Chapter 56 Let's Go To The Party.

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Chapter 56 Let's go to the party.

It's been five years. Zero Jr. Who they call Z or ZJ, is now five years old. The twins are going on eighteen. Their family is growing up. The catering business is doing great. They have more clients, then they know what to do with. They had to hire staff. Zero and Yuki's relationship is still strong. They spend a lot of time together. Still, never tiring of the other. Yuki's Granddaughter is now six. She spends a lot of time at Yuki's house. Kamane also comes by. He helps with anything they need. Zero and Kaname have gotten used to being around each other, for the sake of the family. Everything seems great. Kamane still holds resentment and hatred towards Zero. That never left. He hides it well though. Hanabusa and Yori still live on the property. Even though, he will no longer need to teach the twins. He still has ZJ now to tend to. Which Hanabusa is very happy about. He would hate to have to leave, or just not teach anymore. He now will have ZJ and Erikia to tend to. Yori isn't as young as she use to be. She is aging like a human. Where the rest still look young and beautiful. She is slowing up and it scares Yuki and Hanabusa. They keep asking if she would like to turn, but she always says no.

One day while Zero is reading his paper at the kitchen counter. He sees Ren grabbing a bag, and heading out. "Hey Son. Where are you going?" Zero asks. Ren now eighteen, Tall, slender and very good looking like his father. "I'm going to Cross, I will be back on Monday dad." Ren replies. "You're going to see her aren't you?" Zero asks. "See who? Ai?" Ren comments. "No, son. I'm not that dumb. I know. You go there to see Yoshiko. I have known for years son." Zero says. "Sorry dad, I just know how mom feels about her, so I never bring her up. At Cross, we can be ourselves everyone there knows. We are a couple. They are cool with it. Ai likes her also." Ren replies. " I think its best you keep it from your mother for a little longer. Things are so nice, and smooth here. We don't need it to change. Your mother is so happy, so am i. Let's leave it be." Zero remarks. "Ok, dad. You got it. You know. I wouldn't do anything to hurt mom ever." Ren responds. "Oh, I know. How you two are. Trust me. Its why I am asking you, not to tell her. She might lock you away, so you can't go out forever." Zero laughs. "Not funny dad." Ren replies. "Go have fun and be safe. See you when you get home. Love ya son." Zero says. "Love ya dad." Ren answers.

A few hours later, Yuki comes home with a few bags in her hands. "I'm home." She says. "Hey babe, had fun shopping?" Zero asks. "Yes, I had to get a dress for the ball tomorrow." Yuki replies. "Oh, not that crap again. I hate those things." Zero replies. "I know you do. I'm not that fond of them myself, But we haven't been to one in a while. So we should make an appearance." Yuki remarks. "Eh." Zero remarks. "That's my Zero." Yuki comments.

Tomorrow comes and Aiko is staying home to take care of ZJ. Yuki puts on a red tight long dress off the shoulder beaded dress with a slit. Zero puts on his tux. Grumbling the whole time. "Wow, you look hot babe." Zero says as he kisses her. "So do you." She responds. "Let's just make an appearance and leave." Yuki says. "Sounds good to me. I don't want to be here anymore, then I have to be." Getting into the car and driving to the ball. They get out and go in. There are a lot of people everywhere. Which Zero hates. One being Kamane. "Good Evening you two." Kamane says. "Good evening." They reply. "The ball looks bigger this year." Yuki says. "Yes, a lot of people are here. I would like to introduce you to someone."She is a new member of the Council. She was very interested, in talking to Zero." Kamane adds. " I would like you to meet Kharis." Kamane. This tall, slender woman with red long hair, and eyes wearing a black long dress, with a deep plunging V neck and a very high slit. Appears. "Hi, I am Kharis," She says only looking at Zero. "Hi." Zero replies. "May I have a word with you?" She says to him. "Sure." He says. Walking away from Kaname and Yuki. " Would you like to dance Yuki?" Kamane asks. "Sure, looks like Zero is busy. Might as well." Yuki says.

After an hour of hanging out with Kamane, Yuki is getting antsy. "We were supposed to leave soon, as we got here. He is still talking to her." Yuki remarks. " Oh, he is fine. She just wants to ask his opinions on things." Kamane states. "Yes, but why? He hasn't been part of the Association for many years." Yuki responds. " True, but he was a big part of it." Kamane replies. Yuki walks over to Zero and Kharis. She slides her hand around Zero's arm. "Hi, Are you ready to go now Zero?" Yuki Asks. "Sure babe, Just give me a minute." Zero replies." Ok." She replies. Standing next to Zero, Watching how Kharis has his full attention. Seeing him not only look at her face but also her cleavage in the deep plunging V neck dress. Seeing how Zero is hanging on every word. She says. "Ok Zero five minutes are up. Let's go." Yuki says. "Ok ok. It was really nice to meet you Kharis." Zero says. "Same here. We shall meet again. Come to the Association tomorrow. I will be there talking to the other Hunters." Kharis says. "Sure. I wouldn't miss it. " He replies. As Yuki stares at him with knives in her eyes. They walk away and go to the car. "Yuki that was very rude of you." Zero remarks. " Are you kidding me? Did you think? I didn't see you staring at her breasts. How you hung on every word? What the hell was that?" Yuki snaps. "Oh, you're being ridiculous." Zero replies. "I know. What I saw Zero." She says with anger. "God the first time I talk to a woman and you're jealous. What should I say? That Kamane is always at our house, always around you." Zero snaps back. "Oh back on the Kamane shit again? Right always go back there, when there isn't anything else. Blame it on me. Last time I knew Kamane didn't come over showing his tits to everyone!" Yuki barks. "Shit if he had any to show. I am sure. He would have flaunted them in front of you already." Zero snaps back. "Oh, you are so childish!" Yuki Hisses. "Whatever!" Zero replies.

Once home they go upstairs and take off their formal clothes. Getting ready for bed. "Zero." Yuki says in a low voice. "Yes?" Zero replies. "I'm sorry. You know how much I love you. I get jealous. I can't help it." Yuki says. " I know. It's ok. Let's just go to bed." Zero replies. Yuki putting her arms around him and kissing his lips. Putting her hands under his night shirt. "Hmm Trying to see my boobs now huh?" He says while he laughs. "Oh shut up." She laughs back.

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