Chapter 153 Hidden Lies

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Chapter 153 Hidden Lies.

A few weeks later. Nezera is at Cross. He and Aiko still live there. Kaien was planning on giving them their own wing now. So they would have the alone time. They needed. Kaien was very close to them. Most of Yuki's grown children lived at Cross. It was a safe and peaceful place to stay. Kaname made sure of it. Ai was also doing a very good job. She was pretty much in charge of Cross now. Kaien was the doting Grandfather to Erica. Thanks to Yuki, Kaien's family grew. It was something he always wanted. He was happy to know that Yuki and Zero were together all these years. He felt really bad that they had so many problems lately. He knew it wouldn't be easy for them. He was just glad. They stuck it out.

Nezera was just coming out of Ai's Office. He would help her with anything she needed. When he spotted a mature, purple haired man entering the gates. He thought to himself. No, it couldn't be. He would never find me. No one knows. Where I am. I made sure of it. My eyes must be deceiving me. As Nezera kept walking, He found his eyes knew exactly what they were viewing. "Shit he mumbled under his breath." As he tried to catch up to the purple haired man. Wearing a grey suit. Looking distinguished. No one ever knowing. What true evil he was.

 "Father, what are you doing here?" Nezera asks. "My son. You don't think? I would miss my only son's wedding. Now do you?" Victor states. "Since when do you care father? You never liked my choices before. So why does it matter now?" Nezera replies. "Because for once in your pathic life you actually did something right." Victor replies. "What do you mean?" Nezera responds. "You are marrying a pure blood's daughter. Not to mention, she is half Hunter. You can't get any better than that. How the hell did you manage to capture her heart? You being so cold. Does she know? You're a murder for hire?" Victor Comments. "NO! And I don't want her to know. That life doesn't exist here. You don't exist here. They think my father is Rido. I want it to stay that way." Nezera hisses. "Really? You think? The stupid bastard is something you would want to call father? He was just as much of an evil prick as I am." Victor Snaps. "Look, I have a great life here. I don't want to mess it up. You can come to the wedding. Just keep your mouth shut. How did you find me anyway?" Nezera replies. "Oh, Your dear friend Mika told me you were here. She was so happy to be with you again. I always thought. You would marry her. Not this. But I have no complaints. You are getting in the with the King and Queen. And the hunter. We all heard about the Hunter. He is supposed to be the strongest alive. Thanks to the dear Queen. Even the other realm Knows about them two. Talk about fucked up relationships." Victor Laughs.

 " So did you drink her blood?" Victor adds. "Yes. Of Course. I never felt so high in my life." Nezera admits. "Ahh. My Son. You finally caught on. The power running through your veins. It's Magical. Probably why the Hunter stayed around this long."Victor states. "Those two love each other. It's not this demented thing you try to make it out to be. There is such thing as love." Nezera replies. " This world is making you soft. Mika was right about that. Aiko's blood running through you will make you even stronger. Then what you were. In our Realm, you will be King." Victor remarks. "I am not after that father. I want peace." Nezera comments. "Kings make peace. Kings make war. That just depends on you. I will see you at this so-called wedding. I will do as you wish. I will state. I am your uncle. I don't want this plan to fail. Plus I can't wait to meet this crew." Victor remarks. Walking back to his limo.

Watching his father leave the premises. Nezera feels betrayed by his best friend. How could she? He knew. She was a destroyer of everything good. He just didn't think. She would do that to him. That she would tell his father what was going on. Nezera's father was pure evil. He would do anything to get what he wanted. Nezera had no plans to do anything with his status. He just honestly fell in love with Aiko. He did know. The blood gave him a rush. He never felt before. It linked him to her. Like Yuki was linked to Zero. Making it impossible for him to let her go. In a way, he wishes he could. Not knowing what the future would hold. He knew. He couldn't even have a child with her. He didn't want to bring that into this world. He also knew. That the family he was getting into, was just as corrupted as his. They would do anything to get, what the wanted as well. Yuki wasn't the goodie goodie everyone thought she was. She had an evil side to her. He never forgot. That she killed his mother. Not to mention the council. That left a bad taste in his mouth. He didn't care a thing about the Counsel. But he did about his mother. They might not of be close, but he didn't want that for her. He saw the evil side of Yuki many times. Starting out with Yoshiko. He knew. That was only going to end badly. He saw that from the start. it's what made him pretend to be this quiet, non powerful vampire. Never showing his true self. Never letting them know. What he really is. Everything was fine. Till he fell in love with Aiko.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now