Chapter 93 BOOM!

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So What do you think? A few turns will be coming up :)

Chapter 93 BOOM

A few days later. Ren and Yoshiko come to the cafe to talk to Yuki and Zero. Ren walks in and goes straight to Yuki. "Mom, I missed you so much."He says giving her a hug. "Hi my darling, how are you?" Yuki asks. "I'm doing great. We are here because of the wedding. I know. Uncle Kamane was here visiting you." Ren states. "Yes, your uncle already told us everything." Yuki answers. Yoshiko standing behind Ren. "Hello, Yoshiko." Yuki says. "Hello. Ren thought it would be nice if you catered our wedding. Make the cake." She says. "Yes, I heard. You can go into the Kitchen and tell the staff what you are looking for, for food and the cake. They will write everything down." Yuki states trying to keep herself as cool as she could. "Where is Zero?" Yoshiko asks. "He is in his office." Yuki answers. "Mom, thank you so much for doing all this. I am so happy. So happy you and dad will be there." Ren comments. "I'm glad your happy." Yuki states as she gives him a hug. Yoshiko noticing. How cold Yuki is to her. "Why did you pick the ballroom to have your wedding Yoshiko?" Yuki asks. "It has special meaning to me. I love that place." Yoshiko states. Yuki doesn't pay much attention to her. She gives them lunch. Then goes in the back. Zero come out and talks to them for awhile. He knows that Yuki wants no part of this. It was amazing. She didn't throw Yoshiko out of the cafe. Before Yuki was trying to play nice with her, after what Kamane did, Yuki realized just how Purebloods are. They will do anything to get what they want. No one could stand in there way. It made her not trust Yoshiko again.

When they leave Yuki takes a seat in the Cafe and sips her tea. "Are you ok babe?" Zero asks. "Yea I'm fine. The staff and Yori have everything under control. They are taking on the wedding. I will just show up and act happy." Yuki states. "I am sure it will be ok. I know. You don't trust her. I don't either, but I am hoping for Ren's sake everything will be fine." Zero responds.

Yori and the staff go to the Ballroom to decorate and get the tables ready for the wedding. Yuki won't step foot in the place, until the wedding. She did help with some of the preparation since it's her name on the catering card. She knows, if people like it, they will for sure hire her. Not only for it being good. Just because its Yuki Kuran. Pureblood queen, they can say catered there party. She knows. How this works. That herPurebloodd status gets her anything she wants. She knew the same was true for Kamane, and Yoshiko. Yuki only used that Status to protect Zero. She never did it for ill will towards someone, or to gain power.

"Well, today is the big day. Are you ready babe?" Zero asks. "Yes, I guess as ready as I will ever be. Yuki comments. "I checked on everything at the ballroom it looks gorgeous. They did a wonderful job. You will be proud. Can you believe our son is getting married?" Zero asks." No, I remember when he was a baby, sleeping with us. I so wish, we could go back to that. For so many reasons."Yuki says. "He will be fine babe. You know. He has hunter in him, plus you. Not to mention, he drank off of her. It gave him powers as it did me. He can carry his own. I know. I pick on him a lot, but he turned out to a fine young man. He does a great job at work." Zero states. "This just intertwines our families even more Zero. Its never ending." Yuki admits. "Yes, I know. My son marrying Kamanes daughter. Who the hell would have thought that? I bet he loves that also." Zero states. "I think. We are all trying to handle it the best we can. For whatever reasons we have." Yuki answers. 'I know." Zero replies. "Let's just get dressed and like last time get this over with. " Zero comments.

They both go to get dressed. Zero in his black tux, white shirt. Looking very handsome. Yuki puts on a black strapless knee-length dress. With her hair up and black high heels. "You look very pretty tonight." Zero states as Yuki comes down the stairs. " Thank You, You look pretty hot yourself." Yuki says giving Zero a smile. Zero noticing. She put the Engagement ring back on. " I see that's back." Zero states. "Yes just for the night. Playing the part. Remember?" Yuki comments. "Yes. I do." Zero replies as the limo pulls up. They both walk outside into the limo. Kamane waiting. They drive over to the ballroom, the car ride was ever so quiet. Once there they get out and tons of people are everywhere. Kamane offers his arm to Yuki. They walk in like they own the place. Zero walking on the other side of Yuki. She puts her other arm around his. He just smiles down at her. All the guests, looking up. Talking about the King and Queen. Overshadowing Yohishio's wedding. The way the people were acting. You would think Kaname and Yuki were the bride and Groom. The ball was decked out with flowers. Lillie's everywhere with baby breathe. It was an awesome site. Kaname, Yuki, and Zero take their seats in front to watch their children get married. Ren already up on the altar with Kaien. Kamane gets up to walk Yoshiko down the Isle.

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