Chapter 33 Taken

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Chapter 33 Taken

In the morning, Zero, and Yuki went to see Kaien and Yagari. "Last night I ran into Ichiru." Zero says. Something wasn't right though. He was struggling and said it wasn't him, that he was sorry. Yuki said she believes he is being controlled." Says Yagari. But only a pureblood could do that. "Yes. That's what Yuki was saying last night." Zero responds. "The sister to this Nezera, we need to know more about her." Yuki states. "I think she is the key. Could she be a pureblood?" Yagari asks."Could be. It would explain a few things." Yuki states. Kaien saying "But who is her mother and father?" "That's a good question." Zero responds. "I will do some looking around." Says Yagari. "There has to be some records or something about her. Please let me know what you find out, Yagari." Yuki asks. "You know I will let you know first." He answers.

While walking out of the office, Yuki hears something a light voice. She looks around, but no one is there. Zero already headed to the dorm. The other two men were still in the office. Not to mention the voice was feminine. "Hello Yuki, How is your relationship with Zero going?" A feminine voice said. "Where are you? Who are you?" Yuki Snaps. "You will find out soon enough." The voice answers. "Your that Pureblood snooping around, aren't you?" Yuki says. "Ahh aren't you a smart one." The voice answers. "I didn't think you were going to be so smart or powerful. The Yuki I heard about was a dumb bitch." The voice said. Yuki laughs. "That girl is no longer in the building, bitch. I haven't heard anything about you. So your the invisible women. " I wont be for long." The voice answers. You're really not looking after your friends that well, are you Yuki? "What are you talking about? I just love riddles" Yuki responds. "You will know in a few short hours my dear. Enjoy the site. Someone dear to you will be missing, but maybe you won't care. Hmm, Maybe Zero does hold the key to your heart. I guess we will find out." The voice laughs. The voice fades. Yuki confused about what she just heard. She goes back into the office to talk to Yagari. "Yagari may I please speak to you outside?" Yuki asks. "Of course my dear" Yagari replies. What can I do for you? "I just had a conversation with the pure blood. She is talking in riddles of course. Something is going to take place. She is going after one of us. Something about a friend and someone disappearing." Yuki explains. "Well, She can't take any of us." Yagari says. "Let's be real. She isn't getting me." Yagari laughs. "I figured that." Yuki says, "I don't think its Zero either. Come on who wants Kaien? I mean when he brings on the waterworks they will return him in an hour." Yagari says. "True. He is my father, I don't want him hurt." Yuki says. "I understand. We will watch him, But really he can take care of himself. He isn't the crybaby. He lets on to be." Yagari states. "He is a badass hunter. So I doubt it's him either." Yuki says. "Then who?" Yagari questions. "The only one not here is Hanabusa," Yuki says. "He is at the house alone. Shit is that what she means?" Yuki snaps. "I don't know." Yagari remarks."Someone call the house. See if he answers. See if anything is wrong, and put him on alert." Yargari responds.

Back at the Mansion, Hanabusa is in the lab. Testing the blood that Yuki gave him. He finds its a deadly poison named ricin. "It was lucky that Yuki was a pureblood." Hanabusa says to himself. Its the deadliest poison there is. All of a sudden, he senses a pureblood, the smell is close. It's not Yuki. He says to himself. He turns around and says who is there? All of a sudden there is a punch to his face." What the hell!" He says. looking in front of him at the purple haired boy standing there. A voice in the background states, Nezera, not the pretty little face. Sorry he isn't pretty to me. He is just an ass. "Excuse me!" Hanabusa yells. Icing one of Nezera hands. The female in the background near Kamanes ice coffin. Unfreezing it. "You STOP! Leave him alone!" Hanabusa yells. The purple haired boy in front of him, holding him down. Hanabusa trying to kick and punch him. Nezera the woman's voice says. Keep him busy. As she grabs the heart and Kamanes body. Flying out of the room. Nezera and Hanabusa fighting. "Bring him back here." Hanabusa shouts. "Who the hell are you?" Hanabusa yelling louder. The purple haired boy Throws Hanabusa into the wall knocking him out. He then uses his cape to disappear. Hanabusa dazed and confused sitting on the floor. The phone ringing in the background. He drags himself to the phone." Hel...lo..." He says on the phone. Hanabusa, someone is going to come after you. "Really?" He says. I freaking kind of got that idea about five minutes ago. "Are you ok?" Yuki asks. No, my head is spinning. I am not even sure what took place. Some purple haired kid and some women where here. They took Kamane. "What?!" Yuki shouts. Her heart beating fast. We will be there as fast as we can be.

Yuki hangs up the phone, her mind racing. "Oh my god, they took Kamane. What do they want with him? Yagari."She shouts. "What?" He answers. They took Kamane. "Oh Shit." He remarks. I didn't except that one. Hanabusa is hurt. We need to get Zero and go. "Um, Yuki." Yargari, asks. Are you going to tell Zero? "Of course."She answers. He will find out eventually. How do you feel about this Yuki? "I'm not sure. Let's keep focus. I will go get Zero." Yuki states.

Heading to the Dorm where Zero is. Yuki's mind is still racing. Not knowing what this means? What do they want with Kamane? She knocks on Zeros door. "Come in." says Zero. "Yuki what's the matter?" He asks. They went to the mansion. They hurt Hanabusa and Stole Kamane. Zero's face goes blank."They stole Kamane?" He asks."Yes, I am not sure why or what they want with him. We are heading to the mansion, Do you want to come?" Yuki asks. Sure I want to help Hanabusa. Let's go. Yagari is coming with us. Ok, I see you depend on him a lot lately. Yes, I know he will tell me the truth without any bullshit. He doesn't tippy toe around me."I guess you mean that I do?"Zero replies. I have no time for this now Zero. Let's keep our personal stuff out of this."Of Course. It's Kamane." Zero remarks. Yuki walks out rolling her eyes. Here you go again. Zero follows up. They all get into the car to go to the mansion.

Rido is a Kuran, his children would have the blood. The girl is a pureblood. She would be able to do this. But why? Zero asks. Good question Yagari responds. Zero then thinks I think I got it. They want to break me and Yuki up. Bringing him back would dampen things a bit more. True Yagari says that doesn't mean she is running off with him. Zero just looks at Yagari and Yuki. Doesn't mean she isn't either. He replies. Can you two stop talking like I'm not in the room. Yuki shouts. It doesn't matter why they took him. We need to get him back. "That going to be a bit hard, since we don't know where they took him." Yagari notes. True. Let's just get Hanabusa back to Cross. If we stay all under the same roof it should be safer. Zero they get there they run to the lab, and see Hanabusa still on the floor dazed. Zero goes over to him and helps him up. Yagari and Yuki go over to the Coffin to see Kaname's body is gone. So is the heart. Yuki looks at Yagari and says they are going to bring him back."What makes you say that?" Yagari answers. They took the heart. They took everything needed to bring him back. Zero's eyes widen. Doesn't it have to be the blood of a Kuran to bring him back?"Yes." Yuki responds."Rido is a Kuran, his children would have the blood. The girl is a pureblood. She would be able to do this. But why?" Zero asks."Good question."Yagari responds. Zero then thinks, I think I got it. They want to break me and Yuki up. Bringing him back would dampen things a bit ."Yagari says. That doesn't mean she is running off with him."Zero just looks at Yagari and Yuki. Doesn't mean she isn't either."He replies."Can you two stop talking like I'm not in the room."Yuki shouts. It doesn't matter why they took him. We need to get him back. "That going to be a bit hard , since we don't know where they took him." Yagari notes. "True. Let's just get Hanabusa back to Cross. If we stay all under the same roof it should be safer." Zero remarks.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now