Chapter 134 Impulse.

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Chapter 134 Impulse.

When Yuki goes home to the townhome. She sees Kamane, reading the paper at his desk. She walks into his office. "Good Morning Kamane." Yuki says, walking over to him and kissing his cheek. "Good Morning. How is my girl?"Kamane replies. "Pretty good. I see everything went according to plan." Yuki states. "Yes. It went very well. Better than excepted. Zero was a little suspicious though. I would be careful with, how you act around him. We don't need him putting his nose in it."Kamane remarks. "He wouldn't. If he thought, I had anything to do with it. He would leave it be. I trust him." Yuki responds. "Not enough to tell him the truth," Kamane replies. "It's not that. I am keeping him safe. The less he knows the better for his own sake." Yuki comments. "Always protecting Zero. There is more to life then that Yuki. I know. You love him dearly. Its why I helped you. It just gets old." Kamane remarks. "Is your jealousy showing through there Kamane?" Yuki asks. " It's just hard. Knowing soon you will leave here. You will go back to the main house with him. You know. That is going to be hard on our son. He enjoys being here with the both of us. It's changing his life around again." Kamane comments. "Yes. I thought of that. I will do whatever is best for him. If that means, he stays here I will do it. I can make it that I leave the Cafe a bit early to make dinner for him, help with homework and tuck him in. Then I can leave to go to the Main house." Yuki suggests. "Then go home and cook again? Eat again? Every night? Don't you think that will get old? I know you need your freedom. We don't need you running off to Cross again." Kamane snaps.

 'Well aren't you in a mood? When the time comes we will figure it out. We have a while for that. I just can't go home just yet. I realize that. I also want to thank you for all you have done. I know this is hard on you. It's not very easy on me either. I am just hoping now things can get normal for all of us. We need to work out something that makes you able to have a life too." Yuki explains. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Once you're not here anymore, I will adjust as always." Kamane remarks. Yuki sees the pain in Kaname's eyes. She knows. He wishes this relationship was real. He was doing great. Till he realized she just got closer to going home. To leaving him again. To running back to Zero. He knew it was the end game. It just happens to hit him hard today. The cool, calm not showing emotion Kamane, Cracked a little. Yuki being the only one to ever be able to do that to him. Yuki always stuck between these two men. The men she loved dearly. The men she always hurt.

She thought about, what Kamane said about their son. Not realizing before, how this was going to change his life again. Not even thinking about anything but being with Zero. As always. This would disrupt this child. Taking him away from the stable everyday life. He had. Dragging him from home to home again. Making him live the life that ZJ had to live for many years. Bring dragged back and forth between houses. Yuki hated that. It might still be months away from happening, but it still would happen. There was always something in the way. Always something that would pull her close or back to Kamane. It was as if fate would never let them be apart fully. She loved him, even though she tried her best not to. She did. She spent most of the time at the Cafe to hide from him. So her old feelings wouldn't creep back up. She made the decision to finally give her all to Zero. Never leaving him again. She just knew being around Kamane like this wasn't good for either of them.

 She loved the relationship they have. She hoped that Zero and she could build something like it. The freedom, the trust part. She shook her head. Trying to get all these thoughts out of her mind. She knew. She wouldn't let any of this stop her from being with Zero. She would figure out a way to make this work. To make her son have a normal life. She knew now that he did. He had his family. His mother and father together. Dinner time as a family, Kamane and her putting him to bed together. All the things she wanted Ai to have. Rai did have with Kamane. He was an excellent father. She would never take him away from him.

Later in the evening, Yuki is making dinner. The thoughts still running through her mind. "Yuki, I would like to say I am sorry for earlier,"Kamane remarks. "It's ok. I know this isn't the best situation for any of us. I hate seeing you hurt." Yuki comments. 'I will be just fine. I just really don't want to see Rai upset. Whatever you think is best for him. I will do." Kamane admits. "Same here. You will always be in his life Kamane. I promise that. He needs you. He always will. I love seeing you two together." Yuki states. "Maybe it would be best if he stayed here," Kamane asks. "Yes. I was thinking that. I am right down the street with the Cafe. I can see him all the time. We will do things as a family at times also. Just to make him have both of us." Yuki states. "Ok. Maybe the Sunday dinners? So he can be around all of us."Kamane suggests. "Maybe. That's a good idea." Yuki says. Giving Kamane a smile and a hug. "I am so sorry it has to be like this. I didn't think of it before. I just acted on impulse. I missed him so much. I didn't think of anyone else." Yuki confesses. " I know how you feel about him. I already made peace with it. I know you two can't live without each other. It just hurt me about Rai. I enjoy being with him. Giving him this life with both of us. He needs both of us Yuki." Kamane states. "I know. He will have us. Just not always living in the same house." Yuki responds. Kamane nods and heads to the table. Anna and Rai already there waiting for dinner. They all sit down as a family and enjoy what Yuki made. Kamane taking what he can get before it goes away again.

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