Chapter 47 New Beginnings

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Chapter 47 New Beginnings

Yuki and Zero go to see the house in person. Yuki is the most excited. She has been in months. Zero just takes it in and smiles. The house is huge. Three car garage, extra large kitchen. Even enough ground to build a stable for White lily. It was more then they needed. "Zero, what do you think?" Yuki says happily. "I Think its awesome. Maybe a little too big for us?" Zero explains. "No, not really. We have Hanabusa and Yori staying with us. The twins me and you. It should be fine." Yuki states. "Ok. I see it makes you happy. Let's go for it." Zero answers. "We will take it!" Yuki tells the realtor, As she is dancing around the Kitchen. Zero just watching her feeling peaceful. She goes over to him and gives him a kiss. "Thank you Zero." She says. " I didn't really do anything, but ok." He replies. Yuki then says to the realtor, we will be paying cash. "We will need this done asap, so we can move in. So just let us know all you need, and we will get it to you." Yuki replies. "What will we be taking from the other house?" Zero asks. "Nothing but our clothes. I don't want anything from that place. We will buy all new stuff for our new house." Yuki States. "Won't that be expensive?" Zero inquires. "Yes, but I never really used my family money. You went to work. Then so did i. We used our own. It's time to spend the other as well. It's there for me to build my life with. So I am going to use it." Yuki declares. "Ok," Zero says.

Heading back to Cross, Yuki is very happy. The realtor said. That she would make the house close, as soon as she could. The buyers were more than willing due to them paying in cash. Once there Yuki heads to see Ai. She can't wait to tell her. "Hi, Mother." Ai says. Hi darling. We found a house and bought it. It is so pretty. I just can't wait to show you." Yuki says. "That sure was fast mother. Seems like your trying to run away. Did father believe that little speech you gave him earlier?" Ai comments. "Yes, I believe so. I showed no emotion. I did one of his own tricks." Yuki explains. "Do you think that's really going to work Mother? I mean you know you still care for him. Not as a brother either. " Ai responds. "Look Ai, I do love your father, but as I told him. I can't. Just because you are sexually attracted to someone doesn't make a relationship. It's not going to fix everything. That was broken with us before. I am truly happy with Zero. I made my choice. I will do my best to treat Kamane as my brother. I will only see him at family events. When I do see him, I will try to limit the contact between us. Only having people in the room with us." Yuki states. "I am not sure that's going to always work mother but if this is what you want. I am here for you. I love all three of you. I don't want to see any of you hurt. I do feel this is going to lead to someone hurt in the end anyway." Ai states. " I will not be coming back to Cross Ai. You will have to come to me. You can bring Kaien. I am going to stay away from this place, not only because of Kamane. There are others here I do not wish to see." Yuki comments. "You mean my half sister and my uncle?" Ai states. "Yes, it would be best, if I don't see them again. I truly dislike both of them." Yuki states. "Mother I know what they did to you. I'm truly sorry. I do happen to like her. We get along great. My uncle is very nice also. It is kind of freaky. How much he looks like Dad though. I am sure that's not easy for you either." Ai responds. "No, it's not easy at all. There are times Zero comes near me, and I want to bolt. I try my best not to make him see that. I know. He didn't do anything to me. It's just hard. I am overcoming it. It will just take time. I use his tattoo as a help to remind me it's him." Yuki answers. "Mother are you sure about all this?" Ai questions. "Yes, I believe away from here things can heal. When its just me and Zero things are great. I want to go back to what we were...Or at least try.

Later that night they are in Zeros old room, laying in bed. Yuki is laying on top of Zero. "This is the closet, we have been in a while."Zero says. "Yes. I like using you as my pillow." She winks at him. "I am glad your feeling better Yuki. I really did miss you. I have to be honest though, the thought of not working and being home all the time scares me. I am not used to it." Zero admits. "Yea I know me too. I am sure we will find our way though. At first, we will have to fix up the house together. I know you want a stable for white lily. I might even get a cat. I want this house to feel like home. If we get bored, we can go on vacations, or even find a regular safe job." Yuki comments. Maybe we will even be blessed with another little one. That should keep us busy. Yuki adds. "Yes, that would. I would like that." Zero comments.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now