Chapter 185 Broken Dreams

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Chapter 185 Broken dreams

Everyone is mingling and enjoying the party. Zero and Yuki are inseparable. It's not like other times. When Yuki would be with Kaname. When she had to pretend she wasn't Zero's. Tonight she showed she was. Nothing held her back. She would lightly touch his arm or hand. Giving him kisses. Being very close. Zero loved that alone. His night was going very well. She didn't pay much attention to Kaname either. She let him be with Martha. Kaname would stand there next to Martha, trying to enjoy himself. Every so often looking over to Yuki and Zero. Noticing how the time did change.

While standing there Maria brings out a huge Birthday cake. Putting it on the table. Ichiru gestures to Zero to come to him. Zero goes. "Brother. We spent a lot of birthdays apart. I know you don't want anything. But I think, we should blow out the candles together. We share this day, and always will."Ichiru states. Zero nods as they both blow out the candles on the cake together. Hugging one another afterward. Zero feels a sign of peace walking away. Its been so long. His missing piece was back. So far the night was great.

Walking back over to Yuki. He gives her a smile, and she smiles back to him. Looking into his eyes. "The party is calming down now. I would like you to come with me." Yuki says. "Ok. Where are we going?" Zero asks. "Oh, you will see." Yuki replies. "You don't have any surprises do you?" Zero asks." Will you relax and trust me?" Yuki states. "Ok. I guess so." Zero answers. Yuki takes Zero outside. Where they use to patrol. "You remember us walking these grounds as kids?" Yuki asks. "How could I forget. The late nights watching over the night class. Kaname always in my way. Yea I remember." Zero barks. "That's my Zero." Yuki giggles. "Tonight I want to do something different. I want to do the things, we never got to. First, because my heart was clouded and second you never told me how you truly felt." Yuki comments. "What do you mean?" Zero asks. "You will see. First, I want to say, Happy birthday. I know you didn't want anything. But I couldn't just let the day go by without giving you something. Without saying I am so glad you are here." Yuki says giving Zero a small box. "What did you do?" Zero says with a smile. Opening the box. To find a set of cufflinks pure gold with his intails. ZK. "Yuki they are gorgeous." Zero replies. "I thought you might like them. You wear a suit every day at work. These will go very well." Yuki replies. "Thank you, babe. I Love them." Zero says giving Yuki a kiss. She grabs his hands and walks the grounds with him. Going over to the tree he always naped under. 

"I would always catch you sleeping here on the job." Yuki giggles. "I wasn't sleeping. I was just resting my eyes." Zero remarks. Yuki lightly pushes Zero up against the tree. Kissing him passionately. "So is this one thing we should have done back then?" Zero asks with a smirk. "Yes, I should have made out with you under this tree." Yuki admits. "No time like the present," Zero says. Grabbing her and kissing her.. Placing his hands under her dress. The crisp night air giving them tingles.

While Zero and Yuki are out on the grounds Making out. Kaname is outside the moon door holding his drink, Taking in the breeze. Also taking in the night events. Martha standing next to him. Knowing Kaname is a bit upset. Also knowing that Yuki ran off with Zero not even giving Kaname a second glace. She knew it was Kaname that needed to get over her, or whatever it was he is holding on to. While standing there. They see Yuki and Zero holding hands and kissing. Acting like two teenagers. Who never made out before. In love and totally in oblivion to anything around them. There clothes all disheveled. You could tell they were messing around. Not to mention they reeked of each other. Kaname just standing there. Taking all this in. "Kaname can't you see how in love they are? Can't you see she isn't ever leaving him?" Martha asks. Kaname just takes a sip of his drink. Looking up at the sky. Zero and Yuki walk over to them. Since its the entrance to the building. "Good evening Kaname, Martha. " Yuki says. "Evening," Kaname responds. Martha just smiles. "We thought we would take a walk before bed. It's such a beautiful night." Yuki states. " I hope you enjoyed it." Martha replies. "We did." Zero responds with a chuckle. "Goodknight you two." Yuki says. Giving Kaname a light hug. "Night my girl." Kaname replies.

Kaname stands there as Zero and Yuki walk into the moon dorm. All his memories come back as well. Of the teenage Yuki who would get so nervous at just getting a glance of him. How she would run to him and couldn't wait to be around him. How he waited ten years to be with her again. It all gone. He was just another person to her now. No more running. No more waiting. It was all for Zero. The hunter won. All these years of pining and waiting. For nothing. His Queen, someone else's. His dreams shattered.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now