Chapter 29 Holding the faith.

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Chapter 29 Holding the faith

Zero has been at Cross a few days now. Things with Yuki are still bleak. She talks to him, but still just like someone she met on the street. She has been training more and working out. Her body looks great. She isn't as skinny she is now tone. The bruises are faded away from her body, just not her mind.

Walking on Campas Zero wants to meet up with the twins. Letting them know that Yagari will be doing there training. "Hi, Dad." Ren says. walking up to Zero. Hey buddy, how have you been? Good. "Hi daddy." says Aiko. She is bold and fierce, but still a daddy's girl. " Hey, sweet pea how are you?" Zero says to her. I'm good daddy. Ren, looking at Zero, where is mom? She is taking some time to herself, Ren. She will be around. " I miss her dad." Ren says. " I know son." "Me too." Zero reply's in a soft tone. Aiko looking at Zero suspiciously. Dad, it's not like mom to stay weeks away, or even days away from Ren. You know how those two are. Yes, Sweetpea, I do but mom is training. She wants to work on her powers. Mom knows you are there to take care of Ren. It makes her know he is in good hands. " If you say so dad." She responds. By the way dad, I want you to meet our new friend Nezera. He joined the Night class a few weeks ago. This not so tall, purple hair, thin good looking boy stands in front of Zero. Zero takes note of his One gold eye and one red one. "Hi, it's nice to meet you Zero. " Nezera says. " Same." Zero replies. I hope you like it here at Cross. Yes, it's different that's for sure. The Twins are interesting to be around. They are so different. " Yes, they are." Zero replies. Watching everything Nezera says. Zero thinks to himself, something is off with this kid. Why is an eighteen-year-old hanging out with ten year olds? Unless he is a little backward. I will have to look into this kid he thinks. Ren and Aiko I just wanted to let you know. That Yagari will be training you. So when he comes do as he says. Aiko I mean you. Yea yea Dad. "I think Yagari is bad ass." Aiko says. Aiko please language. Yes, dad. I think it will be fun to train with him, better than training with you. "Well, thanks." Zero says. Not that way Dad, I didn't mean it that way. I meant that it's better not having our father train us. "I know what you mean Aiko. " Zero replies. "It was nice to meet you Nezera." Zero states. "Same here Zero." Nezera replies. I am sure. I will be seeing a lot more of you Nezera says to Zero. " I bet so." Zero replies. Have a nice day.

Zero walks off, making a mental note to ask Kaien about this boy. Where does he come from, and what is he doing here? He knew he wasn't a pureblood he didn't smell it on him. But he had to have a past. Zero goes to Kaiens office. "What brings you here today?" Kaien asks Zero. I just saw the twins they were with someone named Nezera. What is his backstory? I found it a little odd for him to be hanging out with ten year olds. Well Zero, Nezera is Yuki and Kamanes cousin. What? We didn't know about him. He is another one of Ridos illegitimate sons. He also has a sister Yoshiko but I haven't met her yet. I am not sure if she is coming to Cross or not. I just found this out a few weeks ago, when he enrolled. There isn't much on the map about them. " They seemed to be in hiding." Kaien states. " You mean that Senri didn't know about them either?" Zero asks. No, I did ask, he knew nothing. No one seems to. I have been asking around. Do you think this has anything to do with Ichiru? I am not sure Zero, I am trying to figure it out. Its why I didn't bring anything up yet. These people just came out of nowhere. " It is a bit odd. I will be watching him." Zero states. He is for some reason wanting to hang out with my kids. Maybe he is a spy? I'm not sure. " We will just watch him like you said Zero." Kaien states. Its why I didn't turn him away. I figure it's better to watch him then not know where he is. It just happened that Yuki showed up here as well. "Yuki doesn't know anything about this." Kaien states.

 I haven't told her anything. I think she has enough on her mind. She is after revenge I don't want her going after innocent people. " I have nothing to prove that this boy is behind anything yet." Kaien states. " I understand." Zero replies. I am not telling her anything either. I don't need her more upset. Or going after him letting him know we might be on to something. "Plus it wouldn't look good for the school if she killed a student." Kaien states. "No, it wouldn't." Zero replies. " Do you think she would do that?" Zero asks. Zero, yes at the moment, I think Yuki is capable of anything. She isn't Yuki. She is full of anger and revenge and not thinking like her normal self. I see her getting stronger in training. "I see the power building." Kaien states. "I see it too," Zero says. "Do you think she will ever come back to us?" Zero asks. " I'm not sure." Kaien answers. I have never seen her this way. She has gotten close to me. " She calls me father and I think she feels safe in my presence". Kaien states. " I am glad for that." Zero answers. At least someone makes her feel safe. It's good she has you Kaien. She doesn't seem to want me at the moment. "It's going to take time Zero." Kaien states. She has been through a lot. Not only this but even her past. "How much could one person handle in a life time," Kaien says. "True." Zero answers.

Zero leaves the office and walks down to the dorm where Yuki is. Walking past his old room. "Hey, How are you doing Yuki?" Zero asks. I'm fine. How was your training? "It was good. I enjoy training". "I always have." Yuki responds. "Yes, I remember." Zero states. Are you feeling hungry? "Would you like some lunch?" Zero asks. Sure I think there should be something in fathers Refrigerator. Walking towards the kitchen together. Yuki walks over to the refrigerator to see what's there. Zero walks behind her. Do you like being with Kaien? Yes, I respect him much more now as an adult then I did as a child. I see why Ai does also. " He has his annoying ways but he always has his smart side." Yuki responds. Yea I saw some of that when I was talking to him today. "I also saw Ren and Aiko today." Zero replies. "How are they doing?" Yuki asks. They are doing good. Ren was asking about you. He would like to see you when you're feeling up to it. Yuki just nods her head. Which makes it even more harder for Zero to read her. "There is lunch meat." Yuki says. Would you like a sandwich? " Sure that's fine." Zero answers. "Here ya go." Yuki replies. Handing him a turkey sandwich. I'm going to take mine in my room. I have a few things to do." I will see you later. "Yuki states. Zero not really surprised. says OK and just sits at the table. Was it that hard for her to be around me? Not even eating with me? Is this what its come to? "She is here but I am still alone." Zero Sighs.

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