Chapter 92 Visit.

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Chapter 92 Visit

The next day, Zero and Yuki get ready for work. "Zero are you sure? You want to go to work so soon? You can take another day or two." Yuki asks. "I'm Fine. I am feeling great, after the blood you gave me earlier. Are you sure? You don't need any?" Zero asks. "I'm Fine. You need your strength. I can go without a little longer. I want you to get back on your feet." Yuki states. "I swear I'm fine. Thanks to you." He says with a smile. "Oh. It was nothing. I am just glad your feeling better. They both get into the car and head to work. Zero Catches Yuki staring at him from time to time. He has seen a closeness start since he got sick. Not one of blood or sex. Just there closeness they had before. Caring for one another. He still sees her fight with herself. As she tries to keep herself in control.

When they get to the Cafe. They see Hanabusa and Yori there. "Hey, I am so glad your feeling better. I am here getting some sandwiches for the kids for lunch. I thought they might like something different."Hanabusa states. "Here you can send them some cupcakes, and bagels too. I will Go in the back and get some." Yuki comments. "So you feeling better Zero?" Hanabusa asks. "Yes, Thanks to Yuki. She took really good care of me." Zero states. "Yes. I saw that. She didn't leave your side. She looked really worried." Hanabusa admits. "Yea. I have seen a change in her. She is like the Yuki. I met so many years ago. The sweet, caring, protective girl at Cross." Zero states. "Wow, what the hell did you do to her?" Hanabusa laughs "Nothing, that I know of. She even took his ring off. She put our wedding ring back on her left hand."Zero remarks. "Really? I guess. She really got upset from you being sick. Maybe that was a good thing. Made her realize. How much she does care for you. Have you two...You know yet?" Hanabusa asks. "No, not yet. I was dumb and didn't go through with it that time. Then I got sick, and now she is just babying me to death. She won't even drink from me. She wants me to get my strength back. 

I do get a lot of kisses and hugs though. That has improved greatly. She isn't scared to touch me like before. Sometimes she just stares at me though. Not sure. What's going through her mind. I like this side of her a lot better, then the one always fighting to stay away from me. We will get to the sex. As always it takes us time." Zero sighs. It seems a lot better though. At least now, its calmer with you two." Hanabusa states. "Yes, I can put my arms around her and kiss her. She doesn't push me away. It's a lot better." Zero states. "Here Hanabusa, take this to the kids." Yuki says handing him a huge bag filled with goodies. Thank you, Yuki. "There are a few goodies in there for you as well, Hanabusa. It's the least I can do. You always come through for us." She says giving him a light kiss on his cheek." "Thank you, Yuki that means a lot." He replies

While they are working and making more food. The Cafe door opens, Kamane strolls through. Zero looks up as he senses another Pureblood in the room. "Oh brother, may I help you Kamane?" Zero says "Yes. I need to speak to you and Yuki for a minute. Please." Kamane states. Yuki coming out of the kitchen with fresh pies in her hand. "Kamane, what a pleasant surprise." Yuki says her face lighting up. They sit at the cafe table drinking some tea. "What brings you here, Kamane?" Yuki asks. "Well as you both know our children are getting married. They set the date and the venue is the ballroom." Kamane states. Yuki taken back. Remembering things about that place she hates. "Please Kamane anywhere but there. I can't stand going there anymore. It makes me sick to even enter the building." Yuki states. Zero watching as Yuki's demeanor changes. "I am sorry Yuki, if it was up to me. It would be somewhere else. Its what they chose. They also want you to Cater it. Ren said it would mean everything to him, for you to make there wedding cake." Kamane says. "I don't know if I can do this. I don't really like there union as it is. Maybe they are rushing things. Can't they slow it down a bit." Yuki snaps. "You know. How it is when two people are in love. They just don't listen." Kamane replies.

 Zero just taking everything in, Not saying much. I am sure. Ren will call you himself to let you know all the details. I came here because yet again, we are going to have to play. We are together. For there sake. The council will be there. A lot of higher ups will be there. We need to keep them thinking, everything is the same." Kamane comments. " I don't know if I can just leave Zero on the side alone. It's not fair. He is Rens father. It's our child. We should celebrate this together. Not him sitting alone." Yuki snaps. Zero not sure this is the same Yuki talking like this to Kamane. "Yuki if that is what you want. I understand. We will keep him close to us. We will sit at the table with him. Engage him the best we can. Without letting anyone know you two are together." Kamane remarks. "I think. We can do that. It shouldn't be a problem." Zero responds. Holding Yuki's hand. Kamane noticing the difference. "I see you two are getting along better. That's nice." Kamane remarks. "Yes, we are. What's your plan now to mess it up?" Zero replies. "Nothing. I am happy for you both. I already told Yuki. I will not stand in your way. If she came back to you. Yuki and I have an Understanding." Kamane remarks. "Whatever. I will do this for the kids to be safe." Zero hisses. "You can you do this?" Kamane asks. "I can, but I don't really want to. I don't want to go at all. I don't really want any part of this. It's not the faking, we are together. It's them being together." Yuki admits.

 " I know. Yohiskio did some awful things. She is different now. She is changed. You forgave me for all the terrible things I did to you Yuki. Can you forgive her?" Kamane pleads. "It's different. You did bad things because you wanted me, You wanted to protect me. She did it, to hurt and destroy us. She killed my child. I will never forgive her for that" Yuki hisses. "I don't know. What to say Yuki. I know. This wedding is taking place. Ren loves you. You need to be there. Please think about it and let me know." Kamane comments. Getting up to leave. Giving Yuki a tender kiss on the cheek.

Yuki goes to the kitchen to think. Zero can see. She is very upset and pissed. Knowing. He needs to tread lightly. he goes into the kitchen. "Babe, you don't have to worry about me at the wedding. I am ok. I know. You rather be there with me. That made me feel really good. Thank you." Zero says. "Zero I can't go back there. Things are different now. My feelings are coming back. When I enter that place all I see, is her taking you away from me. Its like she is still there pulling at me. Tormenting me. I feel so uneasy there." Yuki confesses. "I know. You don't have to worry though. I am not going anywhere. I promise you." Zero says. Yuki going over and giving him a hug. " I don't want them to get married Zero. I can't explain it, but there is something bad going to happen. I don't trust her. I think. She is just using Ren to get to us. She knows. How I feel about him. She knows. That would hurt me the most." Yuki comments. "I don't know babe if she is. We can't prove it. He will not listen without proof." Zero states. " Time we get proof, it could be too late." Yuki answers "Then isn't it better, we go to the wedding and act like everything is ok? 

Until we find proof of your suspicion. We need to play this cool." Zero states. "Yes, I guess your right. Zero please just stay close to me that night. I don't care if they notice. You're the father of the groom. " Yuki comments. "Of Course. I will stay with you. Don't worry. " Zero comments. "See only you can make me the clingy Yuki again. I so didn't want to become this." Yuki sighs. "Hey, I like this Yuki. I fell in love with this Yuki. For the last few days, it has warmed my heart. I knew. She was still in there deep down." Zero admits. "Yea, I just don't want to be that open again." Yuki confesses. " It will be fine. I'm not going anywhere." Zero states. "You better not. I am telling you right from now. If you cheat on me again being yourself or controlled. I'm going to kick your ass."Yuki Announces. " I remember the last time. I wasn't sure you were going to let go of me." Zero states. "I almost didn't. I was squeezing your throat so tight. No matter what, you didn't fight me. I just couldn't and let go." Yuki responds putting her head down. "I don't have to worry. I don't want anyone else but you." Zero answers.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now