Chapter 41 Tell Me.

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Chapter 41 Tell me

Its been a few days, Yuki has been thinking more and more about going to see Yoshiko. She knows. The only way to do so is going to Kamane. Being around Kamane has been getting harder and harder for Yuki to do. He seems to have this control over her. She can't explain. Even with all the resentment, she does have, with his touch, she still can just fall into his arms. She knows though if she wants to do what she needs to. She needs his help. So she goes to his room.

"Come in." He says. "Knowing Yuki is outside the door before, she knocks. Is there something a matter?" Kamane asks. Yuki walks over to Kamane, laying on his couch. His hand above his head, his black shirt open. Sexiness just oozing out of him in every way. She sits next to him. He places his hand in hers." I need this fight to end." Yuki says. I need to stop her. I need your help. Kamane looks at her, nodding his head. "I know." He responds. He sits up looking into Yuki's eyes." I feel the desire you have for me, Yuki. I can smell it all over you. Why are you fighting it?" Kamane asks. Yuki looks down "I have to." She states." Why?" He responds." Do you think it makes me feel good knowing, that after you leave me? Your so full of passion, you run to Zero. Giving it to him?" Kamane snaps. First time. He has lost his control around Yuki." I can't give in." Yuki says softly." Why? Tell me Why? "Kamane asks. "I don't trust you." Yuki replies. "I gave in to you once. I left here with you, trying to make things work. It only ended badly. I don't see it ending any better this time around. I can't hurt Zero. Who has always been there no matter what, for something that might just last for a day. Till you don't want it anymore." Yuki admits. "I see." Kamane says. I know. I hurt you, but I would never leave you again. My heart is yours Yuki. Yuki responds. " and mine yours. Always Kamane. I always said. I would still love you, even if you betrayed me. You back here makes things so hard." "You know the passion and lust isn't going to go away till you give in to it Yuki?" Kamane declares. It will only grow and get worse. Till your begging me to take you. He touches her face with his gentle hand. Yuki's Eyes close, her body shivering from his touch. Passion building inside of her. She does her best to control herself and remember why she came. "I can't hurt Zero. If I give in even if it's only once, he will never forgive me."Yuki says." Ok. You try to control it. Yuki but vampire lust is unbearable. It will consume you." Kamane responds. "I didn't come here for this ."Yuki states. I want Yoshiko. " Trying to get my mind elsewhere isn't going to work Kamane." Yuki says." Are you going to help me or not? "She snaps". Yes, I will help you. I wish things where different. I would love to get to know her and be a family. " Kamane says. "I think we are way past that." Yuki replies." I fear if I don't kill her she will never leave me alone. "Yuki says. "I don't want her dead." Kamane replies. "I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens." Yuki replies." When you are ready let me know and I will take you there." Kamane states. Yuki nods and leaves the room.

Kuro and Shiro run back to there master, letting her know. What they are planning. Yoshiko tells Nezera. We need to attack them before, they do us. We need to go there. "Yoshiko are you sure about this?" Nezera replies. Maybe we should just go home. Let them be. We did enough damage. Don't you want to get to know your father? Isn't this what this is about?" Nezera says. "If you keep this up you won't be able to. Yuki is either going to kill you or god knows what. She is after blood. Which to be honest, I can't blame her." Nezera declares. "Who's side are you on Nezera?" Yoshiko asks. Are you feeling sorry for little old Yuki? "No." Nezera says." I just don't like to fight battles that can't be won. I am on your side always have been. I just believe you are wrong at the moment. We go to her place. All her people are there. She has enough of them to keep us busy. Just Zero alone could kill you. He was made for it, By your own father!" Nezera states. "Well then, we will have to see if my father lets her kill me. Let's see how much control, he does have over her." Yoshiko says. "There is no talking or getting through to you." Nezera says.

Yoshiko gathers Kuro, Shiro, and her sword. She takes the vial around her neck off. Opens it to drink Zeros blood. She feels it course through her veins. She then knows Yuki made him have Pureblood powers. "He can't be killed that easily. Well isn't that something, always protecting you Zero. If I take your head or heart then, she can't any longer." Yoshiko states. laughing. "Burning you wouldn't of worked after all. Not with the powers you have. You're stronger than my father. How do you like that?" She smirks.

Back at Cross, Yuki leaves Kamane. Instead of shaking the building and running to Zero like always. She goes to the bathroom. Takes a cold shower. Calming her nerves and body. She just sits there letting the cold water hit her body. She didn't even take off her clothes. She sits there thinking about what lies ahead. "I can do this. I will take back my family. I have to. I can't keep living like this. I wish we could go back to before." She says in her mind. We were so happy. Maybe after this, we can get that back. She gets out of the shower and changes her clothes. Knowing what is in store for tonight. The rest preparing themselves as well.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now