just love you so much. I can't help myself. I promise I will do better. This situation isn't easy on any of us." Zero responds." Its been a really long night. We need some sleep." Yuki states. "Well, the cafe doesn't really have any place to sleep. The apartment is rented. So if you want to come to the main house you can. I promise. I won't bother you. I will stay in my own room. No strings attached." Zero comments. "I guess at the moment I have no choice. I'm So tired. I guess so." Yuki states. They both get into the car, driving by Kamane's home. Yuki just staring at it, feeling so hurt.

They get to the main house. They both get out. It's already two in the morning. "Good night Zero. " Yuki says heading upstairs to her old room. "Night." Zero replies. Not knowing, if he did the right thing or not by telling her the truth. At the time it was just to hurt Kamane. Yuki wouldn't give in to his advances. He was mad. Thinking back on what Kamane said. That he was just as bad as him. It was true. He now turned her life upside down again, just to hurt Kamane. In the end, hurting Yuki as well. It was a never-ending cycle. He felt ill inside. How could he do that to the woman he loved so dearly. Maybe she was right, their relationship was filled with obsession. It had to end.

It's eight in the morning. Yuki is still sleeping. Zero lets her, knowing she really needs it. Yori is at the cafe, taking care of things. He will stop in later to help. Hanabusa coming over. "How did the thing go with trying to get Yuki upset with your girlfriend?" Hanabusa ask. "Let's just say, that was the least eventful part of the night. I did kiss her in front of Yuki. I saw her face. I couldn't go through with it. When Yuki left I went after her. Maybe I shouldn't of. We started talking. I kissed her. I wanted to be with her. I wanted to hold her. I asked her for just one night. She wanted it to, She was close, but the thought of hurting Kamane stopped it. That just pissed me off. I told her the truth. That he was the reason, we were not together. I let my anger get in the way." Zero confesses. "Oh, shit. Does Kaname know?" Hanabusa asks. "Yes. She went to confront him. I was there too, so he couldn't wiggle out of it. She was and is so hurt. She really trusted him. I believe. She really wanted their relationship. Its why she didn't come back to me. I guess. I screwed that up." Zero comments.

 "Well in a way it sucks, But in another, she knows the truth. She needed to know. Kamane didn't get her the way he should of. He got her because he played her." Hanabusa states. "Yes but he really loved her. They had a nice thing. I couldn't leave it alone. I hate him. I let my jealousy take over."Zero admits. "Yes, that's true. But if he wouldn't have screwed you both over. This wouldn't have happened. Zero, he destroyed your lives. You two were so happy together. She wasn't ever going to leave you. He knew it! He only got her because she thought, you moved on. Because she was hurt. To be honest. I think it was revenge at the start to just piss you off. You remember the ball? How she gloated to say she was with him. To see how you would react? It was to hurt you Like she thought you hurt her." Hanabusa states. "They may be true but this is so wrong. Maybe she is right, maybe she shouldn't be with either of us." Zero says "You come this far, your just going to give up now? I know last night was crazy. I also know. How much you both care about each other. I believe if you two were away from Kamane altogether things wouldn't be crazy. Now that she hates him you may have a better chance." Hanabusa comments. " I don't know. If she sees him again, he may wiggle back in. You know. How he is." Zero states. "Well if he does then I would back off and just let it go. I would even sign the papers then. If not then, I would do my best to put this back together again. Zero. " Hanabusa suggests.

After awhile Yuki is up and ready to go to the Cafe. On the ride there, she doesn't say much. She is very quiet. They get to the Cafe, where Kamane is sitting at the front table waiting. "He has been here since four in the morning." Yori says. " Yuki may I please talk to you." Kamane asks. Yuki sighs. "I Guess. Let's go for a walk." "I want to say. I am truly sorry. I know. That will not fix any of this. I wanted to be with you so badly. I thought if I could only make you see. How much I loved you." Kamane remarks. "Do you know? How hard this is for me Kamane. The last three years. How I loved being with you. You made me feel special in every way. I might not have gushed over you, but I felt the best I ever did. It was all based off of a lie. One you made and hurt me deeply. " Yuki states. "I know. None of that was a lie. I meant everything. I did for you and with you." Kamane comments. "I know but you always lie to me. You always go behind my back. Its why I fought so hard to stay away from you. Its why I didn't leave Zero when you came back. " Yuki admits. "I know. I don't know. What else to say. I know. I hurt you and went behind your back. It was the only way I could think. You wouldn't let him go." Kamane comments. "I still love you Kamane. I just can't trust you." Yuki states. "If you can ever forgive me." Kamane asks as he holds her hands in his. "Why did you have to do this?" Yuik cries. "If I didn't we would have never had the last five years. Three of them being romantic, loving. special. I might have screwed up, but I did show you I loved you." Kamane replies.

 "Yes that you did." Yuki answers. "If he didn't get in the way of things again, we would have been fine. I know it was a lie, but the rest wasn't. He just wouldn't leave you alone. I guess just like I wouldn't. He is as bad as me Yuki. Nothing will get in his way of being with you. It's like neither of us see clearly. We just see the end prize." Kamane remarks. "I'm not a prize Kamane. I'm a person, with feelings. Neither of you seems to understand that at times." Yuki responds. "Yes, that is true. I think. I'm going to go away for a while. I know you're not taking me back. The thought of being in that house without you. kills me. I guess. I should be happy with the three years. Am I so wrong for wanting more?"Kamane asks. "No, there would have been more, if you didn't do this. I didn't want to leave you. As much as my feelings for him were coming back, I still wanted you. Maybe the time away from each other will be good. Time to think. I would like to be with you one last time." Yuki suggests. " Really?" Kamane asks. "Yes, Zero asked that of me, and I couldn't do it. I didn't want to betray you. The thought hurt me so deeply to do that to you. I just wanted to come home to you." Yuki admits. "No wonder he told you. The rejection hurt him. I thank you for not giving in. I am sorry for all the pain I cause you." 

He grabs her and kisses her. Holding her close. She snuggles into his arms. Thinking this would be the last time. They go into there home, into there bedroom. Making love to each other like they did so many years ago. Just this time they both thought it would be the last. When they are done, Yuki lays in his arms. She kisses him passionately before getting dressed. "You're not going to do anything stupid are you Kamane?" Yuki asks. "I already promised you. I wouldn't. I swear.I will keep that promise to you." Kamane responds. "You better, Don't make me have to visit that damn ice coffin ever again."Yuki states. " I won't. I promise. Yuki I still love you." Kamane admits. " I love you to Kamane always. A piece of my heart is with you till the end of my days. I just can't be with someone I can't trust." Yuki says as she walks out of the bedroom door.

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