Chapter 19 Let's speak the truth

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Please Review, :) LIGHT SEX TALK  also chapter 19 and 20 are in the oppiste place so please read this frist the 20. Sorry about that.

Chapter 19 Let's speak the truth

Yuki is finally done. Planning their special weekend getaway. She has a lot of fun planning it. She surprises Zero. When he gets home from work on Friday night. She didn't go patrolling with him, Just let her butterflies follow him. She wanted to pack his bag and hers. Getting the car ready. Zero came home a little early also. He is wondering where they are going this time. Hey babe, I'm home. Hi, Zero. So glad you are. I missed you. "Ditto." He responds. If you want to take your shower now and we will be off. "Oh OK. We are not waiting for tomorrow to leave?" Zero asks. Nope. The sooner. I can get away with you the better. "I can wait to take my shower. Let's just go then." Zero Smirks. The car is ready, bags packed. Let's go. "Your driving again Yuki?" Zero asks? "Yep." She says. You just sit back and relax."Sounds good babe, today was a long hard day. I have noticed your butterflies always following me around now." Zero remarks. "Of course." Yuki answers. They will always be with you. "Babe, I know you mean well, but the guys kind of look at me weirdly. When they are around." Zero comments. "SO what?" Yuki Shouts. They are just jealous. They don't have someone looking after them. Zero knows. He isn't winning this one, so he just closes his eyes, sits back in the car and relaxes. He takes a small nap while Yuki is driving.

In an hour, she pulls up to a log cabin. At least six inches of snow on the ground outside. Its a small one bedroom, log cabin. Enough for just Zero and Yuki. She shuts off the gas, and slides over to Zero. Wake up sleepy head. She quietly whispers in his ear. She kisses his neck where his tattoo is. Zero gives out a light moan. I fell asleep huh? "Yes you did." Yuki replies. He opens his eyes to see ,the lit Log cabin. "This is our stop huh?" Zero asks. "Mmm-Hmm." Yuki answers with a grin. They get out of the car. Zero gets the bags. They head to the log cabin. Yuki opens up the door, to a warm fire. The cabin light up by it. Its small and cozy. It has a small kitchen , sitting room, one bath and one bedroom. They walk in and take off here coats. Zero putting down the bags on the kitchen table. "I'm going to go take my shower now." Zero states. OK, i'm going to get us something to eat. "Sounds great." Zero comments. Zero takes the bags to the bedroom. Placing them onto the bed. pulls out his PJs and underwear. The room is warm and cozy with a fireplace. Which is on giving out light and heat. He looks out the window, before going into the bathroom to watch it snow." What a beautiful site." He thinks to himself. He goes and takes his shower as Yuki, Makes them something to eat. Cheese platter and some wine. She places on the coffee table. She gets two pillows and a furry blanket. She puts it on the floor. She then goes into the bedroom and slides on a sexy lace nightie. She makes it fast, as she knows it takes Zero no time to take his shower. She hurries to the sitting room. Sitting on the floor next to the fireplace. A few minutes later, Zero walks out. Drying his hair with the towel. You smell great Yuki says to him. Sitting on the floor, the light of the fireplace making her skin glow in the black lace nightie. Zeros eyes open wide, and his heart beats fast. Lust gleans in his eyes. "You look hot Yuki." Zero says. Walking over to sit next to her. "Thank you." She responds. "Give me the towel." She says as she takes it in her hands and starts lightly drying Zeros hair. Placing the towel on the floor, moving her hands through his hair. Zero gives out a light moan. She places light kisses on his neck.* Working her way down his shoulder blades. Rubbing her hands up and down. While she places the kisses. "I see why you keep taking me away. You just want to have your way with me." Zero Says with a evil grin."How did you know?" She answered with a smirk. He pulls her around. She is now sitting on his lap. Her arms wrap around his neck, his around her waist. Lust in both there eyes, but not the blood kind. Zero slides his hand up the slit in the black satin lace nightie. Touching her thigh. She places her head on his shoulder. Holding him close to her. Taking in his scent. his hands roam her thighs, and up to her waist pulling her closer to him. He lightly places her body on top of the soft furry blanket. The light of the fireplace, shinning on both there bodies. He removes his clothes. Sliding Yuki's Nightie off. Then Placing himself on top of her. His hands on both sides of her body. His naked body on top of hers. She moans as her hands travel his body. Sending tingles through his. They lock lips and kiss passionately. His hands now caressing her breasts sliding down to her hips. She bends her legs up to accept him. Slowly wrapping her legs around his waist. He slowly enters her, while he is kissing down her neck. There bodies rocking to each others emotions. He goes in and out slowly. Teasing her. Making her moan. Making her want more. She pushes herself Closer to him, so he goes in deeper. Her legs pushing him in more and more. He ups the pace going faster and faster, Till he is pumping hard. They are both breathing fast. He keeps going and going till they both climax. He falls in a heap of sweat on top her glistening body. Wrapped in each others arms, and the furry blanket caressing there skin. They spend the night there wrapped in each other. The warm glow and warmth of the fire on there skin.*

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now