Chapter 80 Letting go

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Chapter 80 letting go

When Yuki gets back to the Cafe, she was very quiet. She didn't tell anyone. What took place. An emptiness inside her heart. It hurt to know. She wasn't with Kamane anymore, but at least this time, he was alive. If Things got too bad, she could always see him again. Talk to him again. Hear his voice. The voice that always calmed her down. No matter. How crazy inside she was. Even though he did this, she still cared. Wondering to herself, if she did the right thing. Wondering if she should have just went with him, and left this all behind. Her feelings were all over the place. It would take her a bit to figure out. What she really wanted.

At closing time, Zero goes over to her. Seeing that all day. She stayed quiet. Not able to read her. Not able to see. What took place earlier in the day with Kamane. He just knew. She reeked of him. That made Zero very uneasy. Did she take him back? Did they make up? All thoughts went through his head. Trying to keep them to himself. He felt. He already had done enough.

"Yuki are you ready to go home?" Zero asks. "Yes, first I would like to stop at my house for some things." She replies. "Sure. Do you want me to come in with you?" Zero asks. "You can, if you want, Kamane isn't there. He went away for a while. We are taking some time apart." She answers. Zero not sure what to reply, just nods. They walk down the street to Yuki's home with Kamane. She opens the door to quiet. Kamane not sitting at his desk like normal. The smell of him still lingering in the air. She goes upstairs to get her things. Zero walks slowly behind her. She opens the door to there bedroom. To where they spent this afternoon at. The bed now made. She looks at his closet. Some of his things are still there. She grabs one of his white shirts smelling it, then putting it in her bag. Zero just watching. A sadness taking over him. Why would she take that with her? He knows better than to ask. She grabs a few more of her own items. Going into her jewelry box, Taking the heart earrings Kamane gave her. Zero noticing. She always wears the matching necklace. Zero also noticing. How much she did care. That the relationship meant a lot to her, even though she didn't show it. Like she did. When she was with Zero. He watched as she closed the Jewelry box, then the light and door to the bedroom. Walking downstairs slowly. She took one last look at Kamanes office. Taking in his scent. She closed the door and walked out.

"I'm Ready to leave now." She says to Zero. "I'm sorry,"Zero says in a low tone. "What for? Isn't this what you wanted? You knew by telling me that, it would hurt. It would break us. You just couldn't see us happy. You had to push. " Yuki says locking the door of the house. "I was hurt. I let it go. I did think. You should have known. Yes, I did it to hurt him. I hurt you as well. I see. How much you really cared now." Zero admits. 'It doesn't matter anymore. It's like I can't stay happy with either one of you. The other won't allow it. In a way, I am glad you told me. You are right. I should know. It just didn't make it easier. I want to just go home and get some sleep." They both get into the car and head home. Yuki quiet for the car ride. Zero can sense, she is still upset about whatever did happen today. He knows better than to ask. Figuring it was between Kamane and her. He did leave, so they are not a couple at the moment. She goes into the house and goes straight to her room. Zero happy at least she is here. Knowing that instead of pulling her closer, that just drew them apart. He knew. She figured, he was no better then Kamane.

The next few months are pretty much the same. Yuki goes to work. Goes home to sleep. She doesn't really talk to anyone. She will respond and make conversation only if spoken to. The Sunday family dinners haven't taken place since Kamane left. There was no sign of him. He stayed away like he said. He would. She would ride with Zero and even live with him. Still, that didn't bring them closer. She was still closed off. Not sure if it was because of Kamane or just the whole situation in general. Zero regretted what he did. This didn't make things better, it just made them worse. It made Yuki feel there was no one in her life. She could really trust. Normally when things like this would happen, Yuki would want to run. She couldn't this time. She loved the Cafe. It took all her hard work and sweat to build. She just couldn't walk away. She Couldn't leave it. It was doing well. She always put herself fully into it. The house her and Kamane shared still sat there. She would go there now and then to check on it. Seeing if Kamane returned. Zero knew. That was why. She went back there. Zero not sure if Kamane would ever truly be out of Yuki's heart. That bothered him. Knowing all he did to her, she still cared. He was always the throne in Zero's side. ANd Zero was always the throne in his.

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