Chapter 78 I Can't Let You Be Free.

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Chapter 78. I cant let you be free.

Its been two months, that Zero has dated Hinami. She comes to the cafe every night. Yuki has learned to control herself again. She treats Hinami very nice. Even lets her stay after closing hours. She always offers her something to eat. Yuki knows. That Zero needs someone. It still hurts but she has gotten a lot better at hiding her feelings towards him again. Trying to make things normal for everyone. While Zero is just trying to get her attention with Hinami. He now sees that Yuki has calmed down. She accepted it. Which just makes him mad. So he feels, he will up the relationship. To see if Yuki will take the bait.

Hinami comes in later that night. Sits at the counter with Yuki. Having her cup of tea. Yuki goes to get her a sandwich. While she does, she sees Zero come out of the Office and place a passionate kiss on Hinami lips. When Zero goes to see Yuki's reaction, he sees hurt written all over her face. He regrets. What he just did. Realizing that he is now playing her Yuki's emotions. Thinking how did it get this far? What am i doing? Yuki quickly shakes it off. Giving the sandwiches to both of them. "You two enjoy your night. I'm going to go home. You can lock up Zero." She says as she grabs her purse and walks outside. Taking a deep breathe as she starts walking home. There is a park across the street from Yuki's home. She feels instead of going inside, that she will just sit on the park bench for a while. Taking in the sites. After awhile Zero shows up along side the bench. 

"Zero what are you doing here? I thought. You were on your date?" Yuki stares up at him and says. "I was. She went home. Yuki I just want to say, I'm sorry." He says as he sits next to her on the bench. "Sorry, for what? Moving on? Its what i wanted. I am glad. You found someone you like. It just takes a little adjustment seeing you with someone else." Yuki admits. " I don't want to hurt you. It seems i try to. To get a rise out of you. To see if you still care. I am sorry about tonight. That wasn't fair of me. I notice you being so nice to Hinami. You accepted her, and i keep making it awkward for you." Zero admits. " Well you put up with Kamane, granted we don't kiss like that in front of you. He isn't around all the time like she is. If you're happy with her then, I will do my best to accept it. I just think for not being together anymore, we may be too close." Yuki admits "What do you mean?" Zero asks. "Well in reality Zero ,when two people are not together anymore, they don't see each other daily. I think. That only makes things harder on both of us. I don't want you to give up your job. I love you doing the books. I just think. That maybe we should come in at different times. I think. We need some space between us. That way we can grow with the other people we are with. I'm sure Hinami doesn't like that I'm always around either. Also if you are really serious with her...Yuki takes a deep breathe. ...If you need me to sign the papers. I will. I will give you your freedom." Yuki says. Doing her best to be strong. 

"No, not at the moment. If things change. I will let you know." Zero says sadly. Placing his hand on hers. She gladly excepts it and squeezes it tightly. "Zero , i know this really isn't any of my business. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Have you and Hinami made love yet?" Yuki asks. "No, We haven't gotten that far. To be honest, I am not sure if I can."Zero admits. "I'm sorry. That wasn't fair of me to ask. I just...needed to know." Yuki states. Zero lifting her head, so her eyes are looking at him. Her eyes filled with tears. She closes her eyes and the tears stream down. " I had no right to ask you that. I been with someone for three years. I don't know. What is gotten over me? "Yuki confesses. "You love me Yuki. Can you just admit it?" Zero says softly. Looking into her eyes. "Yes, I do love you. I been noticing it more and more." She confesses. Zero places a light kiss on her lips. Her eyes close. She moves closer to him. Her heart beating fast and his to. "Be with me tonight Yuki. Don't fight me. Just give me one night. In the morning, I will let you go. If you want to." Zero comments. "Zero if we do this, it will hurt innocent people." Yuki comments. "They don't have to know. Just one night to see if it's still there. To be close to you. To hold you. I want to make love to you Yuki. You are still my wife." Zero states. As he places another kiss on her lips. " Zero it would hurt him deeply. I don't think. I can do that to him." Yuki replies. "Will you stop thinking of him. Think of yourself. What do you want to do? Do you want me? Do you still desire me? When i touch you, do you want more?" Zero says. As he pulls her close. His hands roaming her body. He kisses her passionately. "Zero please, if you keep going i won't be able to stop. Please." She says trying to push him away, but not able to. Her desire for him just as strong as his for her. "Then don't. Come back to the cafe with me." Zero says. " I can't. I want to. God knows i do. I just can't do that to them. I know. I wouldn't like it.

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