Chapter 174 Confessions

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Review Please :) How do you like the progression? Do you think Kaname is going to stay with Martha? Do you think Kaname will move on?

Chapter 174 Confessions.

Later in the Evening Zero Stops by to pick Yuki up. The Cafe is empty. It's closing time. When Yuki sees Zero. She runs to him. Giving him a big passionate kiss. One that lingers. One that takes over both of them. "Yuki, what was that for?"Zero asks out of breath. "Because I missed you. Because I'm finally happy. I can honestly say. I love you and I mean it totally." Yuki says. Kissing him again. Locking the Cafe Door. The kiss is deep and meaningful. Zero feels. How the kiss is just like When they first started out. Its filled with passion and love. A want and desire for him. Only him. Yuki keeps the kiss going, as she moves Zero into the kitchen. Her hands all over him. Roaming his body likes its the first time ever. Zero lifts her up, her legs wrapping around him. Her arms around his neck. Still kissing him. He carries her to his old office. Sitting down onto the sofa. With Yuki on his lap. Breaking the kiss for a few seconds just to be able to breathe. Their hands still roaming each other. Through there clothes. Zero's mouth lightly kissing and nibbling on her neck. Yuki just moves herself closer to Zero laying her head on his chest. It wasn't all about sex this time. It was more about being close to him. To have him as close to her as she could. Zero sensed it. It made him feel great. Knowing that the old feelings were coming back. It only fuels Zero's passion. He kisses her again, letting himself go. Holding her close. They make love on the sofa, just taking in each other. Zero wasn't ever letting this go again. He didn't care what it took.

"Babe, That was incredible."Zero says breathing heavy. Yuki curled up in his lap, holding him close. "I thought of you all day. The way I use to. The can't wait till I see you. It felt so good."Yuki responds. "I am glad this is coming back. I knew. It would. Once we were together without any issues. The old us comes out. What we were. I think. We can be even more. If you just let us." Zero admits. "I want to. I really do."Yuki says as she kisses him again. "Is that kiss thing back?"Zero asks with a grin. "Yes. God Yes. All I want to do is kiss you. I remember you in the restaurant, the way you looked. I want to go back to that."Yuki says. "We are. Maybe tomorrow? We should go out to dinner. Just me and you."Zero suggests. "That would be nice. I do want to do more things with you Zero. I like going out with you. Sharing things with you."Yuki states. "I am willing to do more outdoor things. I do want you to be able to trust telling me things as well. I want to be your friend as well as your husband Yuki."Zero comments. " I am trying with that as well. It's just hard to break old habits. I still worry. That I will say something and it will hurt you."Yuki admits. "I'm Fine. I can handle anything after all this. You need to put more faith in me." Zero remarks. 

"You promise me? You won't snap?" Yuki asks. "Yes. Try me." Zero responds. "Ok. Today Kaname came to see me." Yuki says. Looking into Zero's eyes as she sits on his lap. "How is he?" Zero responds without any emotion. "He is good. He is with Martha. It seems they are doing well." Yuki states. "How did that make you feel?" Zero asks. "I was actually fine. I told him. We are doing well also. How much I am starting to feel like my old self. How I am falling in love with you again." Yuki confesses. "Really? How did that go over?" Zero asks with a smirk. "Pretty good. We said that we would keep our friendship. Since both of us missed it so much. But we wouldn't see each other a lot. And only at the Cafe. We would keep it just as friends." Yuki replies. "You're both in agreeance to this?" Zero asks. "Yes. Neither of us wants to hurt you or Martha. I think. We are finally happy with who we are with." Yuki says. "I'm glad. Do you think you can really keep it? Just as friends?" Zero asks, trying to remain calm. Remembering. He asked her to talk to him. Trust him. If he screwed this up. She would never trust him again. "Yes. We will not be living together. Or doing anything to push it in any other direction. Just Friends." Yuki says looking into his eyes. Her hands on his face. "God Zero. You are so gorgeous." Yuki says. 

"Trying to get off the subject?" Zero replies. "No. Just realizing, all that you are. Taking a deep look at us. How you are really everything I ever wanted. I am so sorry for all the bullshit. I thank you for sticking it out. I know. It all hurt you as well. I know. Most of it wasn't your fault. It just took me a long time to get over it. It was my biggest fear. You leaving me. Nothing has ever scared me like that. Or hurt me. I closed myself off for so long, that when the emotions and feelings came out, I couldn't stop them. I just needed time. " Yuki comments. "I understand that. Its why I didn't just say screw it. Why I didn't walk away. I knew. You were hurting. It didn't help getting hit with things one right after another. Us not living together. Everyone talking. It was a big mess. I just saw. What we had, and I didn't want to let go. You did hurt me too. The things you did with Kaname. They hurt. You used him against me. It was like you used, what you knew hurt me the most."Zero replies. "I know. I am sorry for that. To be all honest with you. At the time it wasn't all using. I wanted it. I wanted to forget. I felt if I was with Kaname. It wouldn't hurt so much. I wouldn't have all this pain. I don't ever want to do anything like that again." Yuki states. 

"I am going, to be honest with you as well. I love you with all my heart. I would do anything for you. But if you ever do that with Kaname again. I'm gone. I did my best to keep my calm. To get over it and be with you. I push it on all the pain and shit going on. But next time I can't. I don't care about the bond. BLood or sex. I will just stay away from you Yuki. I just can't do it." Zero explains. "I promise you. I will never do that again. My heart and body is yours and only yours. Just please Promise me the same. I can't take you with anyone else. Its the reason I was so crazy." Yuki remarks. "My heart and body are yours also. Now and always." Zero replies. Yuki laying her head on his shoulder.

For the first time in a long time. They both were honest with each other. Everything they said was true. No holding back. No screaming. Or acting like fools. Two reasonable adults telling the other. How they really felt. Zero didn't mind them being friends. He knew they had a bond. That it was special. He just couldn't see it turn into more. Yuki throwing herself at Kaname. Using him. No matter which way you looked at it. It's what Yuki did. Even if it wasn't to get at Zero. She used Kaname to make herself feel good. To forget her pain and problems. It's just Kaname was so in love with her. He let her do anything she wanted. Not like Zero was any better. He was just as bad as Kaname in that way. Just like Hanabusa said. They both fueled her. Maybe its what they got for all the years of pushing and pulling her. It's not like they were innocent in this. Through the years, they both played games with Yuki. Just so the other one would hurt or get her. Kaname had his own games he played with her. Turning her life upside down. Zero always pushing her toward him. Trying to win her. When half the time, He already had her. They were all players in this game.

Zero knew it was true. He just knew it had to stop. He enjoied this evening. He felt the closeness. She had towards him. He knew. She wasn't lying. He was ok to watch them as friends. If it escalated he was going to walk away. He knew it would be the only way to stop the merry go round. He had hope though. She has shown a lot of progress in the last two months. She stayed away from Kaname. Even if it hurt her. She didn't go to him. She was starting to get her own control back. Able to hide the hurt, able to fight it. Not crumbling like she was. It was a step in a better direction. Zero just hoped it stayed that way. Maybe with the help of Martha, it would.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now