Chapter 132 The Deed Is Done.

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Chapter 132 The deed is done.

Back at the Cafe. It's Wednesday. Zero is there helping. He does notice that Yuki, has been in better spirits. She is back to her old self. When she is around him alone. She isn't sad or upset anymore. It just makes him wonder. What is going on? Is she ok with this situation? He thought. She didn't even dwell. That he was working for the association. When they were alone together she just enjoyed there time together. Even at the Cafe. She might not be able to hug and kiss him and show her true feelings as she wanted, but she was happy. She would treat him well. She would spend as much time with him as she could. He was glad. She was ok. That she wasn't down. He just wondered. What changed?

While he was working in the Cafe. He got a phone call from the Association. "Zero, we need you to come in. We need you to head to the Head counsel office. Or at least what it used to be." Yagari States. "What do you mean? What it used to be?" Zero asks. "There was a gas leak, The whole building is gone. The council members had a meeting. They all perished." Yagari replies. "Oh. I will be right there. " Zero replies getting off the phone." Zero what's wrong? Yuki asks. "The head counsel building exploded. The councilmen are dead." Zero states. "Oh." Yuki asks. Without any care. Zero just looking at her getting no response. Kamane comes in. "Did you hear?" Kamane asks. "Yes, I just got the call. I need to head there now. You want to come?" Zero asks. "Yes. That would be great." Kamane replies. Zero watching Yuki looking at Kamane. He just nods at her. "Yuki you want to come to?" Zero asks. "No, that's fine. I will stay here and take care of the Cafe. You two are going. I am sure. It will be fine." Yuki states.

"Is everything ok with Yuki?" Zero asks. "Yes. why? She seems very happy." Kamane asks. "That's what I was meaning. She was so upset before. This situation was getting to her. Now she is just happy. Now, this happens." Zero remarks. "Look, Zero. Does she have a choice? The situation isn't the best for any of us. We are trying our best to make it work. Now that these Counsel men are dead. I am going to get on the council. I am making it Purebloods. That way we don't have to worry about this anymore. That doesn't mean you go home into each other's arms. Just yet either. That wouldn't look right." Kamane states. "To be honest none of this looks right. Did you have something to do with this?" Zero asks. "No. Sometimes you don't have to. Nature takes its course." Kamane answers with his emotionless look.

Once at the Head counsel office. They see it in shambles. There is nothing left. No one could live through this. "Wow, that sure was a big gas leak." Zero states. "Yep, it took out the building and a few next to it. The others are now worried since there is no counsel left. What are you going to do Kamane?" Yagari asks." Tell them not to worry. I am taking my rightful spot on the council. So is Yuki. We are going to build the council. You tell the others not to worry."Kamane States. Zero just looking at him. What did he mean about Yuki? Ok, Kamane was going on the Counsel, but Yuki? When did they have time to discuss this. It just took place. Something wasn't right. Zero knew Kamane had something to do with this. He kept his thoughts and suspicions to himself. He knew. If anyone else would think that. Kamane was dead. He also wasn't sure if Yuki was behind this as well. He didn't let on to his suspicions. He investigated everything that was there in front of him. It looks like a gas leak. There was no evidence pointing to no one. Everything was clean. It was just a very bad and sad accident. "It was a good thing it was only the counsel men. On a regular day, there are hundreds in these buildings. It was a bad misfortune. But it could have been a lot worse."Yagari states. "So true," Kamane replies. Zero just looking at them like. Yea right. Something seems fishy. Just looks like Kamane got away with it.

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