Chapter 64 Time to die.

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Chapter 64 Time to Die

The next day. Yoshiko goes to Yuki's house. Trying not to let her father see her or anyone. Yuki is outside. Watering the plants. Yuki senses Yoshiko's presence. "What do you need Yoshiko? I know your there." Yuki remarks. "I need to talk to you. Its very important. I need you to be opened minded and trust me." Yoshiko says. " Why should i?" Yuki asks. "Because it involves Zero." Yoshiko states. "I really don't care about anything, that has to do with Zero." Yuki comments. " I know. Your mad. I understand that. What i have to tell you will let you know. Why things happened the way they did." Yoshiko remarks. "Ok, spill it. What did he do now?" She comments. "Really, Zero didn't do anything. Kharis put a love spell on him about two years ago. Everything he has done from then wasn't his doing. He has been trying to fight it, but couldn't break it. Till yesterday. When he was here,and saw you and my father together. He came to me. I took the curse off. I asked him to go back so that Kharis would think everything was still going her way. Till we can figure out, what to do. He can't stay there."Yoshiko states. "Zero is a big boy. I am sure. He can figure out. How to handle his hoe." Yuki hisses. "Yuki did you hear anything ? I just told you? I know your hurt. I can understand that. IT wasn't him though. I came to you because, i thought you would want revenge on her. I know. How you can get. This time i think its fair that you take it." Yoshiko says. "You remember? I figured you would. You're a pureblood. Whatever. Revenge you say?" Yuki asks. "Yes. That sounds good. You do know that i will not hold back like i did you. I only did because of your father. No one can save her. Not even Zero. If he gets in my way. He may get hurt as well." Yuki remarks. Wow. I never thought. I would see the day. You would hurt him. You really are different Yuki. "I just can't forget all that happened in the last two years. I will help and get my revenge though. I like the ring to it. I need you to keep your father out of this. I don't need him in my way either. " Yuki states. "I understand, i haven't told him anything." "Good thank you." Yuki states.

"Kamane, I will be going shopping. I will be back in a few. Please take care of ZJ for me." Yuki Comments. "Ok." He responds.

Yuki getting herself in the car. Driving to Kharis's house. Not really knowing, what she is feeling. What she really wants to do. She drives up the driveway and gets out. Going up to the door. Knocking. The maid opens the door. "May I help you?" "Yes. I am here to see Kharis please." Yuki says. "Sure come in." The maid says. "Well, Well, Well, What do I owe the pleasure of Lady Yuki in my presence." Kharis says. " You know for a pretty smug bitch. You're pretty desperate. Can't you get your own man? That you have to Mind Control mine?" Yuki snaps. "

While the conversation is going on. Yoshiko bats go to Zero. They tell him to get the baby out of the house. Yuki is there. Not sure what she will do. Zero gets the baby and gives it to Yoshiko to take back to Cross. He then goes downstairs, to see what is taking place.

 "So you finally found out the truth? Your darling Zero was mind controlled. Do you know? How hard it is, to keep the control over him? How he fought it?" Kharis states. "That's not my problem. I just feel like you need to let him free. To be himself. Not your pet." Yuki states. "Oh, so he can come back to you? Miss Pureblood." " I don't think. You have to worry about that. Too much has happened to ever go back to where we were. You made sure of that. But at least, he can be free." Yuki says. "My, My, Not letting him run back into your arms? I'm Shocked." Kharis laughs. "You fixed that with your bastard child." Yuki snaps. " Now saying nasty things about a poor innocent child. Thats low even for you Yuki." She shouts. "Low? At least i can get a man without controlling him. If he is with me, its because he wants to be. I didn't come and destroy your life. I hope you had your fun with him." Yuki Snaps louder. "Fun? Oh, hell yea. It was fun having him in my bed every night. Touching and loving on him. He is a very good lover. Then again you know that. Don't you? His long fingers, and sweet lips." Kharis says with an evil grin. Yuki's eyes glazing over. Anger taking over. Yuki pins her to the wall. "You're not going to leave him or me alone are you? You are forever going to be hurting him. I can't let you do that." Yuki hisses. " So what do you think you're going to do?"Kharis says. Yuki pushes her hand through Kharis chest. Pulling out her heart. Holding it in her hand. Squeezing it, like it was a tomato. "I will make you go away forever." Yuki says staring into Kharis eyes the whole time. Kharis never thinking that Yuki would do something like that. Turning to dust in front of Yuki. Zero coming down the stairs, seeing the ashes in the air. "Yuki, What did you do?"Zero asks. " Just taking care of a rodent problem. I will be going now. You're free." She says to Zero looking into his eyes. Walking out the door. "Yuki Wait!" Zero shouts running after her. "Yuki, I am so sorry. I would have never done those things to you. I am so sorry for all hurt and pain. I caused you. I know. We can't go back. Can we at least be friends?" Zero asks looking into her eyes. Hers cold and empty. "I guess. We can. At least for our children's sake. You need to go to the twins and make things right. They are very hurt with you Zero." Yuki says. "I know. I messed up a lot of things. A lot of friendships. I want you to know. I didn't want to. I would have never left you. I still love you Yuki with all my heart." Zero remarks. "All that may be true Zero, but I just can't forget all that took place these last two years. Walking in on you and her. I will never get out of my head. ...And ...The child. I just can't right now."Yuki says. "I know. I understand. Would it be too much for me to ask to go home?" Zero asks. " I guess not. It's your home as well. I am not there during the week anyway. So you would have it to yourself. I can let ZJ stay there also if you would like to spend some time with him?" Yuki asks. "Sure, that would be wonderful. Thank you." Zero replies. "What are you going to do with the child?" Yuki inquires. "At the moment, I'm going to let her stay at Cross with Ai." Zero responds. " That might be the best thing." She responds as she gets into the car and drives away.

Yuki goes back to the main house. Like nothing ever happened. She walks in. She goes to get something to drink. "Yuki, What did you do?" Kamane asks. "Nothing much just had to fix a rodent problem. It's all over now." I know you, knew that Zero was controlled Kamane. You always know everything." Yuki glares at Kamane, drinking her coffee. Kamane looking at her surprised." I had my suspicions." He remarks. "Why not tell Me? Why hide it from me?" Yuki snaps. "Time I was figuring it out, Damage was already done. It wouldn't change anything. Only hurt you more." Kamane remarks. "Really? Or would it change your life again? Either way, the problem is over. She is dead. Zero is free of her. He is coming to stay here. So we need to pack our stuff and go to the Cafe. It's his home too. He can stay till he gets his act together. Plus he needs to make things better with our children." Yuki announces. "Are you taking him back Yuki?" Kamane asks as he places his hand on her arm. "No, at the moment, I can't even stand to look at him. I am not sure. How much of this you had a part in. I know you. I know your chess games Kamane. There is one thing you need to remember. We come from the same cloth. I can play games too. I can be cold, hard and a bitch. You don't want to push me Kamane." She growls as she looks into his eyes. "Are you leaving me Yuki? " Not at the moment. I enjoy being the Pureblood Queen. You treat me very well. I will tell you this though. You lie to me again and I will do more than just leave you." She says with a look in her eyes Kamane has never seen before. 

"Yuki your not the same." Kamane states. "Don't you like what you created Kamane? Isn't this what you were after?" She says in a low tone. "No, not really. I just wanted you. I wanted to show you. How much I love you. That we could have a great life together." Kamane answers. "You did show me that. You also showed me the dark side. It didn't take anything for me to kill her. I did. What you did to Shizuka. Just reached in and took out her heart. Watched her turn to dust. The only difference was I didn't do it behind her back. I looked into her eyes the whole time ." She says with a glaze in her eyes. "Yuki, What is happening to you? I don't want this for you." Kamane states. "You should have thought of that beforehand. I'm going to go get my bags. If you are coming with me then get yours. If you want out. That's fine as well. It's your choice. Some woman don't have to mind control to keep a man." Yuki says walking away.

Kamane stands there. Lost in his thoughts. What did he create? Would Yuki go back to normal now that Kharis was dead? Or be this cold woman before him. He also couldn't believe she was staying with him. Would she forgive me? Or do this to torture me? He was now just as lost and confused as Zero. He also didn't like the idea of Zero being free. Would that lead to other problems? There wasn't much Kamane could do. He knew if he did anything else and she would find out it could lead to even more problems.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now