Chapter 198 Let go of the past.

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Chapter 198 Let go of the past

Everyone relieved to see Mika go. Everyone Still staring at Nezera in his true form. Zero fuming for many reasons. He knows. He needs to cool it. Just so much has just taken place. When everyone is looking at Nezera, Kaname erases The memory of the killing the counsel from Yagari , Martha and Aiko. Knowing they didn't need to know about that. He left the rest of the afternoon events in their memory. Kaname looks at Yuki. Giving her a stare. She nods to him "No. Leave him. " Yuki Knew Kaname wanted to erase Zeros memory of it as well. She wouldn't let him. She wanted him to know the truth. She wanted no more lies. She just feared he would leave, but it was a chance she had to take. Zero notices. What took place between Kaname and Yuki. He was trying to pay more attention to the freak standing in front of him. Thinking my daughter married that? "This day can't get any better?" Zero thought to himself shaking his head.

Nezera returns to his normal body. The Small slender boy. Aiko holding him close and kissing him. Nezera holds her back as gently as he can. "Thank you Nezera for taking care of her for us." Yuki states. "No problem. I am truly sorry. She hurt all of you. I thought her being here would have changed her. Like it did me. I guess it didn't. I am sorry for that." Nezera states. "Some people can never change."Zero responds. Zero wants to say a lot after just witnessing what Nezera really is. He looks at his daughter holding on to Nezera. How in love they are. How gentle he is with her. He shuts up. Holding in his true thoughts. Looking over to Kaname, who he would like to rip into. Trying to hold that together as well. Nezera, Aiko, and Yagari leave the office. All a little shook up. Martha is standing next to Zero. You can visibly see she is upset. She looks at Kaname with sad eyes. Zero knows there were a few things said that would hurt her deeply. The letter, and the control over Yuki's body. As much as he was mad. He saw double in Martha. "Kamane I would like to have a word with you." Martha states. "Of Course. I know I have a lot to explain. I will talk to you later Yuki. Are you ok left alone here with him?" Kaname asks. "Yes. Of course. He would never hurt me intentionally." Yuki remarks. Looking at Zero. Kaname and Martha walk out of Zero's office. Zero takes a seat at his desk. Yuki takes a seat on the other side.

"Well, that was an interesting afternoon. I am not sure. What I want to talk about first." Zero states. "Whatever you ask, I will tell you anything you want to know. Truthfully." Yuki replies. Nervousness in her voice. "Well, First I think I need to say I'm sorry. Kaname erased your memory of me pushing you. We thought it would have been better for you. You didn't trip. I pushed you." Zero admits. "I know you did. I have known. Kaname's control doesn't work on me. I can break it. I am a pureblood also. It's one of my powers. I can break control." Yuki responds. "So these few days you knew it was me? You didn't say anything?" Zero asks. "Yes, I knew you did it. There was no point in saying anything. You didn't mean it. It was best to be forgotten. You asked me for my forgiveness. I gave it." Yuki replies. "Thank you. I didn't think you would forgive me for that. I am sorry. Now, What about the letter? Why did you send it to me? Why rat yourself out?" Zero inquires. "Because like she said. The quilt was killing me. I wrote it to let go. I just knew keeping it a secret wasn't a good thing. I didn't feel I could come to you with it yet. So, I figured I would send it this way. I thought you would have come home and told me. When you never did. I was surprised. But in a good way. You were growing, We were able to talk. I felt relieved. No more lies between us." Yuki confesses

. "You could have told me. I want you to be able to talk to me. Yes. I know the other night I went crazy. I don't want to be that person anymore. I want to be the one I am becoming now. I want to stay that way." Zero comments. "I wish you would. I really like this person. The one I can confide in. Not be worried you will leave or fight."Yuki remarks. "Ok. I will do my best with this one. What the hell was she talking about? With my birthday? he controlled your body?"Zero says taking a deep breath. " I wanted to tell you that morning, but I didn't want to upset you. You had such a great birthday. I didn't want to ruin it. I happen to pass by Kaname's room. The door was open. He was making love to Martha. He sensed me there, He tried to make me feel everything he was doing to her. I came to our room. I got in bed with you and broke the spell. My desire for you overtook the control he had. Everything you felt that morning was real. It was me doing it with you! Not him! The next day he said sorry and went on vacation with Martha trying to make it work." Yuki explains. "No real sex? No real touching?" Zero asks. "No, I swear. He was doing it to her." Yuki says trembling. Zero see's fear in Yuki's eyes. He sees her tremble in her seat. "Yuki are you scared of me?" Zero says getting up from the chair and walking over to her. "No, I'm not scared of you. I know you won't physically hurt me. I am scared you will leave." Yuki admits. "I'm not going to hurt you either way. We are just having a conversation." Zero says as he hugs her. 

"One last question. Why didn't you tell me you killed the council?" Zero asks. "Because I didn't want you in the middle of it. Now that your president, its worse if you know details. It can be used against you. I was protecting you. Or I thought I was. " Yuki states. "Yuki, that was something bad to do. You took out the council." Zero replies. "I know. It was me. Not Kaname. He just went along with it. To make me happy. I wanted them gone. So we could get our life back. So they couldn't be in our way. I thought it was the only way to fix things. If it wasn't for Mika. Life would have got back to normal faster." Yuki reveals. "Is there anything else you need to tell me Yuki?" Zero responds. "No, That is all. Those were the three things." Yuki remarks. "To make our relationship work. You need to trust me. You need to tell me things. Just like I need to tell you. I have been working on the field more lately. I crave it. The desk isn't working for me." Zero admits. "I know." Yuki says coldly. "You know?" Zero replies. "Yes, Zero I know everything that happens here. I know everything that happens with you. Without my permission, you couldn't go out on the field. I gave you some freedom. I knew you hated the desk and office work." Yuki confesses. "So you're ok with it?" Zero asks. "Not really no. I just know I can't hold you down. Zero I am doing my best to let go of the past. Of things that really hurt me. I know the other day, It hurt you terribly with those photos. Its why I didn't hold it against you. We both need to let it all go. We are doing so well. I want to keep it that way." Yuki states. "Me to. Whatever was stated here today. Is no longer. It was in the past. We start fresh now." Zero remarks, looking into Yuki's eyes.

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