Chapter 164 Surprise

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Chapter 164 Suprise.

Zero gets up and gets ready for work. Yuki does the same. Making some breakfast for Zero and the kids. Zero loving every minute of it. Waking up to the smell of pancakes with freshly brewed coffee. His old Yuki was back. He wanted nothing to get in the way of this. When they were left alone, their life was great. It was normal. It was happy. He needed to find out who was causing all this trouble. Or at least make it stop. He did think a lot about what Hanabusa said last night. He knew. Yuki was just as bad as Kaname. If not worse. She was playing with his heart. At the same time playing with Zero's and her own. Did she really even know? What she wanted? She ran home this time. Trying to make things better. She could have run to Kaname. To Kaname's bed, But she didn't. That was a start. Even she knew to stay away. Zero figured to let it go for now. Let's see how things go. So far last night and this morning was heaven. It reminded him so much of so many years ago. Before all this even took place. Before Kaname was brought back to life. Zero was going to shut up and let it ride." Don't rattle the boat anymore then it already is. He thought to himself." 

He eats his pancakes, watching the kids talk around the table. Yuki smiling at them talking also. It's a nice site. They gather up there bookbags and head off to School. Zero gets his briefcase and Yuki her purse. All heading out to there destinations. "Yuki I will drop you off at the Cafe." Zero says. "Ok. I guess. I do need a ride. I got here by cab yesterday. I didn't want to bother anyone." Yuki replies. "That's fine. I don't mind driving you. I will every day like I use to. That way in the morning we can be together." Zero responds. "That sounds great. " I will pick you up to. I am also going to pick you up a new phone today." Zero states. "Whatever. I don't really use it anyway. It sits in my purse." Yuki admits. "I know. Just when I call it. Please do your best to answer. Just so I know you're ok." Zero remarks. "I will do my best." Yuki replies. Giving him a big kiss before getting out of the car. "I will see you tonight." Zero comments. "I will be waiting." Yuki answers.

When Zero gets to his office. He calls in Martha. " How did yesterday go?" Zero asks "It was great. I got to spend a lot of time with Kaname. Oh, My. He is so dreamy." Martha sighs. "Oh god. Ok if you say so. I am glad. You see him that way."Zero remarks. "Yes, but I don't want to hurt Yuki. I know. I wouldn't want anyone flirting with my husband." Martha states. "Look. Can you keep a secret?" Zero asks. "Yes. Of Course. Anything." Martha replies. "I want Yuki back. So, I will need your help. I will help you. You help me." Zero smirks. "Oh, that's wonderful. I knew you two still loved each other." Martha responds. Zero knew what he just said could backfire. If she was the one leaking everything. This would get out. At the same time, then he would know it was her. It would work to his advantage either way. At this point, he didn't care who knew he was with Yuki. 

"What do you want me to do?" Martha asks. "I want you to go to Kaname's house today. I need you to get Yuki and the kids stuff and Pack it. Have it ready for pick up. Kaname will be there. Talk to him. Try to engage with him. SEe how it goes." Zero asks. "Ok great. Last night we went to dinner. IT was so nice. He is so smart. Only thing was all he talked about was Yuki." Matha states. "Well, we couldn't find her. So he was worried. That should fade. Just hang in there." Zero remarks. "Oh, I will. If you think I have a chance? The thought gives me tingles." Martha says. Zero cringes. "Yea I think you have a chance. Your just going to have to work at it. He has been pinning away for Yuki for years. They do have a bond and spend time together. I don't think anyone could break there friendship. Do you think you can handle being around that?" Zero asks. "Sure. I know. They have a child together. They have a history. If he only lets us make our own History. I can live with it." Martha responds. "Ok, then good luck. Off you go. Have a good day." Zero laughs.

Zero sitting in his chair hoping he did the right thing. Hoping this didn't backfire.

While sitting there his secretary beeps Zero. "Yes?" Zero states. "You have a meeting at 2. With Yagari and, Yuki Kuran. "Ok. When they get here. Please show them in. Thank you." Zero replies. Wondering. What Yuki is doing here. She was counsel now. Plus the queen. I guess. I will be seeing a lot of her at work. He thought. Sitting in his chair. Going over files. In a short time. There is a knock on the door. "Come in." Zero says. The door opens and its Yuki. In a knee length Trench coat and red heels. Her hair long and flowing with curls. Her eyes glistening. "You an hour early babe. I thought. The meeting was at 2?" Zero asks. "It is. I thought. I would come earlier. I want to have my own private meeting with you." She says in a seductive voice. Locking the door behind her. 

"Oh Really? I thought. You hated it here." Zero asks. "I do. I thought. I could make better memories here. Ones me or you couldn't forget. Ones when we remember, we want more." Yuki states. "I'm scared of what your thinking." Zero remarks. " You won't be when I am done with you." She giggles. Taking off the trench coat. Wearing the red sheer baby doll nightie from that weekend. "Holy Shit. You look hot in that babe." Zero Grins. Yuki going over to his desk chair. Sitting on his lap. 'I am glad you think its hot." She says. Kissing and licking his neck. "Not sure. What got into you. But I like it." Zero grins. "Babe, can we try the desk or something?" Zero states. Not really wanting to use the desk chair. Due to the video of her and Kaname. "Let go of the past Zero. Let's make our own memories." She whispers in his ear. Zero already doomed. Her hands are in his pants. Her lips licking and kissing his earlobe. "Ok. The hell with it." Zero states, as he grabs her waist and kisses her mouth. They make hot passionate love in the chair. Yuki completely taking every ounce of Zero's control. He was just as weak as she was. They couldn't resist the others touch. It burned deep into the other. They made love hundreds of times. Yet each time was like the first. The yearn and burning for the other. It was incredible.

When done, Yuki goes into Zero's Private bathroom. Cleaning up and putting on a black knee length dress. She fixed her hair and put her shoes back on. Putting the red little nightie and panties into her purse. "So did you like your little surprise?" Yuki asks coming out of the bathroom. "Like? More like love. Best afternoon I have ever had here." Zero remarks. "Good Cause there will be more of it." Yuki smiles. "I have no complaints. Nice dress by the way." Zero smirks. "Why thank you. Yagari should be here any moment. You might want to fix your tie." Yuki giggles. " You turned me into a mess here." He says as he is tucking his shirt back into his pants." Zero chuckles. "You haven't seen anything yet." She Grins.

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