Chapter 65 Going Home

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Chapter 65 Going home

✕After the week, Its now Friday. Yuki is going back to the main house to spend the weekend there. Like she always does. Getting Stuff ready for the Family Dinner. Leaving Kamane behind for this one. Telling him there is enough awkwardness. There doesn't need to be more. She wants her children to spend time with there father. To build a relationship, they once had with him. She didn't want any fights, or craziness happening. There was enough of that the last two years.

She gets to the house, going in. Zero sitting at the counter reading his paper. Like he always use to do. She glances over to him, as she lays her bag on the sofa. "Hi, Your home for the weekend?" Zero asks. "Yes, I come in every Friday. I didn't mean to disturb you."She says. "Your not. ZJ is over Hanabusa's for class. He will be home shortly." He responds. "Will Kamane be coming as well? Zero asks. "No, I told him to stay home. I don't need either of you to be childish and start crap. I want our kids to be with there father. The weekend to be normal." Yuki states. "I understand." Zero says. Seeing a difference in Yuki's Voice and attitude. The confidence. She shows. "You actually told Kamane no?" Zero Asks? "What is that suppose to mean?" Yuki glares at him. "I just meant. It would be fun to see you telling him, No, Him having to do it. The pureblood king." Zero responds. "At this moment, I don't think Kamane wants to play with me. He knows. I'm not messing around. The same goes for you Zero. I am in no mood for games. I don't mind you staying here. It is your home as well. Just don't start anything. Don't pick on Ren. When he gets here. I don't like it. He is far from the Pussy, you want to call him. He is your son. You should respect him. If you want any in return." Yuki hisses."I know. I am so sorry. I ever said that. It wasn't me. I love our children Yuki. I love you as well." Zero explains. While talking ZJ runs in and runs to Yuki. Mommy, Mommy. I missed you. He says as he puts his arms around her. "My angel. I missed you too. Did you like spending time with daddy?' Yuki asks.

 "Yes, I loved it. He isn't going anywhere is he mommy? ZJ asks. "You have to ask him that." Yuki replies. Zero still sitting at the counter. "No, son. I'm not going anywhere. I promise you." The child smiling from ear to ear. Mommy, Daddy can we have dinner together tonight? Please!?" ZJ asks. Looking at both of them. Yuki looking at Zero and him back at her. "Sure Son."Zero answers. "Go get cleaned up. I will put dinner on." Yuki remarks. "He wants us to be together." Zero says. "Yes, I see that. He is seven. He doesn't understand." Yuki comments. "Let's make the weekend nice for him. We can stay in each others company for him. Can't we?" Zero asks. "Yes. I can do that." She replies. Zero sets the table with ZJ. Talking about his t-ball game tomorrow. How he wants both of them there. It will be the first time since he started, that both his parents would attend. Normally it would just be Zero. Since he had him on the weekend. They sit down to eat. Seeing their child the happiest. He has been in two years. Zero and Yuki interacting with each without yelling or screaming. When dinner is over Zero helps clear the table. "ZJ why don't you go upstairs and get ready for bed. If you do it without complaint, you can have ice cream for dessert." Yuki says. "Ok, Mommy." ZJ running upstairs to get ready. " I haven't seen him that happy in so long."Zero says. "Same. He is just a little boy. He saw way more then he needed to." Yuki admits. After dessert Yuki and Zero tuck ZJ in bed. Putting his night light on and leaving his door half open.

"Good night Zero. I will see you tomorrow." Yuki says. "Good night." Zero replies back. He watches as she doesn't go into there old bedroom. She goes to one of the Guest rooms. He walks over to there old room and opens the door. Dust fills the air. Everything in place, just like he last saw it. Even the stuff he left behind still in its place. Dust on the nick nacks. The room hasn't been used in a while. He quietly closes the door behind him and goes back to his room.

In the middle of the night. Yuki hears noises. She gets up. Walking down the hallway, going past Zeros bedroom door. Hearing the noises come from there. She opens the door and peers in. Seeing Zero on the floor, Eyes filled with bloodlust. Holding his throat. Blood tablets on the floor near him. "Zero are you ok?" She inquires. Not looking at her. He says "Yes." "Don't lie to me. I can Clearly see your not. If your craving Kharis's blood, I can see if I have any blood donation blood. I can let you have." She says. Zero looks up at her confused. "Kharis blood?" He says. "Well, you were with her two years. I'm sure you fed off her. Crave it now?" She asks. "No, I never drank from her!" He snaps. "Well, I guess. That's one thing. You didn't do with her." Yuki hisses. "Then what do you need Zero?" She asks. "You. ...I Need your blood. I Still crave you. I hurt for you." He admits. "You got to be kidding me." She remarks. "I guess. You're happy with Kamanes blood. Your not craving mine anymore. You don't love me you wouldn't crave me." Zero says falling to the floor, Holding his throat."I Don't drink from Kamane. I take the blood tablets and donation blood. I felt the same way you are feeling. When you left me." She comments. 'The blood tablets. Don't work." Zero snaps. "Trust me. I know. They only make it worse." Here. She offers him her wrist. You don't have to suffer." She says. Zero standing up. Eyes glazed over red with desire. Grabs both of her wrists and pushes her to the wall. Looking into her eyes. Knowing. That if she wanted out of this, she could snap him like a twig. He licks her neck, Placing kisses up near her earlobe, then back down. Licking again, then sinking his fangs into her warm flesh. He lets go of her wrists and holds her tight sliding down the wall. She gives out a small moan. As he takes in the blood and scent of her. He licks and seals the wholes. "Drink from me." He says. While she is in his arms." "No that's ok. She tries to get up. He pushes her back down. Holding her ever so close. "Drink." Her trying to fight it. Her eyes turning red with lust. Zero holding her so tight. She can't break free. She gives in to her desire and Sinks her fangs into his neck. Squeezing him tighter then he is her. Letting his body fall down on the floor as she is on top of him sucking his blood. When she is done. She lets go of him and gets up. "Thank you."Zero says. "Yea, Whatever. I'm going back to bed." Yuki replies. Trying her best to shake off what just happened.

The next day, they get ready to go to the t-ball game. ZJ is so excited and happy. They go to his game. Watching it together. When he gets up to bat, he hits a home run. Both of them Screaming from the sidelines. Jumping and clapping. " I am so proud of you." Yuki says. "Oh, mom. It was nothing." ZJ responds. "Well, it was for me! I think Pizza and ice cream is in order. What do you think Zero?" She asks. "I think that's a great idea. We will stop at the pizza shop on the way home." He says. They go to the shop. Eat and have a great time. Little ZJ enjoying himself. "What do you want to do? When we go home?" Yuki asks ZJ. "I want to watch a movie with you both." "Ok." She says.

When they get home, they put there pj's on and head to the couch. Where ZJ picks his movie. Sitting on the floor with his pillow and blanket. Yuki sits on the left side of the sofa. Zero sits in the middle. ZJ and Yuki fall sleep after the second movie. Zero just stares at both of them. Remembering how it use to be with Ai and the twins. How instead of Yuki being on the left side, she would be laying next to him. His heart hurting. He says to himself "This is better than nothing." He carries ZJ up to his bed and tucks him in. Going back down and covering Yuki. Knowing. It best not to touch her. Sitting back down, in the middle of the couch with his blanket and falling asleep.

Yuki gets up in the morning. She actually slept there the night. Waking to find Zero sleeping in the middle of the sofa. She leaves him there. She goes to put the coffee on. Getting the food ready for today's dinner.

Later in the day Ren and Aiko show up. Ren already talked to his father. Zero has explained everything to him. They are on talking terms. Yuki sets the table. Getting the food ready to serve, as the kids and Zero take a seat. They all sit at the table and enjoy there meal. Talking about things in general. Staying away from major topics. Dinner is over. Yuki cleans up. The kids say their goodbyes. That they will see them next week. Yuki then gets her bag. Getting ready to leave. "I am going to leave ZJ here again. I hope that's ok?" Yuki asks. "Yes, I was going to ask you to. I want to spend as much time with him as I can." Zero replies. "Good. I will be back next Friday. You two have the house to yourselves." Yuki says. "Why don't you come home during the week?" Zero asks. "Well at first there was no reason to. The house was empty. It didn't even feel like a home anymore. So I stayed at the Cafe apartment. Now I am just used to it. I live there with Kamane. I didn't feel right taking him into our home. It felt weird. He comes on the weekend for family dinners. I didn't make it his home." Yuki explains. "Oh," Zero replies. "You have a good week Zero." Yuki says as she closes the front door behind her.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now