Chapter 86 Blood Bond

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Chapter 86 Blood bond

The next day Zero and Yuki head to work. She is still quiet. Now she is even more lost in her thoughts. Knowing. That the blood bond was still there. Worse than ever. Frightened Yuki. She didn't want to feel that close to someone, be that desperate to need someone. The only person, that could make her feel this way was Zero. No matter. How much she loved Kamane. She could move on. There was a bond, but not one as strong, as she always had with Zero. She didn't want it to go back to the way it was. The needing and burning inside for Zero. The need to protect him at any cost. The hiding her own true feelings. Just to keep him happy. Watching. What she said, so it didn't hurt him. She wanted the freedom. She had with Kamane. The right to be herself. No matter what it was. She knew. Zero didn't change. That his jealousy was there, That Kamane still haunted him. She was afraid that even, if she never saw Kamane again, Zero would still throw it up to her. Like he always did in the past.

 Zero, on the other hand, didn't know. What to say, after last night. He was happy in knowing that the bond wasn't broken. That she still did love him. That it was something, she never shared or could share with Kamane. He also knew. Yuki was fighting it. The best she could. That even though, she really did care. She was doing her best not to give in to herself. She was pretty damn good at it. He knew. It would take a lot to make her guard go down. That even though, he was innocent of the cheating with Kharis. What Yuki saw burned in her heart and mind. He thanked Kamane for that. Which only pissed him off more. The thought. That Kamane caused all this and yet Yuki still wanted him. Forgave and slept with him like it was nothing. He ruined their life and Kamane yet again got a pass. He forever thought. The chains would never be broken. In reality, Yuki was meant to Marry Kamane. She was given to him straight from birth. They were linked forever. If Zero never came along, they would have been. If it wasn't for Kamanes Cruel plan of setting Zero up to protect Yuki at any Cost. This wouldn't have taken place. Kamanes plan worked, but not in his favor. He never thought that Yuki would have this strong of a bond with Zero. Not to mention Zero to her. Zero did know. That as long as that bond was there, he could work on it. He had a little bit of hope.

While at the Cafe Zero and Yuki are working. The lunch buzz is finally settling down. As they are cleaning up. Kamane walks in the door. Walking up to the counter. Zero looking at him with eyes like knives. "Kamane, what brings you here?" Yuki asks. "I need to talk to both of you." Kamane replies. "What the hell do you need to say to me? Hmm, Maybe sorry? Maybe your an ass?" Zero snaps. Yuki looking at him with disgust. "This is my Cafe, Zero if you can't control yourself. Please leave." Yuki states. "Yea yea." Zero replies. Walking over to the cafe table. Taking a seat. 

Yuki and Kamane sitting at the same table. "Look if it wasn't important, I wouldn't be here. "Kamane says Looking into Yuki's eyes. Zero rolling his eyes. "Yoshiko and Ren are making their engagement at the ball. It's going to be a big deal. They want me and Yuki to appear of course. First, because we are the King and Queen. Second, because I am Yoshiko's father. She is Ren's mother. Also Zero, you will need to be there being his father. "Yuki looking down. Trying her best to keep her feelings to herself." Yuki I know. You are not happy with this union. They do truly love each other. I see it. Please let them enjoy the night." Kamane asks Yuki. That isn't the only reason I came here. The main reason is that we need to go together. We need to make it look like we are still a couple. Let the Counsel see nothing has changed. The rules still apply as they did for you and Zero. Yoshikio is a pureblood. Ren isn't. He is also the Son of a Vampire hunter. Who works with them. We need to keep them safe, just like you want to keep Zero safe. " Kamane announces. If we show up as a couple and all is well. No one will disobey us. We give our consent. They won't have to hide like you two did. Zero you will need to keep your sarcasm to yourself for the night. This is our children.

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