Chapter 178 Do What I Say.

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Chapter 178 Do what I say!

When the date is over. They gather their coats and walk out hand in hand. Extremely happy to be together. Laughing and teasing each other. "Ok, bratty. You won. So what do you want?" Yuki asks. "Well, lately when we make love. It's so hot and intense that the first round, we don't even take our clothes off. Let's go a little slower tonight. " Zero states. "If you think you can hold out." She replies biting her lip. "Me? More like you." He snickers. "I am willing to give it a try. Its kind of hard when you look so sexy. I know. I didn't win, but can I get one request?" Yuki asks. "Sure I can give you one." Zero responds. "Wear the hat."Yuki asks. "I think. I can manage that one." Zero says laughing. Finally, at the car, Yuki pulls him close and kisses him deeply. Wrapping her arms around him. The passion growing inside both of them. Zero lightly breaks the kiss. "Let's go home. We can do more of this there." Zero states. Yuki nods and heads into the car. She holds his hand all the way home. For Zero this is like a dream. The closeness is better than ever. Its like they just started dating. The want, the fun, and happiness. It was the best yet. They never really got to do this before. They got married when she was already pregnant with Kaname's child. There love growing bit by bit. Now it was very different. It was the way it was supposed to be.

Once home, they get out of the car. The moonlight shining in the darkness. The snow stopping. They grab for the others hand, as they walk up to the door. Zero opens the door with the key. Letting them both inside. Yuki turns to Zero kissing him again and unbuttoning his coat. Moving her hands around on his chest. Zero takes off her coat as well and picks her up carrying her to their bedroom. Trying his best not to break the kiss. He brings her up to their room. Where he lightly places her on the bed. Breaking the kiss for a moment to catch there breath. Zero gets both of Yuki's hands and places them behind her head. "I want you to keep both your hands above your head. No touching. Let me do all the touching. You stay still until I tell you otherwise." Zero says. " will be really hard not to touch you." Yuki states.

 Zero looks around spotting his tie. He gets the black long tie and lightly ties Yuki's hands together. Placing them above her head. "Now, even if it strikes you, you won't be able to. When I am ready, I will set them free." Zero says. "Yuki looking into his lavender eyes. Zero than gets up, going to the end of Yuki taking off her sneakers and socks. Sliding his hands up her legs. Now sitting in between her legs, Zero unbuttons her jeans. Lifting up her soft pink sweater revealing her stomach. Lightly placing kisses on it. Sending shivers down Yuki's back. She lets out a light moan, setting off Zero's flame even more. He slides her jeans off and puts them onto the floor next to the bed. Kissing and licking inside of her right thigh. Letting out hot breath onto her core. Making her want more. He places his hand on the outside of her panties. Rubbing lightly. Feeling her wetness that is growing for him, and from him. He rubs it gently as he pushes her white lace panties to the side. Sliding in one long slender finger inside her. Her back arches up and moves closer to his finger. As she does he slides another in. Moving it in and out. In a slow rhyme. Driving Yuki Crazy. He can see. She is trying to get out of the tie. But she stops herself. He keeps sliding in and out of her while his other hand moves across her stomach. Up to her breasts. Where he lightly squeezes them. 

He pushes the pink sweater up kissing and licking each nub. Flicking his tongue over each and suckling. Yuki's panting gets louder and her body can't stay still. He sees the passion growing inside her. He sees his touch driving her insane. He licks her earlobe down to her neck while his hand is still playing with her core. Yuki's body Pushing itself up against his hand and body. He knows she is close. So he unties her hands When he does. She grabs him kissing him passionately, Her hands going straight for his black turtleneck taking it off. Rubbing her hands on his back and chest. Kissing his chest and licking his nipples making him come undone. She then goes for his jeans undoing them and pulling them down and off his body. Trying her best not to take over the situation but wanting to so desperately. Zero see's the need and want in her eyes. Moving himself over her. Rubbing his member against her. Sliding her panties off. His hand on her thigh sends moans throughout Yuki's body. She kisses him again arching her body into his. Feeling his hard member on her thigh wanting more. Craving more. Her arms are around his neck pushing his warm chest to hers. He knows. She can't take anymore and he slides himself inside her. Staying still for just a sec to tease her. "Zero Please." She begs. Making Zero body go crazy. He slides in and out of her faster and harder. Yuki wraps her legs around his waist pushing him in more. It building in both their bodies, as he keeps going. He knows. She is at her peek letting her ride it out, he slides in and out just a few more times before he reaches his. Panting and breathing heaving. He lays his head on her chest. She wraps herself around him still holding him close. Kissing his forehead. No need for words. Their actions spoke it all. Zero rolls onto his side of the bed, taking her with him. She is on the side of him with her head on his chest and leg around him. Her pillow. They fall asleep like this. Zero wishing this never ends.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now