Chapter 28 Wanting Revenge

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Chapter 28 Wanting Revenge

Its been a few weeks and Zero feels Sad and alone. The mansion is empty, except for Hanabusa working in the lab. Zero comes home to a quiet, lonely house. No, kids, No Yuki, No anything. Nothing like the full house he use to come home to. He can't sleep in there old room. The thought of what took place in there hurts him too much. The guest room isn't any better for him. It's empty. The bed is lonely without Yuki. Its the first time in twenty years that they ever didn't sleep in the same bed. Even when they fought they would always go to sleep in the same bed. Zeros arms around her. He has been sleeping on the Sofa at night. Living a quiet and lonely existence the past few weeks. He always was the type to stay to himself but now it was taken to a new level. The only one he really talked to was Hanabusa. He didn't even go to Cross, to give the twins their lessons. He stayed away.

"Hey, Zero." Said, Hanabusa, this morning. "How are you?" "Eh," Zero mutters. Zero its been weeks, have you talked to her? No, She hasn't called. I stayed away. She made it clear she wanted time alone. She was very upset and angry when she left. She didn't even tell me bye. She sees him when she looks at me. I wouldn't be helping her any. Has she talked to Yori? "No," Hanabusa says, She wasn't talking very much to her when she was here either. How about visiting Kamane? No, she hasn't gone near him since before this happened. Wow, not even him? That's odd. "To be honest, for the first time I wouldn't have mind her talking to him. At least she would be talking to someone." Zero says. " I understand." says Hanabusa, but no, she hasn't been here. I think maybe you should visit Cross. The campus is big enough that if your there you can get lost if you don't want her to think your spying on her. At least see how she is doing. The distance is just going to grow more and more. That's not a good thing either. "You know?" Hanabusa says. If she doesn't want you there, she will let you know. Tell me about it. She sure was different the last time I spoke to her. " She blames herself for the baby, Hanabusa," Zero says in a low sad tone. What? Why? She feels she didn't have her powers to protect it. "Oh come on!" Hanabusa says. She fought hard. Her body was broken, She did all she could. " I know." Zero replied. I told her that. Didn't seem to work though. She really wanted that baby. She was so excited. " So excited to carry something of mine, now she can't even look at me." Zero says looking at the floor. It will take time friend. She will heal. Do you know if he...went all the way? No. She told me he didn't get to. I got there just in time. At least I did something. Not that it mattered. The damage was already done. Zero your miserable, Please go see her. I don't know if I can Hanabusa. I can't stand to see her this way. I will come with you, Zero. If that makes it any better? I can see Seiya also. I will let Yori know. I am not taking her though, she feels the same way you do. Plus she was pretty upset no matter what she did she couldn't get through to her. So the visit will just be us. OK, I will get my things. Meet you back here in an hour.

Meanwhile, at Cross, Yuki has been there now for weeks. She stays in Zeros old room. Even though she has been there, she hasn't really bothered anyone. The twins don't even know she is there. She doesn't talk much to Ai or Seiya. The only person she sees is Kaien. She asked him to train her. She knows Yagari is very busy. She just doesn't want to bother him. She feels safe with her father. So each day he will take time out to train and be with her.

After the hour the men meet up to go to Cross. They get into the car and drive there. Once they reach the gate Zero gets a little nervous. "Are you OK? " Hanabusa asks. "No, not really." Zero replies. I never felt this way to see her before. My stomach has a pit in it. It will be OK Zero. Soon as they get there, they go to Kaiens office. Hey Zero. Glad to see you here. Thank you." How is she?" Zero asks. The same. Not much has changed in the few weeks, to be honest. She is in your old room. The one you stayed in when you both lived here. I see her once a day to train her. Its only for an hour or two. She goes right back to her room. She sits by the window and stares out. She doesn't really talk to anyone here. The twins have no idea there mother is here. She told me not to tell them. She doesn't talk much to Ai either. She pretty much stays alone. " I don't know what do", Kaien says. Her body is getting stronger with the training, but her mind is the same. She is filled with Anger. I see revenge. " Ahh" Zero said, I knew she was after that. I saw that when she left. Has anyone been around? Anything suspicious? No, nothing as of yet. "I am sure something will pop up." Kaien says. " I don't think your brother is in this alone." Kaien states. "I'm sure there is someone behind it just not sure who." Zero replies. "Someone who really wanted to hurt you two, and split you up." Kaien said. "Well, it worked." Zero replied. Hanabusa saying"I'm sure not for long." " He always tries to think positive." Zero says. " Its the only way to think." Kaien says." I am still wondering who turned him into a vampire and saved him." Zero states. It had to be a pure blood. It wasn't Kamane or Rido. I know for sure it wasn't Yuki. "So who then?" Zero Asks. Kaien looking up at him. I'm not sure Zero. I am doing my best to look into it. There was someone else there that night. Someone we didn't see. . "When I left Ichiru back then, he was hanging by a thread. I drained him." Zero comments. I know. We will figure it out Kaien says.

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