Chapter 71 New Years

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Chapter 71 new years

It's going on the end of the following week. Yuki has been getting ready for New Years. She is going to have a big party at her new home. When she went home, she took the week off to finish up decorating it. Making it feel more like home. She is missing little Anna more than, she thought she would. She also misses Zero. Something she thought would never happen again. She just shrugs it off. Going on to her daily routines. When she got home Kamane gave her a big Surprise. A new car. She was over the moon. He spoils her like mad. She loves it. He never mentioned the week. She was with Zero or the baby since. He feels things are back to normal. He is fine with it.

The day of the party. Yuki gets all dressed in a silver v-neck sparkle long dress with a slit. She wears her hair in an updo. The house is decorated with Balloons and streamers. There are tables filled with food. Anything you can imagine is there. Not to mention the drinks. She invited all of her children, Zero, Kaien, Hanabusa, Yori, Ruka,Akatsuki, and Yagari.

When Kamane Sees Yuki, he just stares at her. "You know your gorgeous right?" He says to her. "Oh stop that." Yuki says. "It's true. I love seeing you all dressed up." Kamane remarks. "You don't look so bad in those black pants and white shirt either." "Why thank you." He says. While standing there admiring her, the doorbell rings. Yuki goes to answer it. Its. Ren, Yoshiko and Aiko. Ai and Seiya right behind. "Come in. I am so happy to see you!" Yuki says as she kisses them all. "Hanabusa and the gang are behind us. Dad is also with Anna and ZJ. He couldn't find a sitter since we are all here." Ai Laughs. "Ohhh Anna too. That is great. I missed her so much." Yuki confesses. Opening the door and waiting. All coming in. Zero the last one in line. "Hey, come on in." Yuki says to him. "Sorry. I had to take Anna to. I hope that's ok?" Zero asks. "Yes more than ok. May I have her? I missed her so much." Yuki admits. "Of course." Zero says with a Smirk. Hoping that she did. "Oh, how is my girl. Are you hungry? Let's get you something to eat. ZJ you too sweety come with mommy." She takes them into the Kitchen and gets them food. Forgetting about everyone else at the party. Kamane left to entertain them all. "Help yourself to anything here. There is tons of food and drink. Yuki will be right out. She is with the little ones." Kamane states. Zero looks around the new house. It is smaller than the one they have. It's a row home. Very cozy and neatly kept. Everything in it very elegant and rich. In a few ZJ comes to the party. Sitting on the sofa playing his DS game. Not really paying attention to the grown-ups. Yuki still not back yet. Zero goes and looks for her. Traveling upstairs to the middle bedroom. He walks in on her sitting on the floor playing with Anna.

 A little crib in the corner with a rocking chair and toy box. The other half of the room her office. "Well, its kind of funny seeing you sit in that dress playing with her." Zero smiles. "It's just a dress. Not a big deal. I just wanted to spend some time with her." Yuki admits. "That's totally fine with me. I Have something for you. I hope you like it and don't get mad at me." Zero confesses. "What did you do now?" She says rolling her eyes. Zero hands her an envelope. "What's this?" She asks. "Just open it." Yuki opens it to reveal a birth certificate. Yuki looks up at Zero puzzled until she looks at the mother's name. "Zero how did you do this?" She asks. "I have a friend that fixed it for me. I told him it would mean a lot to me and to you." Zero says. "Zero it says I'm her mother." Yuki says with tears in her eyes. "I wouldn't want anyone else to be her mother Yuki. Like you. I only wanted children with on person. Just I wasn't in control of it. I see and know you love her. This way you have just as much right over her as I do." Zero claims "Zero she is mine?" She says tears streaming down her face. "Yes just like our other three." Zero states. Yuki puts her arms around Zero and holds him tight. He places his arms around her. His head on hers. "I Knew. That would make you happy." Zero says. "Yes so much so." She grabs the little girl and hugs her tight. "Can she stay here the night? Please, Zero. You can come to get her tomorrow afternoon at the Cafe. I just want to spend time with her and ZJ." Yuki asks. "Sure. That means I can get some sleep." Zero says with a chuckle. "Are you going to come downstairs?" Zero asks. "Yes just let me get her to bed. I will be right down." Yuki comments.

Zero goes back downstairs with the other people. Even though most were his family this type of thing wasn't really for him. He came to give Yuki the birth certificate. After a few minutes, Yuki comes down and the clock strikes twelve. Kamane kisses Yuki and wishes her a Happy New year. When Kamane gets lost in the crowd, Zero goes over to Wish her happy new year and gives her a kiss on the cheek. " Same to you Zero. Thank you so much for earlier. It really does mean a lot. I am not sure why I feel this way towards her. There is something weird." Yuki says. "I don't care what it is. I am just happy. She has a mom. That you can be near her. Treat her like ours. I am going to get going now. It's getting late. You know how I like these things." Zero declares. "Yes, I know. Not your cup of tea. I will see you tomorrow afternoon." Yuki says. "You got it. Happy New year." You too Zero.

When the party is over and everyone leaves. Yuki is cleaning up some of the streamers and confetti that was thrown around. Then she heads upstairs to check on Anna. "Yuki is there something you need to tell me? " Kamane asks. "No, why?" Yuki replies. "Why do we have Zero's child in our home?" Kamane asks. "Because I made her mine. For some odd reason, I fell in love with this child." Yuki states. "Isn't this a little much? I mean. I don't mind you being nice to her or anything. I just don't know if her staying at our home like she is one of ours is normal." Kamane states. "Well, it will be. I am on her birth certificate as her mother. I take full control of her like I did my other children." Yuki comments. "Yuki do you think that's a good idea?" Kamane adds. "Yes, this way she will never feel out of place. She will just be one of me and Zero's children. " Yuki remarks. "Do you have plans on going back to him, Yuki? Be honest with me. This doesn't seem normal at all. I have noticed the change in your demeanor. When you are around him." Kamane Snaps. "Don't go snapping at me. I haven't done anything. I made Christmas special for my children. If I was going back to him, You would have known already. I told you there is something about her. I am not sure what it is. I haven't lied or hidden anything from you. I don't play your tricks Kamane. Yuki snaps back at him. "I didn't want to start a fight. I just wanted to know the truth." Kamane replies. "Well if I ever plan on going back. You will be the first to know. How's that?" She says with a hiss. Going to there bedroom. Kamane going after her. "Don't walk away from me." He grabs her arm and pulls her close. "What are you going to do with me?" She snaps." I Love you." He says to her as he pulls her even closer and kisses her passionately. Unzipping her dress. Placing her on the bed, as he takes off his own clothes. He makes passionate love to her. Showing her just how much he wants and desires her. She falls asleep in his arms, as he lies awake thinking. What is going on? How can she fall for this child after how hurt she was? Something just isn't right. That damn Zero. He can just never stay away.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now