Chapter 133 Did She? Didn't She?

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Chapter 133 Did She? Didn't She?

Zero goes back to the cafe later in the evening. Yuki behind the counter working. She sees him. Giving him a big smile. Her happiness shining through. "Everything ok Zero?" Yuki asks. "Yes. Seems it was just a gas leak. The whole building is gone though. So are all of the councilmen." Zero replies. "Oh well. Yuki replies." "You don't find this suspicious? You don't care?" Zero asks. "No. Not really. Why would I? Things happen." Yuki remarks. "Kamane said. He is going to go on the counsel himself. That so are you? When did this take place?" Zero asks. "I told Kamane, if it was ever possible, that I would like a seat. I told him if it was ever possible. He should take one also. That way we can have our peace. No more worries. Never thought. We would actually get the chance to get the seat." Yuki explains. "Do you think Kamane had something to do with this?" Zero asks. "No. It was a gas leak Zero." Yuki states.

Zero noticing something different about Yuk. The way she replied to that question. She never lied to him before. This time he felt she was. There was just something in the way she acted about this whole situation. If she did know anything. She did it to make them able to be together. It was for them, but why not tell me? He thought. "Zero you are staying a bit after, I close up right?" Yuki asks." Yes. If you want me to. " Zero responds. "Yes, please. I miss you so much. I just want to spend time with you. Maybe have some dinner?" Yuki states. "Sure. Sounds good babe." Zero replies. Noticing that didn't change. She still wanted him. He tried to push his bad thoughts in the back of his mind. If she did this, it was for us. I really don't care. I just wish. She was honest. If she did this. It sure was a lot to do. She would be as deadly as Kamane. Then they were from the same family. Zero thought to himself. My Sweet innocent Yuki. What has she turned into? All these years of fighting to stay together has turned her into this? A Killer? Zero's heart sank at the thought. He knew. If she did this. They hired someone. She didn't actually do the killing. Yet still. That took a lot to do. He knew. Yuki could get cold and bitchy but this would be a whole new level. This would actually make her worse then Kamane. Zero thought naw. Not Yuki. Maybe it was just Kamane. He shook his head. Clearing his mind. So he could enjoy the rest of the evening.

Yuki closes up the Cafe. Going into the kitchen, where she prepared a dinner. Just for her and Zero. All the workers have gone home. It's just him and her. She filled out a table with two plates, two glasses, and candles. Bringing Zero into the Kitchen. "Have a seat," Yuki says. "Yuki you did all this?" Zero asks. "Yes. We haven't really got to spend that much time together. Just on the weekends and Wednesdays. I wanted to do something nice. For just me and you. I really do miss you. I know. We still have a few more months of this. Just now maybe, we can get back to our old life sooner." Yuki responds. "Yea maybe. You know. You can always tell me anything?" Zero states. "Yes. I know. And same for you Zero." Yuki replies. Not flickering an eyelash. No emotion. Zero has no way of reading her this time. They sit there having their dinner. Talking and being together. She is loving and closer toward him. Wanting him. After dinner, they go upstairs to the apartment. Snugging up together. Watching tv and making love. Zero enjoying the time together. Yuki relaxed and calm.

He doesn't know. What to think. He just says to himself. The hell with it. If it means we will finally be happy together. So be it. I have no proof anyway. Which means no one does. It's a shut case. Let it stay that way. If she did do it. In time she might let me know. IF not What ever. I am not going to let this tear us apart. She wants me. I want her. Let it go.

In the morning. Zero gets up. Kissing Yuki's head. Knowing that he has to leave before anyone gets here. Hating to have to. Now knowing. That it won't be long until they can return to there normal lives. He says. His goodbyes. leaving for work. Knowing. He will see her on the weekend.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now