Chapter 110 How Hot Can I Get You?

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Chapter 110 How hot can I get you?

Its Friday, Kamane came early to the Cafe, to pick up the kids. Just like, he said. He would. Zero has plans to make Yuki fall more in love with him. Then she ever was. He worked out a plan for the weekend. Hoping desperately that it works. During the workday, he keeps everything normal. Just spending their normal time together. Still seeing a peek of Yuki here and there. The freedom without the children and Kamane always lurking make her feel herself.

Once its closing time. Zero goes to put the Closed sign-up. Then heads to talk to Yuki. "Babe, I left a bag, on my desk chair. Would you mind putting on the items in the bag?" Zero asks. "Sure. What are you planning?" Yuki replies. "I want us to have a special night. Now please go and get dressed." Zero comments with a grin. "Ok," Yuki says. Wondering. What in the world Zero is up to? Not to mention, what clothes? When she heads to the office. She goes into the bag. There is a pair of black fur-lined leggings, a cashmere cream sweater, and her black boots. She thinks to herself. This is good, nice an warm. Since its now snowing outside. She puts on the clothes. Then heads outside to where Zero is. When she walks out, he is dressed in jeans, a blue sweater, putting on his black trench coat. His silver hair in his lavender eyes gleaming. The Trench. She loves seeing him in. Her eyes fill with lust, just looking at him. "You just had to wear that coat? Didn't you?" She says to him. "Well. I know. How much you love it. Not to mention these?" He remarks as he slides on his glasses. "Oh. Hell. That's so not fair. "Yuki responds walking over to him. Kissing him passionately. He sees the desire building in her. That its there. He wants it, to build all night. Not wanting to give in just at the start. He breaks away from the kiss. "I have plans. We will get back to that later." He adds. He goes to get her coat. Putting it on her, buttoning her in. Then placing her, Scarf lightly around her neck. Her hat on her head. "Someone being romantic?" Yuki asks. "Yes. Let's try something different. I can be romantic." Zero responds. Yuki smiles. Giving him another kiss.

They walk out the door, arm in arm. The snow hitting them lightly. Staying close to keep warm. Zero takes her a few blocks down to a restaurant. They both take their seats. Ordering a warm hot cocoa, to warm them up. While waiting for there food. Zero reaches over to hold her hand. Yuki just smiles back. She can't take her eyes off of him. His silver hair gleaming in the light of the restaurant. His lavender eyes warm and loving. Not to mention, the glasses that turn her on. There was just something, about him wearing them. He looked hot and sexy to her. She just kept staring at him. Not believing this tall, slender, warm-hearted man, was hers. "Is there something wrong?" Zero asks. "No. Nothing at all. " Yuki answers. "You just keep staring at me." Zero replies. "Well. You were the one, who said you had to wear those glasses. So now. You get. What you have coming." Yuki giggles. "Aww. So that's it. I think. I can handle it." He answers with a grin. She lightly picks up his hand, that he is holding hers with., placing a kiss on it. Zero noticing. That she has been close tonight. Wanting to kiss him every chance, she got. He felt his plan was going right on target. They sat there and ate their dinner. Just talking, being close. Zero still noticing. She doesn't take her eyes off him for long. The look. She gives him is loving, and wanting. The desire in her eyes back.

After dinner, they put their coats on, heading outside in the snow. As they are walking, Yuki couldn't help herself. She stops, making Zero stop as well. He turns to ask what? but she doesn't give him the chance. She lightly kisses his lips again. Placing her hands on his face. "You didn't even see the next part of the date, and you kissing me. "Zero smirks. "Oh really? There is more?" Yuki asks. As she does a Horse and carriage pulls up. "You have to be kidding me? When I wanted to, you told me it was dumb." Yuki states. "Yea I know. I changed my mind. "Zero replies. Helping her get into the carriage. Then Handing her, one single red rose, before he gets in. "Zero. I love it. She says. Giving him. Yet another kiss. This one even deeper, then the last. The carriage takes them all the way back to the cafe. Where Zero's car is parked. The whole way there, Yuki sat ever so close to him, kissing and touching him. She just couldn't keep her hands off of him. Once in the car. Yuki's hands start rubbing Zero's thigh. She moves closer to his seat. While he is driving. He is a bit surprised, as she has never done this before. Her hands start to wander around his lap. Grabbing at certain parts. He gasps, at the surprise and feel. Trying his best. Not to lose his composer. 

"Well. These glasses sure did bring out a freaky side in you?" Zero asks. "It's not only the glasses. It's just you. I just want you. There is this passion building up in me all night. I can't explain." Yuki announces. Zero grins. Trying to drive home a little faster. The desire there for him also. Just trying to let it build in her, till she can't control it. Wanting her to lose every ounce of control for once in her life.

Once they pull up in the driveway. Yuki undoes her seat belt. Crawling on top of Zero's lap. Putting her arms around him, kissing him passionately. His hands roaming her body as her mouth roams his. The seat a little cramped. They both realize this isn't the best place for this. They let go of the kiss. Which makes Yuki moan. She slides off of him, so he can open the car door. To get out. Then she does. Reuniting the kiss. He notices. That tonight she just can't stop kissing him. That above the rest, that seems to be getting her the hottest. He does his best not to break it. As he lifts her up into his arms. Carrying her to the door. Fumbling around to get the key in the lock. Once he does, he puts her down. Where she just goes straight for him again. Kissing him, taking off his trench coat. Pulling his blue sweater off. His hands go for her. Taking off her coat, and sweater as well. Fumbling to the family room. Where the fireplace is on. It's nice and warm. Leaving a trail of clothes behind them. Now they are just left in their underwear. Yuki still kissing him. Now going to his neck and his chest. Falling back onto the couch.* He kisses around her pink lace bra. Lightly squeezing and kissing her breast. Her hands in his silver hair. The desire building in both of them. He kisses his way down her tummy, down to her center. Where he takes off her pink lace panties, that are now soaked. He gloats from knowing. He is the one to cause it.

 "Someone a little wet?" He says in a low sexy tone. "You're driving me crazy. Don't stop." Yuki responds. Zero's pride soars at the sound of that. He continues to kiss her center. Now without any panties or anything in the way. He licks her folds, sending her over the edge. This wasn't something they always did. It was new and exciting for them both. He continues to lick and suck making her body tremble. He slides one finger inside of her. Pushing it in and out as he licks. Sliding in another finger. Her body building with excitement. He feels her body tighten as she climaxes around his fingers. before she rides it out, he then slides himself in her. Letting her give out a scream. Wrapping her legs and arms around him. Pulling him in deeper. Her lips finding his again and not letting go. He pushes in and out. Her hips keep moving into his. He sees. She is close again and lets her ride it out. Yet still not done with her. He pinches his manhood to keep himself from letting go. He kisses her again. and tells her to roll over. "But, I can't kiss you. when we are like that. "She says. "Don't worry. You can afterward. Come on, Turn that sexy body over. I am not done with you yet." He says in a soft tone. She gets up, but before she turns over, she gives him one long hot kiss. Then she rolls over. Where Zero gets a view of her hot ass. He remembers the time in his office over the desk. How he enjoyed watching and squeezing it. He wanted that again. He lightly lifts her up. Rubbing her round tight ass. Placing kisses on her neck, working his way down to her tailbone. Yuki squeezing the arm of the couch. He kisses her tailbone and licks. Sending shivers down her spine. He then lightly rubs his manhood around her center. Feeling how wet and soft it is. Making him go crazy with desire. He slides into her again. Grabbing hold of her ass and sliding in and out harder and faster now. Yuki slamming herself back into him. His hands roam her body as he keeps slamming into her. Harder and faster. Till he can't take it anymore, and they both climax together.* Completely out of breath. He lightly turns her over. Laying his slender solid wet body on hers. Where she can now kiss him again. She places one long deep kiss on his lips. Then she puts small ones on his face and neck. Holding his body in her arms. She grabs the blanket, that was on the back of there couch, and puts it over them both. Snuggling close together. Trying to gain there, composer. They fall asleep in each other's arms. The warmth of the fireplace keeping them warm. The house quiet and peaceful. Just the way Yuki yearned for.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now