Chapter 102 Getting to know you.

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Chapter 102 Getting to know you

Once home, She notices the child is shaken, and really upset. He reminds her so much of Zero. The night when she first met him. How she took it slow. Telling him everything. She was going to do before she did it. She felt. She was going to have to do the same with this child. "I'm going to undo the seat belt and carry you inside Rai. I hope that's ok?" She says to the little boy. He just stares at her. She picks him up and carry's him inside. Kamane pulls up right beside, their car and goes inside the house. " I will be right back. I'm going to get Rai ready for bed. "Yuki states. Bringing the little boy upstairs, giving him a bath, putting a pair of Anna's PJs on him. "These will have to do for tonight. Tomorrow we will go out, and get you some. Ok?" She says tenderly. The child still just looking at her. "I know this is hard for you. You are safe here with us. I am your mommy. I wouldn't let anything happen to you. I promise." Yuki says to him. Carrying him into Anna's Room. "Anna, Can you please let him stay with you tonight? Tomorrow we will get his own room fixed up." Yuki asks. "Sure mommy. He can sleep right here." Yuki lays the little boy down next to Anna. Tucking them both in. Leaving the night light on. She then heads downstairs.

Kaname and Zero are sitting on the Couch. "I am still not sure. What that was." Zero remarks. "Tell me about it. I saw a lot of things in my life. That was new." Kamane responds. "How is the little boy?" Kamane asks. "He is ok. He is really scared, and not sure where he is. It's like when I first met Zero. He is in shock. It's going to take him a while to get used to this." Yuki answers. "Yes. I am sure it will. I do want to see him. I want to build a relationship with him." Kamane states. "Of course. Its just going to have to be slow. We will take him to the Cafe with us. That way, he can be near you as well. He is too young to go to Hanabusa. Not to mention, we need to get him to know and trust us first." Yuki explains. "Sure, Anything you think is good. I will do. I'm going to head home. I will see you two tomorrow." Kamane says. Walking toward the front door. Giving Yuki a hug and kiss before leaving. Zero just watching.

"Are you ok?" Zero asks. "No. Not really. I don't know. What to make out of all this. I'm not sure. What she was. This poor child was with her for four years. Can we ever fix the damage she caused?" Yuki asks. "We can only try. You were there for me. You helped me. Made me feel safe. I am sure. You can for him." Zero states. " I hope so Zero. Do you think she is still going to come after us?" Yuki asks. "I really don't know. She was just having fun playing with our emotions. Of course, I was the fun one with that. I can't seem to hold my emotions in. I gave her. What she wanted." Zero comments. "She did send you the worse things. I don't know if I could have held it together seeing that video either. I am sorry. You had to see that." Yuki replies. "Let's just go to bed. I'm tired." Zero says. "Did she hurt you? I know. You were fighting some hands. I didn't have time to help. Everything ok?" Yuki asks. "Yes, just a few scraps. I will be fine." Zero replies. They both head to bed. Cuddling up and staying close. Yuki holding him tight. "Babe everything ok?" Zero asks. "I don't want to lose you again. Before I was so full of anger, I forgot what it was being this close to you was like." Yuki states. "We will be fine. I'm not going anywhere. It seems this time. I keep telling you that. Instead of you telling me like before." Zero smiles. " After all that happened, there is always this feeling. You might just leave again. I know. It wasn't your fault. It just stays with me." Yuki admits. "I know. I will do my best to make you know. I'm here. I will make up for that. I never want to hurt you like that again." Zero comments. Yuki curls up closer and kisses Zero on the lips. Falling asleep in his arms.

In the middle of the night, Yuki and Zero hear Screams coming from Anna's room. Rai is screaming. He had a bad dream. Yuki goes to him and grabs him holding him close. Telling Anna, its ok. To go back to sleep. Zero shuffles along behind Yuki. " He ok babe?" Zero asks. "I guess. He had a bad dream. I will take him to our room." Yuki states. "K, I'm going to get us some coffee." Zero answers. Yuki walks back to there bedroom, holding the little boy. Sitting in the armchair next to the window. Zero goes downstairs to put the coffee on. ZJ comes down after him. Sitting at the kitchen table. "Sorry son didn't mean to wake the whole house up." Zero comments. " Who is this kid anyway? You two didn't have another? Did you?" ZJ asks as rolling his eyes. "No, son. We didn't. He is your brother though. I would like for you to treat him with respect. He is Kaname's." Zero replies. "Oh Brother. I love uncle Kamane, but this is just weird. " ZJ states. "Yes, son it is, for all of us. Some people just don't want to leave us alone. It's not the child's fault." Zero answers. Handing ZJ a cup of coffee as he gets his. "Try to get some sleep son. Your mother and I have this under control." Zero states. Walking back upstairs to there room. Entering his bedroom, he sees Yuki sitting there, with the tiny little boy in her arms. Now sleeping. "Well, I guess you got him to calm down?"Zero asks. "Yes. I rocked him and held him close. I told him nothing was going to get him. He was fine." Yuki states. "Here is your coffee. ZJ is a little confused. I am guessing. We are going to have to have a family meeting. To tell them all about Rai." Zero states. As he sits in the other armchair next to the window. "Yes. I am sure. We will have to.

In the morning. Yuki gets the little boy ready. Anna and ZJ go off to Hanabusa's For school. Yuki puts the little boy in the car with her and Zero. They drive to the Cafe. Once there, they get out and go in. Yuki holding the little boy close. She talks to him in a low voice, and carters to him. Making him feel loved and safe. After awhile Kamane comes in to see the little boy.

"How is he doing?" Kamane asks. "Well, he is still shaken. Yuki seems to be the only one. He wants to be around. She has a great way with kids." Zero states. "Yea I noticed that. I would like to take him to the house. Show him his room, try to get him to know me."Kamane states. "You can try." Zero remarks. Yuki putting the little boy down. Kamane trying to talk to him, and put his coat on. Telling him, that he is his dad. That he is going to show him his other house. As they are walking out the door. The little boy runs back to Yuki. Wanting her to go with. Wanting her to pick him up. " I Guess you're coming to Yuki?" Kamanes asks. "Sure, if that will make him feel better." Yuki gets her coat heading out the door. Holding the little boy. Zero watches as Kaname, Yuki, and this child leave together as a family. He knows the child needs them both. Just the thought of them together like this bothers him.

They walk down the street to Kamanes house. They go in. Showing the child around. Kamane asks Yuki all that the child needs. So he can order it, and get it here. They spend the whole afternoon getting the child's room ready. Asking the little boy, what he would like. Yuki also sends some things to her own home. So he will have stuff there for tonight. Kamane and Yuki enjoy doing these things together. It's Something Kamane never got to experience with Ai. He is loving it this time. The little boy is lighting up a little towards him also. Which makes him feel good. "Hmm, Let's see. Mr. Cold hearted as that woman states. Doesn't seem so cold-hearted with this child." Yuki giggles. "I am not cold-hearted when it comes to you and our family. Yuki. I love you more then you can even imagine." Kamane States. "I know. I just found that to be funny. Not to mention Mr. Hot headed." Yuki laughs. "Well...she did have a point." Kamane grins. "Yea Yea. That's ok. I am used to his Hot hotheadedness." Yuki smiles. "He seems to be taking this better then, I thought," Kamane remarks. "Yes, I am glad. I am a little worried. I don't want this to hurt him." Yuki states. "He will be fine. You are always protecting him. He is a big boy, Yuki. He can handle things." Kamane comments. "I know. He just has been through so much. I don't want to add any more pain." Yuki replies. " That's' my Yuki. Always caring about others feelings." Kamane answers. "I'm going to head back to the Cafe. I will bring Rai over tomorrow morning." Yuki states. "Ok, Thank you so much,"Kamane remarks. Yuki puts the little boy's coat on. Holding his hand, bringing him back to the Cafe. Zero behind the counter waiting. "Hey babe, Your back." Zero says. "Yes, we are. Rai had a fun time picking things for his new room." Yuki says as she walks over to Zero. Giving him a hug and kiss. "That's good. How was he?" Zero asks. "He did pretty good with Kamane. He stayed real close to me though." Yuki admits. "Well, at least you got close to him. That's good." Zero says. "Yes, We will see how this goes." Yuki sighs.

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