Chapter 27 Trying to move on.

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Chapter 27 Trying to move on

It's been a few weeks. Yuki is healing slowly. She stays in the guest room, Sitting quietly in the chair looking out the window. She doesn't really talk to anyone. Not even Yori. Zero will visit her as often as he can. He will talk to her, but she barely responds. She is cold and empty. Zero tries to sleep in the room on the chair next to her bed. She still flinches when he tries to touch her. There is no holding or touching like there use to be. She has no feeling. It's like whatever use to be is gone. Not only with Zero but with everything. She is an empty shell. She doesn't cry anymore. She stopped that days ago. Her eyes are just blank with rage. She hasn't talked about the night or the baby. Not really anything. Zero will try to bring up the weather, or how Ren and Aiko are doing at Cross. He gets no reaction. She hasn't been back in there bedroom this whole time. Zero had it cleaned and most of the items replaced. So if she does go in there, the shambles that it was turned into is gone. Zero and Hanabusa Guard Yuki. They try not to let her notice but one is always there at all times. Just in case Ichiru comes back to finish the job. Not really knowing his full intentions.

"Hey Zero". Hanabusa says. "How is she today? " Same Zero responds. " She is so cold." Hanabusa nods. "How are her buries?" he asks. They are doing better. There are fingerprint marks on her thighs, Hanabusa. Every time she goes to the bathroom, they are there as a reminder. It kills me to see them. "Do you think he went all the way?" Hanabusa asks. I'm not sure. I don't know if I got there in time or not. She won't talk about anything. And I'm not bringing that up. " I don't blame you." Hanabusa says. She doesn't talk much to my wife either. She always confined in her. Hanabusa says. " it's like talking to an empty carton of milk." "Sadly Yori is right", Zero says. You get no response. She has no emotion. Before she would cry at least. Now nothing. She still won't let me touch her. She will drink my blood but only from my wrist. She keeps her hands to herself. Its the only time I even get to touch her. It's going to take her awhile Zero even if the intruder didn't look like you. "Yes, I know." Zero responds but it didn't help that he did.

While they are talking downstairs, Yuki is upstairs heading to her bedroom. She wants to get her pjs. Also wanting to see the room it all took place in. She opens the door, standing in the doorway. Looking in, she gathers the strength to go in. She notices everything has been cleaned up and removed. Looking at the bed makes her sick. She runs to the bathroom to throw up. Sitting on the floor next to the toilet. Zero comes in. " Yuki are you OK?" He asks in a concerned voice. "Yes, Please leave me alone. " Yuki responds. "You shouldn't be in here." Zero says. We can make the guest room our new room. I'm Fine. Yuki tries to get up, but stumbles. Zero places his hand on her waist, she jerks. "Please don't." She says. Zero let's go, a sad feeling running through him. I just wanted to help. " I know, I'm fine." She responds. " I miss you Yuki." Zero says in a low sad tone. I just can't Zero. I'm sorry but I can't. " I know your hurting". Zero says. Let me help you. I need to do this on my own Zero. I don't want to hurt you. I know you didn't do this to me. Just at the moment, I can't. I can't stay here Zero. I am going to Cross. I will stay with Ai, Seiya, and Kaien. In the old dorm. That way I can also be with Ren and Aiko. I need to get away from here. I need time alone. Time to think. Time to heal. " What about us?" Zero asks.

 I don't know, I am sure I will see you there. I know you're always there. Don't push me away Yuki. Remember when I did that? It hurt us both. " I know." Yuki states. When you did it I deserved it. I did something to betray you. You don't deserve this. I just can't be around you right now. There are so many things going through my mind. I just need space. I'm not saying we are over. I just can't be here now. "You may still need protection." Zero states. Don't worry, I have Kaien. I know he will protect me no matter what. Plus I am going to go back to my training. " I am sure with the anger I feel at this moment I can get my power back." Yuki states. What are you planning on doing Yuki? Nothing stupid? Please, Zero Don't. I'm not a child. " I don't need your approval." "You're not my father". Yuki says in a rash tone." I know Zero." says, but I do love you. I don't want you hurt. "HA." She shouts. "Hurt?" I think we are a little too late for that. "Hurt is an understatement Zero. Yuki hisses. It wasn't your fault Zero. I do want you to know. I realize that. So please don't think I blame you. My anger isn't toward you. "It's nice to know that." Zero says. I thought you did blame me. No why would i? A Lot was my own fault. I didn't have the power to ... kill him. I could do it to those level Es, but i don't have it now. The twins took so much. I didn't have enough to just make him turn to ash. And i paid the ultimate price for it. " Yuki "Zero says You don't blame yourself for the baby? Zero how could you ask that? Of course i do. I was suppose to protect it. I didn't. I tried but i just wasn't strong enough. When it counted i wasn't strong enough. She kept saying over and over. Zero looking at her unraveling in front of him. He puts his arms around her and pulls her close. Yuki ,Please it wasn't your fault. You did everything you could. It wasn't good enough. "Zero she cries " it wasn't good enough. Babe please, it wasn't your fault. I will keep telling you that till you realize it.

 Seeing that she isn't pushing him away this time. he holds her even closer. How can you even look at me Zero? I failed at protecting our child and even myself. Yuki how can you say that? "Yuki did he...Did he go all the way?" Zero shudders. No, you came just in time. I was so weak i couldn't push him away anymore. If you didn't get there he would of. She wraps her arms back around him tears filling her eyes.. He closes his eyes in relief. First from knowing he didn't actually have sex with Yuki and second feeling her arms around him. Its been so long. She lets go , wipes her eyes, staring at Zero. I will be leaving this afternoon. I need away from this house. "OK", Zero says. I will see you when i visit if that OK? Sure, that's fine. She walks out the door back to her room to gather her things. Her emotions all over the place. Still filled with rage and anger. She packs her bags and leaves with the driver not saying bye to anyone.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now