Chapter 145 Love Conquers All

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Chapter 145 Love Conquers all.

While sitting at his Desk. Zero notices the time. He spent most of the afternoon thinking about there relationship. It was now going on six. He wanted to leave so he could go to the Cafe. He wanted to spend the night with Yuki. He knew. She would have left at this time to make dinner. Then to get the kids ready for bed. He figured. He would file a few papers before, he left to waste just a little more time. Then pick up something to eat. To surprise Yuki. He missed her terribly. He just wanted to be with her. He wanted all the fighting to stop. He was also hoping, she was over, him keeping his thing to himself. Out of everything, she said in that fight, that bothered him most. To not be able to touch her in that way bothered him. That she said she would rather the bonds eat at her then to give in to him. He knew. She was furious.

Zero grabbed his trench coat and left his office. Going down to his car. He stopped at the take-out place and grabbed a few things. Feeling he was going to try to make tonight special. To surprise her. Take her mind off of everything. He got to the cafe while she was still at home with Kamane and the kids. Zero walks into the Cafe and heads to the upstairs apartment. Taking off his coat and hanging it up. Going over to the small round dining room table, placing the takeout bag on it. Zero then heads to the kitchen getting two plates, glasses, and some candles. He also gets a vase for the flowers. He bought Yuki. He remembered when Yuki surprised him with the dinner. He thought. He would return the favor. Not to mention he was trying to get out of the dog house. He walked back into the small room connected to the kitchen. Putting the plates, and glasses down. Adding the silverware and vase of flowers. When he was done he looked at the time. It was already going on eight.

Zero then heard the Cafe door below open. He knew. It was Yuki. He was happy. She showed up. Feeling there might be a chance, she didn't. He then heard her walking up the stairs to the Apartment. Opening the door with the key.

"Hey, babe. I am so glad you came." Zero says. Going over to her and taking off her coat. "Come have seat. I got us something to eat." Zero states. Yuki just staring at him. Zero wearing his white shirt with a black vest and matching black dress pants. His white silver hair in front of his gorgeous lavender eyes. No matter. How mad she was at him, she could never deny. How gorgeous he was to her. The way he made her feel when his soft hands touched her, to take off her coat. How His musky perfume filled the air. There was no way to fight it. She knew. She was his forever.

Zero lights the candles. Then he places a light kiss on Yuki's cheek. Noticing. How she is just staring at him. "Everything ok? I really hope you're not still mad at me. IF you are, I really want it to be over. I can't stand it." Zero comments. "Everything is fine. I am still a little mad at you. But just watching you warms my heart." Yuki admits. " I really missed you today. I had a nice day today. I found out something that, made me laugh most of the day." Zero states. " I heard you laugh earlier with Martha. I never saw you laugh like that before. What did she say?" Yuki asks. "Well, I don't believe she is there to find out stuff about us. She took the job to be closer to Kamane." Zero responds. " Closer to Kamane? What do you mean?" Yuki replies. "Babe, she has a crush on him." Zero chuckles. "Oh. I don't find that surprising. Kamane is a very good looking man. He is very accomplished. There is a lot to be attracted to." Yuki responds. " I Suppose. How do you feel about this?" Zero asks. "I am not sure. I talked to him about dating. He told me. He wasn't ready. I know. He needs someone. Just right now we are supposed to be married. Him with someone, at the moment, doesn't look right. Just like me with you doesn't for him. Doesn't she care that he is married?" Yuki hisses. "She said if you ever left him. She wanted dibs. She didn't say. She was going after him while you two were together." Zero remarks. "I guess everyone just wants the man i am married to at the time. No One ever seems to care. They are taken. " Yuki growls. "Babe, I didn't tell you to upset you. I found it funny. Also thought it was good for Kamane to have someone. Maybe not right now. but in the future." Zero says trying to make light of it. 

"Yes. I feel the same. I also had two conversations today. Both people saying, how wonderful you are at your job. How you are meant for it." Yuki states. "Oh really? Are those two people still alive?" Zero chuckles. "Yes, brat they are. It just made me realize, you're not going to leave it this time." Yuki says looking down into her dinner plate. "Babe, please I don't want to fight. " Zero replies. " I am not fighting. I am just stating a fact. You would only hate me if you gave it up. You would hold it against me. I don't want that." Yuki responds. " I also don't want to lose you. I can't live without you Yuki. I am man enough to say it. You say that the bond is tripled for you. Well, it has for me also. I need you more than ever. I just love my job as well." Zero comments. " I know. I was thinking now that me and Kamane are on the council, things should go smoother. There hopefully shouldn't be that much trouble going around. You will only have to hunt level E's. Not to mention your the president now. You don't really go out on the field as much. You do a lot of desk work.." Yuki explains. "You mean you're going to give me a lot of desk work? You're going to watch over me aren't you?" Zero chuckles. "Yep. I will let go of you leaving this hideous job, but I will also make sure your sorry ass stays alive. " Yuki giggles. "Oh back to my sorry ass again. You seem to have a thing for my Sorry ass." Zero grins. "YES. I do. I want to keep it alive. I happen to love. Who it's attached to more than life itself." Yuki admits. "Thank you, babe. It means a lot to me. I love you completely, but I don't think I can give it up right now." Zero states. Going over to Yuki's chair, kneeling down in front of her. Looking into her eyes. Placing his hands on her face, kissing her lips. Yuki's arms going around his neck.

Zero lifts Yuki out of the chair and carries her to the bedroom. Lightly placing her on the bed. "Am I now allowed to touch you?" Zero asks with a grin. " You know you can. You know. I couldn't fight you. If I tired." Yuki comments. "No, I don't want you to. I want you to want it also. No, using it against you." Zero states. " I want you. I always want you." She responds. As Zero kisses her again. Sitting next to her on the bed. " I Love you Zero. I just never want you hurt." Yuki states. " I love you too. I know that and I feel the same."

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now