Chapter 121 If you Leave.

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Review, please. DO you think he will leave her?

Chapter 121 If you leave!

All that day Yuki has been waiting for Zero to come back to the Cafe. She wants to talk to him. She is visibly upset. Kamane is doing his best to mind his business. It does hurt him to see her like this. He wishes that Zero would just make up his mind. Either stay or leave.

Later in the evening. Zero comes back and goes into his apartment. Using the side entrance instead of the cafe entrance. Yuki hears the door, running up the stairs to the apartment. "Zero, may I had a word with you?" Yuki asks. "I think. We already said everything. We needed to say." Zero replies. "No. We didn't. What your planning on doing effects me as well as you. I want you to really think about it. If you really do this, there is no coming back. I want you to know, that I will not take you back. If you changed your mind. I will not forgive you for this. You will be breaking your promises to me. There is no one controlling you. It's your own free will choice to leave me. To hurt me. To walk away. Once I close you off. I'm done. I don't care if that leads me to death. I don't care. No matter, how much it hurts. I will never be able to forgive you for this." Yuki announces.

 "I know. I thought of all that. You would be free though. Don't talk about death. You could just let me go. You did it in the past." Zero states. "This is worse. I already know. What it feels like, to be without you. I already made the choice to be with you fully. Now you want me to let go. You want to give up on everything. We ever created together. I want you to think about everything. I said to you. I want you to only walk away if you don't love me. If you really don't want to be with me. Do you hear me Zero?" Yuki shouts. "Yes. I hear you." Zero replies. "Will you think about all I just told you? Before making your final decision?" Yuki asks. "Yes. I promise you. I will. "I am so tired of fighting you, and with you. I just want this to end. " Yuki states. "I know. Me to. If I don't go this is going to be hard. You know that?" Zero states. "Of course. When the hell is our relationship ever easy?" Yuki responds. "True. It will be hard to pretend not to be together all the time." Zero mentions. "Yes, but it will just pretend. We know. We are there for each other. We can make it work. We always do." Yuki responds. Looking up at Zero. Her eyes filled with tears. He sees the pain in them. "Ok. I will think about all this. I will see. What I come up with." Zero replies. Placing his arms around her. Yuki gives out a sigh as he wraps his arms around her.

After Yuki, leaves the rest of the night. All Zero does is think, about what she said. He knew. She would never forgive him. That she would never forget. That he would never be able to return if he did leave. Hearing her say it made it all too real. It made him know for sure, that what he thought would take place. Never able to come back to see his children. Never to touch her again. To have to live two separate lives forever. His heart broke. He just remembered her saying those words, with tears in her eyes. How hurt she was. How this wasn't helping anyone. Just hurting them both even more. He knew. The day of the party was getting closer. That he would have to make up his mind of what he was going to do. He thought. He already knew. This just confused him more. Hurt him more. He tried to close his eyes to get some rest. Thinking Yuki was right down the street. Lying in bed alone and hurt too. Knowing its in the middle of the night and he couldn't just go to her. How about if someone was watching them. It would look weird for him to enter Kamane's home. In the middle of the night. That would be another thing. If he stayed, he would have to control himself. Hiding how he truly felt about her. She would have to do the same. At least till things would get normal again. Would they ever?

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