Chapter 171 Letting go of the past

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Chapter 171 Letting go of the past

Its been a few weeks and Yuki has been at the main house. She has taken the house apart and gave it a good cleaning. Even went out and got new curtains, and some new things to spruce up the place. To give it a new look. It's been a while since she, really lived in the house. She figured to make it like home again. Zero really doesn't care. What she does with the place. He is just happy. She is there. It makes him feel good to know. She feels like this is home. They have been spending more time together and with the kids. They get along great. Their sex life is great also, but that never really was a problem. Zero does see from time to time. Yuki gets low, she just tries to hide it. To push it deep down. He asked her a few times if she was ok. She just responds. Yes with a smile and moves on. He hopes that one day, she will open up to him. Like she could Kaname. He notices. She does here and there. Just not like he would like. Zero feels that the, more she would trust him not to go off, the more she will confide in him. So he has been doing his best to control his outbursts. He tries to listen to what she says without overreacting. Like he has in the past. He knows that was always a big thing to her. That she hated him, throwing the things she could confide to him against her. He knew. It was time for him to grow up on that. They were not kids anymore. He should be able to hear, what she is saying. Without flipping out all the time.

Today Yuki goes into their old bedroom. The one where Zero asked for the Divoice in. The one they don't sleep in. Only here and there when they had to. She opens the windows to let the air in. Let the beautiful sunlight in. She takes the bedding off the bed and throws it away. Getting a brand new set and putting it on. Then she gets all the old stuff that was laying around in the room for years untouched and throws it away. Putting all new items in their place. Bringing Zero's clothes and her own into the drawers and closets. Placing Zeros glasses on the nightstand. Making it their room again. Taking back her power. Taking back her life. She takes the old pink flowery curtains off the window, and she replaces them with white lacey ones. The bed now in a White floral print, with two large puffy pillows and a soft furry pink blanket at the end of the bed. She leaves the Window open to let in some sun and air. Heading back downstairs to the kitchen to put dinner on. The kids get home before Zero. They wash up and get ready for dinner. Zero comes in the door.

"Hey, babe." How was your day?" Zero asks. "It was good. When you go up to change. Go to our old room. I will explain later." Yuki replies. "Ok. I just want to sit down and have dinner with you and the kids. I missed you." Zero says. "Same here." She responds. "This house looks great babe. It's so clean and homey again. I love coming home." Zero admits. "I am glad you like it. Its taking time but the house is coming together. I have a lot of boxes that have to go to goodwill. I think. It's best to let go of the past." Yuki says. " I think so too. I will drop them off this weekend." Zero replies. They sit down to dinner with the kids. Having a great meal. Listening to the stories of the day. Their family is growing closer. Like they use to be. Zero is very happy. He loves coming home to a home-cooked meal. The whole house smelling great. The kids and Yuki at the table. This is what he fought so hard for. This is what he wanted. For the first time in a long time. He felt like he could breathe. Like things were finally coming together.

After dinner, the kids go into the family room. Zero goes upstairs to change. Going into their old room like Yuki asked him to. He looks around seeing all new things. That she moved them back into that room. Zero a little confused. He just gets his PJs and gets his shower. Figuring Yuki would explain. She said. She would. No Need to wonder. After his shower. Yuki is now done cleaning up downstairs. She is getting her nightie and getting ready for her own shower. "Babe. there was something you wanted to tell me?" Zero asks. "Yes. I took back our original room. I am putting the past in the past. I am not letting Kharis run my life anymore. This was our room for a lot of years. We had a lot of great times here. I have to let go of the bad ones." Yuki states. "I think that's great. I am so glad to hear it. I am not leaving you ever Yuki. I swear to you."Zero replies. " I know. I feel a lot better that the divorce papers are no longer to. I want to say goodbye to all the things that hurt. The paper wants to say your with her. So be it. I know your not. Your mine. That's all I need." Yuki responds. "Babe, you don't know how happy that makes me. We have been doing really well. I know things can get even better." Zero comments as he walks over to her holding her close and kissing her. "I Love you Zero." Yuki states." I love you too." Zero responds.

Yuki takes her shower and they both head to bed. Yuki is trying her best to move on. Not only from Kharis, but from Kaname. The last few weeks have been hard on her. She is trying to forget and let go by cleaning. Using it to get her mind off things. Every once in awhile missing Kaname. Wanting to call him to tell him what's new. She misses talking and hearing his voice. It's harder than she thought it would be. Not letting Zero know anything about it. Keeping it all to herself. Buried deeply. Protecting his feelings again.

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