Chapter 9 Going back

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Chapter 9 Going Back

Its been four years, since Yuki has been to the mansion. Hanabusa and Yori Visit as much as they could. They would even let Seiya stay. A few weeks at a time for a visit. Ai just loves that. She is now six years old. A sweet, smart little girl. She is very mature for her age. She looks a lot like Kamane. Which makes Yuki think about him. Yuki and Zero get along great. They have had a wonderful marriage so far. It's more than either of them, could have imaged. There love is still strong. So is there desire for each other. They have been thinking about having a child together. So far its just talk nothing to report. Zero is the Association president. He stays away for days at a time lately. Which makes Yuki lonely. She still dislikes that, he works there, but keeps her opinion to herself. He hasn't come home with any life-threatening injuries. So she stays quiet.

One day while working in the garden. Yuki got a call. It was Ruka. Yuki I wanted to call to invite you to our wedding. Akatsuki and I are finally tieing the knot. "Oh, how wonderful," Yuki says with excitement. "Zero and I will be there. We are having the wedding at the mansion with only a small amount of people. So you and Zero can be yourselves." Ruka states. "Great." Yuki answers. It will be great to see everyone. Ai has gotten so big. Wait till you see her. "Ohh. I bet." Ruka replies. See you next week. As they say their goodbyes. Zero walks in. Hi babe. I see you were working in the garden again. "Yes." says Yuki. I just got off the phone with Ruka. Her and Akatsuki are getting married. "Oh. That's nice." Zero says. Not really caring one way or another. We are invited to go. Zero's eyes widen. "oh...really?" Zero replies. Not really liking the idea. "Yes. I said we would be there." Yuki answers. "Oh Yuki. Do we have to? "Zero says. " Of course, they are our good friends. I want to see them get married. They are doing it at the mansion, so we can be ourselves. Only a few people there." Yuki states. "Akatsuki family are part of the council Yuki. We will still have to keep our distance while they are there. Acting like we are not together. " Zero mutters." Oh. One night won't kill us. It will be good to see Hanabusa and Yori. Please." , She says. Looking into his eyes. "Oh hell. You know. I cant. say no to you." Zero replies as he grabs and kisses her. A soft moan escaping her mouth. "Tonight you will have to give extra loving to make up for it though." Zero smirks with an evil grin. "Oh really?" She replies. I think. I can manage that. As they both giggle.

The following week is here. Yuki packs the car and Ai to go to the mansion. Zero is at work. He will meet them there afterward. Acting as he lives there. Like they haven't see each other in years, If the council is there. Yuki slowly drives up to the mansion. That hasn't really changed much at all, in the past four years. She takes there bags out of the car. Walking to the door. As she goes up the doorway. Memories come flooding in. The first time. She was there with Kamane. The blood trail from the attach on Zero. So many memories just overtake her. She walks in the door greeted by Yori, Hanabusa and their son, Ruka, and Akatsuki. They all hug and ask how each other is doing. Ai and Seiya, hurry and go play. After the greets, Yuki goes upstairs to put her bags away. She goes to the room her and Zero shared before they left. She opens the door. Placing her bags on the bed. Looking all around. Nothing really changed. She sits on the bed. Thinking about even more things, that took place there. Yearning to go see Kamane. She opens her bedroom door and walks to his encased ice tomb. Hanabusa outside the door." Still guarding. I see." Yuki says with a smile. Of course. Now and always. You know that Yuki. Yes, I do. I will give you some space for your visit. As Hanabusa walks away. Yuki goes and sits next to the coffin of ice. Tears form in her eyes. "My dear sweet Kamane. I have missed you so much. I just want to thank you for all that you did. When you were alive. How you protected me. All that you gave me. I never realized it back then. The time away made me realize a lot. I saw. How you protected me. Like I protect Zero. I remember the roses and gifts you adorn me with. Your soft calm voice and hand. I am still mad you left me though. You don't know. How much you are missing. We have this beautiful little girl. She looks so much like you. When I look at her, I see you. It hurts Kaname. I love Zero always will. But I also love you. I so yearn to hear your voice. Tears streaming down her face, pain in her heart. I don't show it around people anymore. I try to be strong. The Pure Blood I am supposed to be. The pain is still there, It never left. I moved my life on, but you're in my heart. How could you just leave me?" She cries. I will never get over that. Tears falling on the ice coffin. Well, I better go. I will be back tomorrow as I will be staying here awhile. Yuki wipes her eyes to make sure there are no signs. That she was crying. Then she walks out of the room, turning her head back to look at Kaname's body. "All yours." Hanabusa. "She says". as she keeps on walking.

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