Chapter 17 Revaluations.

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Chapter 17 Revaluations.

One day while. Yuki was Visiting Kaname. She notices something different. Hanabusa was there, but not doing ,what he normally did. He would be there reading the paper ,or twiddling his thumbs, while watching Kamane. Not his lab work like he use to. She has noticed this for quite a while now. When Hanabusa left her to be with Kaname, she started Snooping. She started reading his notes. She noticed. They stopped two years ago. She also noticed they were finished. She gasped, as she kept reading. Not knowing how to feel. When Hanabusa walked back into the room. He saw that Yuki was a bit unsettled. "You ok?" Yuki ." He asks. "No, Why didn't you tell me that you found a cure to bring him back? From the look of things, you been hiding this for two years now. Why?" Yuki asks. Yuki please. Answer me! Hanabusa. "I told Zero, first i let him make the decision. He didn't want me to tell you or anyone. As my best friend ,i did what he asked." Hanabusa explains. Yuki's reaction calming down some. He is scared isn't he Hanabusa? Yes , Very much so. His emotions were all over. I couldn't go against him. "OK." Yuki says. I don't want you to tell him or anyone. That i know. You got that?"Yes." Hanabusa says taken back. This is between me and you. Just like the visits are. "OK Yuki. You got it. I hope your not mad at me." Hanabusa says. "No, to be honest. I know why you did it. I don't want to hurt Zero either. " Yuki States. "How do you feel about this information Yuki?" He asks. "I'm not sure. I love Kaname. I always will. With him this way ,i can keep things under control. With him here i can't. I'm not sure. How i would respond, if i saw him in person, Hanabusa. I love Zero with all my heart. There is just something about Kaname, always has been. Just his touch or voice, could get me to do anything. I messed up big time once. I don't ever want to do that again. I almost lost Zero. I betrayed him. I hurt him so deeply. Looking down sadly at the floor. I wont do that again." Yuki states. "I understand." Hanabusa says. I promise you. I won't say a thing. Its up to either of you, to make the choice. It affects both of you and your family. "Thank you ." She responds.

Walking away. She doesn't know. How to feel. It's excitement in knowing.S he could see him again. Touch him. Hear his voice. In another way, it's straight fear. Would things change? Would I betray Zero? My life and family? I can't lose or give them up. So many things, we're going through her mind, just like they did Zeros. She didst trust herself around Kamane. She knew her heart was with Zero. Just Kamane always had this power over her. Deep down. She knew. When she slept with him in the dream it wasn't only for the power. It was because she wanted to. Never admitting that to herself before. She knew. That was a dream, but if she ever did it in person, She knew. It would be over for her and Zero. She couldn't face that. She couldn't take any chances. She went to the main house and sat in her room. Looking out the window. The more she would think about it. The more confused, she would get. She knew, why Zero wouldn't let her know about it. He didn't trust her around Kamane either. It was always Zeros fear. He was this tall strong badass guy, but when it came to Yuki, he would crumble like a cookie. The only person Zero Feared could take her away was Kaname. It was the his only fear. Everything or one else, he could take on head first. Without even thinking about it. Just not Kamane. While sitting there deep in thought Zero walks in the bedroom. "Hey, baby. What are you doing?" Zero asks. Yuki so into her thoughts didn't hear him. He goes over to her. "Babe?" Zero says. Yuki rattled says" Oh Zero I didn't hear you come in." "I noticed that." Zero replies. What are you thinking about? "Oh, Just Ai's Wedding. You know a wedding takes a lot of planning." She answers. Coming up with a quick response. "Yea I know. If its anything like your birthday parties, we are going to go broke." Zero laughs. "Yea." She answers. Zero notices. She isn't in her bubbly self. "Something wrong babe?" Zero asks. "No, Just tired that's all. I was thinking Zero. Why don't we go away, just me and you." Yuki states. "Like a vacation?" Zero asks. Yes, a Vacation. Away from here and everything. Just me and you. "Sounds nice babe. Where to." Zero asks. "The beach. It would be nice to walk the beach with you in the moonlight. My love. Maybe even make love on the beach." She says with an evil grin. "Well I'm there," says Zero. Just let me know, when and where and I will go. OK, Zero. I will plan it and surprise you. Sounds good babe. Zero. kisses her head. Yuki closes her eyes. Trying not to let the pain in her heart show.

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