Chapter 84 Open Up

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Chapter 84 Open up

Yuki goes home to the main house. Zero sitting at the table, when she returns. The smell of Kamane all over her. "Your back?" Zero asks. "Yes. I needed to get away for the weekend. I didn't tell you because I didn't want anyone following me. I needed time to think." Yuki responds. "I hope the time away helped?" Zero asks. "Somewhat yes. I just need to now figure out. What I want." Yuki responds heading upstairs. Zero knowing. She was with Kamane. The thought of it killing him. She went to him. She couldn't stay away, even now after all this. The scent of him on her too fierce not to be sexual. She gave herself to him again. I guess. He won. Zero feeling defeated. He just sits at the kitchen table, sipping his tea. His eyes looking down. Thoughts just taking over him. This empty feeling taking over his body and mind. I guess it's over with us.

Yuki takes her shower and cleans up, going downstairs to the kitchen. Zero still sitting there in his own daze. Just waiting for her to say, she is going back. That its Kamane she choose. "Are you hungry Zero?" Yuki asks. "No, not really. Why?" Zero asks. " I was going to make something for us to eat. Maybe the time I'm done you will be hungry?" Yuki asks. "Maybe. You don't have to make anything special. I'm good with anything." Zero replies. "How about your roman noodles? " She says with a smile. "That sounds good." He replies. "Zero are you ok? You seem a little down." Yuki asks. Zero noticing. That she is talking more. Even wanting to have dinner with him. "Yes, just a little tired. I guess." Zero states. Not letting on, how really upset and down he is. His stomach in knots. 'Yea I'm sorry. I guess the couch isn't really a good place to sleep. I hope you got some sleep, while I was gone." Yuki states. "Actually, I was worried about you, I didn't get much sleep." Zero admits. "I'm Sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry. I just really needed to figure things out." Yuki confesses. "And did you?" Zero asks. "Not fully but I'm going to try to see where my true heart lies. I was told. I should open my heart some, so I could find out. That thought scares me." Yuki admits.

 " I think the person, who told you that was right. You don't need to be scared either."Zero comments. "Its just hard. Every time I am happy or think I'm happy something happens. It gets harder each time to get back up." Yuki responds. "I understand that. I am sorry for this time also. I know. It was my fault." Zero comments. "I needed to know. It just made me really mad, that you knew this whole time. Only telling me when it fits your needs." Yuki states. " I know. I was upset. Not that, that makes it alright. I just couldn't see you want to protect him. After all, he did." Zero replies. "There is no sense in going over it again and again. It not going to change or fix it. Its done now." Yuki comments. "You went to him this weekend?" Zero asks. "Yes. I needed to see. How I would feel around him still. I needed to talk to him. I don't think. I could heal otherwise. I know. You won't understand. I know. He hurt us both badly. Just for that alone, I should have stayed away. I just couldn't. He brought up some really good points. He told me. I needed to see. How I really feel about you. That as long as we had the blood blond, I couldn't really be with anyone else. It wouldn't work. I would always come back to you." Yuki admits. "He told you that?" Zero asks. "Yes. He said that. Do you still crave me?" Yuki asks. I do still crave you. It takes everything, I have to control it." Zero Confesses. " I do my best to control and hide it. I take the tablets and donation blood. I just stayed away from you, so it wouldn't come back. I was trying to break it." Yuki comments. "Because you want to be with him?" Zero asks. "No, because I don't want to be that close to anyone. It's too painful when they are not there anymore. I never had that with Kamane. As he brought up. I never craved him in that way. Just sexual. His blood was never enough. Only yours was." Yuki admits. "I'm not sure that made me feel better." Zero states. 

Sorry just being honest. I spent three years with him Zero. We were not just friends. " I know, it just hurts to hear. I know. You had desires toward him. You did your best not to give in when we were together. Guess when we weren't nothing held you back." Zero comments. "It took a year and half of you being gone. I figured. It was really over and I gave in." Yuki remarks. "What are we going to do about the blood bond? " Are you going to keep it the way it is? Or see if it's still there for you?" Zero asks trying to get off the subject of sex and Kamane before he says something. He can't take back. I don't know. When the time is right, I will try. I just need to time Zero. "Ok, at least we are talking. It's a start right?" Zero states. "Yes. Dinner was nice. I guess I'm going to get ready for bed."Yuki comments. "Am I being your pillow?" Zero smiles. "Sure. I think. We shouldn't use the couch though. It's a bit uncomfy and you're getting a stiff neck. That's not helping you sleep. " Yuki replies. "Ok, you pick the room. I will be there." Zero says. " I never been in your new room. Maybe there? if that's ok?" Yuki asks. "Sure. the bed is a full size. We can both lay down and at least stretch." Zero responds. Ok. I will get ready for bed and meet your there.

They both take their showers and get ready for bed. Yuki as nervous as if, its the first time. She ever slept near Zero before. When she is done her shower and ready. She goes over to his room. Knocking on the door. "Come in." Zero says. He is already in bed. "You always were fast with your showers." Yuki says with a smile. "Yes. You don't have to stand there. You can get in the bed. I Don't bite. Well Sometimes." Zero grins. "I know." As she slides into the bed under the covers. Putting her head on his chest and an arm around him. He then places his arms around her. This feels nice Yuki. Yes, Goodnight Zero. They fall asleep in each other's arms. Yuki trying to open herself up again.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now