Chapter 42 At Last

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Chapter 42. At Last

Yuki, Zero, Kaname, and Hanabusa head to the dungeon. Where no one could follow, or hear what they are saying. There is no windows or anything to peek into. "Did those Damn bats disappear?" Hanabusa asks. "Yes they went to go tell there master,that i'm on there way. "Yuki laughs." Are you sure this is going to work Yuki?" Zero asks. "Yes, she wants me to be caught off guard. So if she thinks, i'm heading there. She will come here. Right own my own turf. I want you all to be ready. But i also want you all to stand back. If you see things getting out of control with my power. Get out. Don't stand there. I still don't have full control. I don't want to hurt any of you." Yuki explains. She turns to Zero, looking into his eyes. "Whatever you do. Please be careful. If when this is over, if i don't have you , there is nothing left of me." Yuki says, in a soft tone. "Babe i will be right here. I promise you." Zero states. "Kamane i know this may hurt you so ,please you don't have to involve yourself. "Yuki says." I love you also Kamane and i don't want you hurt either. I want our daughter to meet her father, and be able to spend time with you. To learn how special you really are." Yuki says. My darling Yuki, "i will be here also,when this is over. I want very much to meet our child. Just please. Don't hurt this one too much." Kamane asks. Yuki doesn't answer as she isn't sure what is going to happen.

Yuki goes walking the grounds at night. Making her self the target. She feels that Yoshiko will be coming for her tonight. The others laying low. So no one sees them. Yuki sees in the tree next to her Kuro and Shiro. They have returned, to watch Yuki. When all of a sudden Yuki hears that voice in her head again. "Hello, Yuki. What are you doing out here all alone?" Yoshiko says. "Taking a walk, where are you?" Yuki replies. "I know yours here. Show yourself. Let me see the bitch. Who has been screwing with my life. "Yuki snaps."Well, Well, aren't you bitter?" Yoshiko answers. Laughing. "I am glad you find this funny." Yuki responds. "Are you going to show yourself or not?" Yuki shouts. No need to shout. Here I am. Yoshiko appears in front of Yuki. "So you're the one, that has been bugging me?" Yuki asks." Yes, I am." Why?" Yuki asks. "Because of my father of course. You left him to rot. You had the chance to take him back, but you wouldn't. My father loves you dearly. You do this to him?" Yoshiko hisses." I had my reasons. "Yuki replies. "Yea because of Zero! Everything is because of your beloved." Yoshiko snaps." Silly little girl, not everything is about Zero. He wasn't entirely behind my reasoning." Yuki states. "Oh really? Then what was?" Yoshiko asks." Your father has a tendency to mess with my life. He likes to control me. Treating me as a child. Instead of a woman. Not to mention, no matter how much he screws up my life. I still for some reason what him." Yuki states. "Do you think that your father is perfect? "Yuki asks." No, no one is." Yoshiko says. "I am glad you know it. Your father hurts people. I don't think. He means to but he does. He hurt me badly. You make me out to be the bad guy in all this when I was just protecting my heart. He left me. He promised to be with me forever and then left. He changed my world turning me into a vampire again. Living with me for a year. Keeping me in the dark, no less. Making all these plans behind my back. Stating it was to protect me. Well, it sure didn't feel that way. When he died. I was totally in love with him. I was ready to live forever with him. He didn't give me that chance. He gave me one night, to truly love him, and then he left. So if I wanted him to stay dead, It should have stayed that way!" Yuki snaps. "My, My aren't you resentful." Yoshiko comments. "And your not?" Yuki replies." You take up way too much of my fathers time. He is always running after you. Instead of staying with me and getting to know left me." Yuki laughs. Ahh, now you see how I felt." I guess in a way yes. If you weren't here, he wouldn't be able to spend so much time with you." Yoshiko states. "You were the one pushing me toward him." Yuki says. "True true. It would have Hurt Zero. You know how insecure he is when it comes to my Father. The sad part is. My father feels the same way about him. They are both fighting for your love." Yoshiko remarks. "I can't be with your father, even though part of me wants to be. I can't trust him. The hurt runs too deep. I know he is there to protect me and loves me. But he was before and look what he did. Why not do it again?" Yuki states. Wow, Does my father know this? Yes, I told him." Yuki answers. "I am still here to tear you apart Yuki." Yoshika admits." If you think you can, then go far it. I have been through worse than you!" Yuki smirks. "Well, aren't you confident in yourself." Yoshiko says. As she does Kaname, Zero and Hanabusa appear. "It helps when you have friends that always stick with you. Not something you would know about." Yuki remarks. Nezera appears next to Yoshiko. "OH, that purple haired kid is mine." Hanabusa states. As he goes up to him and punches him in the nose. "How do you like it?" Hanabusa says. Yuki laughs. "I guess your one friend is a little busy." Yoshiko gets out her sword, "I'm ready for this as well." she announces. Really? As Yuki's butterfly wings appear and lift her off the ground. The ground shaking under Yoshiko. The sky getting dark, lightening Strikes Loud, up above them. The wind picking up. "You ready for this?" Yuki asks." I have been ready ."Yoshiko says. Yuki taking out Artemis. "How nice you come to the fight with an anti-vampire weapon." Yoshiko says. "It figures, what else do you have?" Yoshiko states. "I have a lot. But to take you out, this is the only thing that will work." Yuki says. Aiming it right at Yoshiko, She blocks it with her sword. Its not going to be that easy Yuki. She runs close to Yuki Swinging the Sword. Yuki blocks it with Artemis. Yuki throws Yoshiko into the Tree. "Take that!" Yuki says. Yoshiko flying by Kaname and Zero. Both men just watching, as the earth under them shakes. Nice try,but i'm still here. Yoshiko gets up and directs the Lightening toward Yuki. "Take that!" Yoshiko hisses. Yuki blocks it with Artemis. The lightning just making Artemis stronger. "Well thank you for that." Yuki laughs." I am going to stop playing games now." Yuki says, going up to her and putting her hands around her neck. Squeezing tight. Do You know how much i hate you. You took my child from me. I can never forgive you for that. Squeezing tighter. Kamane in the distance running toward both women. Yuki Please stop. As Yuki goes to look at Kamane, Yoshiko Slices Yuki with the Sword. Yuki Stumbles and falls to the ground. "NO!"Shouts Zero. Running over to Yuki. Yuki gets up , Stand back Zero. "I'm not done here." Yuki shouts. "What you going to do, Yuki?" Yoshiko snaps. You can't kill me. You love my father too much. Looking at Kamane, his face sad, and tears in his eyes. Please Yuki she is my child. The earth rumbles more, the sky lights up, Yuki throws Artemis, into the tree. Hitting Yoshiko's arm, not her heart. Yuki walks over to her, That should keep you down for a while. As she punches her in the face. That's for everything you did to me. You need to thank your father for me not killing you. At this moment i would like nothing more then to rip your head off. But because of Kamane i wont. Yuki trembling. I will take your memories away and let you forget all you did. Let you start over. Yuki erases Yoshiko memories of all the pain and all the trouble she caused. Letting her feel peaceful. She throws her to Kamane. "Here take it. Get her out of here and away from me. Or i will kill her." Yuki snaps. "Thank you so much Yuki. I knew you were still in there." Kamane says. You owe me Kamane. Yes my love. Kamane grabs his daughters body and takes her back to her castle. 

"Yuki your bleeding." Zero says. "Yes i got me. It will heal. I'm fine." Yuki says. "I am so proud of you." Zero says. "Why?" she asks. "Because you could of been a monster and instead you weren't." Zero states. I still hate her Zero. Yuki filling with tears. "I can't forgive her. She took our child. I can get over the rest but not that. I almost burned you. Ok you have pure blood powers and it wouldn't of killed you. But still. I want to go back to where we were. I want to be happy with you." Yuki says. "Same here babe, i want you. We can try for another child if you want." Zero asks. "I would like that". Yuki responds. Zero grabbing her and picking her up." Zero what is got into you?" She asks. I just want to carry my wife. You are injured. I love you Yuki. I love you too Zero. As they start walking Hanabusa comes out talking to Nezera, After Hanabusa got his revenge punch in. They had a talk, and Nezera told him how he didn't really like what Yoshiko was doing, That he told her to stop a few times. "You two are actually talking now?" Yuki asks. Yes. He isn't a bad kid. Just was hanging with the wrong person. "What did you do to her?" Hanabusa asks. I erased her memories and i hit her with Artemis. It won't kill her it was just her arm. It will keep her down for a bit. Hanabusa nods his head and they all walk back to the Sun dorm.

"How is the Arm?" Zero asks. "It hurts but its ok." Yuki says. "I want Ren and the others to come home." Yuki says. "I will let them know its ok to come back". Zero states. "Thank you." Yuki says.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now