Chapter 51 Come back to me.

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Chapter 51 Come back to me.

It's now the end of summer. Zero, Yuki and the twins enjoyed there summer together, in their new home. They had a great time in there backyard. BBQing and swimming. Spending a lot of family time together. They also had Hanabusa and Yori there. It will be time for school soon. Hanabusa is getting ready to teach the twins. Zero is still taking it easy. Enjoying the stables, and the free time. Yuki and Yori have also been doing a little bit of catering. Everyone always enjoyed Yuki's parties and food. Some of there friends hired her, to do there parties and gatherings. She enjoys it. It gives her something to do. The men help. When she needs to get things delivered to the clients. Zero is very proud of Yuki. She is a very different person, then the young naive little girl. He met so many years ago. Their relationship is stable and doing well. They seem to do there best. When they are away from Cross, and the mansion. She hasn't mentioned anything, that has happened in the past or even Kamane. She will sometimes talk about her new expecting grandchild but feels that Kamane will get the most benefit out of it. Since Ai and Seiya live at Cross with him. She will take a step back. So he can enjoy all the stuff he missed with Ai. Plus she tries her best not to go anywhere near him. She hasn't seen him since the housewarming party.

One day while working in the kitchen, she gets a call from Ai. "Hello Mother, I just called to let you know Kaien isn't doing very well. He is ill and would like to see you." Ai explains " Oh Ai I hope he feels better soon. Are you sure? That I have to come there? I would rather not. Maybe I can just talk to him over the phone?" Yuki suggests. "Mother you need to come to visit your father. "Ai responds. " Well, I can't stay long. I have work here. I am busy and have my own life Ai, I can't be called all the time to go to Cross. I already told you I don't want to go there for any reason. I will come for a day trip to see father. Then I'm going home." Yuki comments. "Ok mother. It will make him happy to see you." Ai says.

When they get off the phone Yuki tells Zero. "Zero I have to go to Cross, Father isn't doing well. He wants to see me." Yuki says in an irritated voice. "May I come with you?" Zero asks. " Of course, but it's only going to be a Day trip. I don't want to stay there any longer then I have to. The twins can stay home with Hanabusa and Yori." Yuki snaps. " Ok babe. If you really don't want to go, you don't have to." Zero comments. "I know, but how does it look? That my father asks for me, and I don't go? How about if he is really sick? It would be the last time I ever saw him? " Yuki sighs. Zero Nods "I understand."

Zero keeps his feelings to himself. He just watches. Yuki in the car, very uncomfortable on there ride there. He can see that she really doesn't want to do this. Once there Yuki goes straight to the Headmasters bedroom. She opens the door and walks in. Kaien sitting up in bed. "Father, how are you feeling? Ai called me and told me you wanted to see me. That you were not feeling well." "Yuki!" He screams with Glee. My daughter has come to see me. I am so happy. I have been under the weather for a few weeks now. I just wanted to see you. You always make me feel better." Kaien states. "Father I love you. I don't want you hurt, but if its not something serious. Please don't ask me to come here. You're always welcome at my house. I would prefer you to come there." Yuki remarks. "I know Yuki. I just couldn't this time. I will keep that in mind for the future." Kaien says. "Ok father." Yuki answers. She stays with him a few hours, just talking and updating each other. She likes him. He always makes her feel safe. Its why she could not come. He needed her. She wouldn't abandon him. He never did her.

After awhile Zero comes in. "My son. It's so good to see you." Kaien says. Zero just mumbles. "I see you're ok." "I am now that both my children are here." Kaien responds. " So just wasting our time, I see." Zero says. " How can you be so mean?" Kaien says while crying. "Zero please, talk to him. I'm going to go see Ai." Yuki says. "Oh brother. You're leaving me with him?" Zero hisses. "Be nice." Yuki replies as she leaves the room.

Yuki walks to Ai's office. Which use to be the headmasters. She knocks on the door and walks in. "Hi, Mother. I am so glad you came." Ai states. Yuki walking over and giving her a big hug and kiss. "How are you feeling sweety" Yuki asks. "I'm doing well mother. I have to be honest with you Mother. I really didn't call you over for granddad. He is really fine. I called you over, because of Father. What did you say to him the last time you saw him? He hasn't been the same since the BBQ. He is so down, and upset. " Ai Admits. " You can't be serious? You call me here for that?" Yuki snaps. I told you. I didn't want to come here. This place. I want to forget. I have such a nice normal life, and you call me back here for this!" Yuki hisses. "Mother you can't run away. Plus you haven't answered my question." Ai comments. "Look I didn't say or do anything to your father. He said something about giving his life to Zero. I think. He just regrets what he did. What do you want me to do about it? IT was his choice." Yuki states. " I know mother, but I hate seeing him like this. He is miserable. Can you please talk to him?" Ai asks. "I will do it for you. I am warning you. Don't you ever do this again." Yuki says. "Yes, mother. I am sorry. It was the only way i knew you would come."

Yuki walks to the moon door, very mad. This is what, she was trying to stay away from. She dreaded to be around him. To be near him. She walks up to his room. Knocks on the door. "Come in." Kamane says in a low sad tone. Laying down on his sofa, hand on his head. "Yuki my love, your here." He says Happily. "Yes. Ai told me your not yourself since the BBQ. That I needed to come to see you." Yuki states. "Yes, i guess that is true. I didn't mean to worry her. I just had so many things on my mind." Kamane replies. "I can't come here for things like this Kamane. I have my own life. I really don't want to come here." Yuki admits. " I miss you Yuki. You don't even talk to me anymore. I never see you. I did better when I was dead. You would visit me every day. Tell me things. Confide in me. I miss that. " Kamane remarks. "Things are different now Kamane. We are adults. We have lives. I have children. I have a husband to take care of. " Yuki remarks. "Yes. I know, but that still shouldn't stop our friendship." Kamane replies. "It's not that easy," Yuki states. As Kamane puts his arm around Yuki, placing kisses on her neck. "Your scent drives me crazy. I need you." He says Kissing her passionately on the lips. He pulls her body close to him and keeps the kiss going. Yuki's body saying yes, but her mind saying no. In a low voice, she says Kamane, please. "Stop. I can't do this. " I know you want me to. I feel it Yuki. I See it in your eyes, I feel it in your body. Don't fight me anymore." Kamane says. "Please, let go. Yuki breathing heavy, trying to squirm out of his arms. I can't give in. I have to go." Yuki says. Trembling. "This is why. I can't be your friend. I can't talk to you. It's just not friends. You want more, then I can give you right now. Your either going to have to control yourself Kamane, or I won't be able to see you under any circumstances. I know you can control yourself. I Seen it many times in the past. LIke I learned to control myself you need to go back to that." Yuki explains. As she gets herself away from him. She walks out of the door trying to fix her clothes and her mind. Her heart beating fast. Breathing heavy. She gathers herself together, before going to get Zero.

She goes to the headmaster's bedroom. Picking up Zero. "Are you ready to leave Zero?" Yuki asks. "I have been ready." Zero admits. " How is Ai? Everything go ok?" Zero asks. "Yes, everything is fine. She is fine. Its just time to go." Yuki states. "Did you see Kamane?" Zero asks. As Kamanes scent is all over Yuki. "Yes. He is fine as well." She says as she gets into the front seat of the car. I told Ai not to bother me with any of this anymore. I won't be coming back. If father needs me, he can come to our home." Yuki replies. "Ok." Zero responds.

On the way home, they talk about regular things. Zero tries not to focus on her smelling like Kamane. But it's taking over his mind. Why does she smell that fierce of him? What did he do now? I should of went with her. He keeps thinking to himself. At least she doesn't want to go back. I will make sure. She doesn't. I will also make sure they are never alone together again. Whatever is going on has to stop. He thinks to himself.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now