Chapter 75 Valentines

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Chapter 75 Valentines

In the morning, Yuki gets up. She gets ready to go to work. She gives Anna breakfast and gets her ready. Zero right behind them. They go back to the Cafe. Zero trying to let the day they had go, but his heart confused. Kamane comes into the Cafe to check up on Yuki. "How is my girl doing?" He says in a low sexy tone. "I'm good. I got some rest and some time with her. She is doing so much better. She is playing in the kitchen with Yori." Yuki states. "Well, I stopped in because tomorrow is Valentine's. I would like you to come home early. I have a surprise for you." Kamane states. " I like your surprises. They are always so special. I have been so out of it. I kind of forget it was Valentines."Yuki admits. "Don't worry yourself about it. I don't need any present. Just bring yourself home. You may want to dress up though. " Kamane adds. "Ok, I will be there." Yuki states. Zero listening in on the conversation. Kamane lightly pulling Yuki close to him, placing a light soft kiss on her lips. She closes her eyes and kisses him back. "See you later " He says in his soft sexy tone. Zero just walks in the back to his office. Filled with rage. Did Kamane win? Is she that in love with him now? that she won't give in to me? Watching that encounter set the mood for the rest of the day. Zero just pissy and snappy. Yuki not paying much attention, since she knows that sometimes that is how Zero is. She just worked and spent time with Anna. At the end of the day, Zero packs up and grabs Anna to go home. "Night Zero see you tomorrow," Yuki says. "Yea," Zero says as he walks out the door. "Guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Yuki says to Yori. "Is that new?" Yori says laughing.

The next Day, Yuki brings with her a Short hot red strapless little dress. She hangs in it in the back to change into tonight. She goes to Zero's office. Placing his favorite muffins on his desk, with a note saying. "Happy Valentines. Love Yuki." When she goes to her office, she sees. One single chocolate and a note. "Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you remember the time you made one for me. Thought I would do the same. Love Zero" Yuki smiles and remembers when they were kids. She made a chocolate one year. That the one that came out good, She gave to Zero. She smiles to herself and goes back to work. Zero finally here going into his office. Seeing his own present. He smiles. knowing she didn't forget him. "Thank you for the chocolate, It was very good." Yuki says. "Very welcome, you already know. I love those muffins. Thank you." Zero replies. "Your welcome. I hope you have a good day." Yuki responds walking out of his office back into the cafe.

Later in the afternoon, While they are working in the Cafe a man walks in with a dozen red roses. "Is a Yuki Kuran here? The man asks. "Yes, that would be me." Yuki states. The man handing her a Dozen Roses. Then a few more men coming in with more roses, placing them all over the Cafe. "Oh, My Yuki. Who are they from?" Yori says." Yuki opens the card. "To my girl, I hope you know just how much I love you. Forever yours Kamane." Zero just walks back to his office. While the girls gush over the flowers. Zero thinking, he always has to overdo it. Not just one freaking rose, but a whole room full. The jealously taking over.

At closing time, Yuki goes into her office and changes into the red strapless mini dress, Red strappy heels. She places the Diamond necklace, and bracelet Kamane gave her on. With the white Fur shawl. She takes her hair down. Out of the ponytail to unleash the long flowing curls down her back. When she walks out into the Cafe, Zero is cleaning up. He looks up and his jaw drops. "You look gorgeous Yuki." He says just staring at her. "Why, thank you Zero. If you can lock up tonight, that would be great." She comments. "Sure, You have a good night." Zero says. While his heart sinks. Remembering all the Valentines they spent together. Yuki says night and walks down the street. Where she sees the Limo. Kamane waiting for her. "My lady." Kamane says when he sees her. Looking dashing in his black suit. "Yuki places a light kiss on his cheek and gets into the limo. "You look incredible Yuki. I don't know if I can contain myself." Kamane states. "You are very good at keeping control Kamane. I am sure. you can contain it till later." Yuki states. " I am not as good at containing myself around you as you may think." Kamane adds. 

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