Chapter 128 The False Celebration

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Chapter 128. The False Celebration.

Its a few weeks later. Kamane and Yuki are getting ready for the ball. That is in honor of them both. Kamane is pretty happy. Very excited. He really does love to be with Yuki. Even though it's just pretending. To him, it's not. They pretty much do live together. They share a life together. Just not romanticly. Like he would like.

While Yuki is getting dressed for the Ball tonight. There is a knock at her bedroom door. "Yuki may I come in?" Kamane asks. "Of Course," Yuki responds. "I have something for you. For tonight." Kamane says putting on the bed a large white box. "Kamane. What did you do?" Yuki asks. With a big smile." Nothing much. Just thought. I would surprise my girl. Looks like I got a smile out of it. That makes me happy."Kamane remarks. Yuki opens the box to find a long black fur coat. Under the coat is a smaller box. "Kamane. Oh, My. You always give me the most gorgeous gifts. I don't know. How to thank you." Yuki states. "Just that smile is enough. I noticed. How low you have been. Is living with me that bad?" Kamane asks. "Oh, No. Not at all. It didn't have anything to do with you. I really do enjoy living with you. You're always so kind to me. What is this small box Kamane?" Yuki asks. "Just a token of my love," Kamane remarks. Yuki opens the box to find a ruby and diamond necklace."Kamane it's gorgeous!" Yuki shrieks. "Let me put it on you?" Kamane asks. "Sure." Yuki answers. "I Thought. It would go great with your long red beaded evening gown."Kamane states. "You always know just the perfect thing to say or do Kamane." Yuki says looking into his eyes. Kamane places the necklace around her neck. Doing his best to restrain himself from placing his arms around her. "I will see you in a little while."Kamane states. "Ok." She replies. Kamane walks out the door. He goes back to getting dressed. Yuki does the same. Thinking how nice it is with Kamane. That it always was. Its the reason, she hides from him. She stays away, to keep the feelings away. Not wanting to complicate things even more. She finishes getting dressed. Thinking she will get to see Zero tonight. Just not like she wants. He is guarding the event. She will be there as Kaname's Wife.

When they are both done. Kamane is downstairs waiting for Yuki. Yuki walks downstairs wearing a long red beaded off the shoulder dress. Her hair is up. She looks very elegant. "You look gorgeous"Kamane states. "Thank you." She replies. Kamane places the black fur coat over Yuki's shoulders. The necklace shimmering through it all. They both walk out to the limo getting in. Kamane just staring at her. Taking in her beauty. Knowing. That even though they are just acting as they are married. The whole vampire society thought it was true. She was his. That made him feel powerful. He just hoped that tonight. She would behave around Zero. If she would let on they were together. It would make Kamane look very badly. Cheating on the Lord Kamane? He knew. That Zero took out the beast in Yuki. Either good or bad. He was the one to get under her skin. He knew, unfortunately, that would never be broken.

Once at the Ball. They both get out. The ballroom completely different now. Since it was blown up at Ren's wedding. Which in a way for Yuki made her happy. She hated this place. Yet she was always thrown back here. They walk up the large steps into the ballroom. Everyone turning around to see the Lord and Lady Kuran. Yuki looking better than ever. Kamane dashing as always. The head counsel man running to them. "Hello Lord and Lady Kuran. We are so glad. You can make it. You both look lovely." "Thank you. We thought it was only fair to come. Since you personally invited us. Not to mention made it in our honor."Kamane replies."Always a gentleman." The councilmen says. While They are standing there, Yuki is looking everywhere for Zero. Spotting him in the corner with Yagari. Her whole face lights up. She gives him a smile. He smiles back. It's like no one else is in the room but him. She quickly snaps out of it. Knowing. That if anyone sees, it wouldn't be good. People coming up to them, talking. While they are. Kamane wraps his arms around Yuki's waist. Placing kisses on her head, or neck. Zero in the corner watching. Fumes coming out of his head.

"Zero. I don't know? How you do it? That would kill me. Seeing my wife with Kamanes hands all over her." Yagari admits. 'Trust me. Its taking everything I have not to go over there and throw him through the wall. It would only make things worse."Zero states. "Yes. But does he need to touch her so much? I mean. It looks like he does it more than needed." Yagari comments. "Yes. I know. He does. It's his only chance to get close to her in that way. So he uses it to his advantage. Did You noticed the necklace?"Zero asks." Who the hell could miss it! He sure does know, how to spoil a lady. Shit, I would date him, if I was a woman."Yagari Remarks. "Yuki was never swayed toward that when we were young. When she was dating him when we broke up. She got to like it. He gave her a lot of nice things. Her jewelry box is filled with jewels. She never gets to wear them with me. I don't do the fancy dinners." Zero admits. "She seems to like you anyway. She knows. How you are. She has been with you forever. I got to say though. He is fun to change off to. He makes her fairytale dreams come true. " Yagari Comments. "Gezz. Thanks. I wish. He would move his freaking hands off her waist. Before I strangle him with the damn necklace." Zero snaps. "Now Now. Settle down. This thing will be over before you know it." Yagari Responds.

The Head councilman stands up in front of all. "Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to Congratulate. Lord and Lady Kuran on there Marriage. Most of all on their son. We are so happy to have you two together. A pureblood son, from this union, is more then we could ask for." The head councilman states. Everyone looking at Kaname and Yuki. Kamane then looks at Yuki and places a Passionate kiss on her lips in front of everyone. Everyone cheering and happy for the couple. Zero doing everything. He can to control himself. Knowing. That the councilman would be watching to see his reaction. So he gives him none. His blood boiling inside of him.

He sees after the kiss, that Yuki goes out onto the terrace. He so wants to go after her, but he knows. He can't. He knows. This is hard on her as well. Stuck between the two men. She loves. He knows. There has to be some feelings. When Kamane touches her that way. Or even at that kiss. It makes him boiling mad. He keeps his cool. He knows. That after this he is going to the Cafe. He can then be with her. For right now, he has to behave. All eyes were on them. He notices the Councilman watching his actions. Zero stays cold without any emotions. Its what Zero does best.

In a few Zero sees Yuki is back at Kaname's side. The councilman also by there side. "You know Kamane. I have to hand it to you. I don't think. I could do what you do." The councilman states. "What do you mean? Kamane asks. "Well. I remember at Yoshiko's Wedding. After the blast. You came out, Yuki didn't seem worried. All she kept asking was, where was Zero. When he did come out. They went to each other and hug and kiss. They even left together. I am not sure. I can handle that." The councilman admits. "There is nothing to Handle. They had a family together. They have children together. Zero came out with there son and daughter. So of course, she would run to him. She wanted to know her children where ok. She went with him to tuck her kids in. Wouldn't you want to be with your children after something like that?" Kamane states. "Yes. True. It's just how they look at each other. Like they're not over. I see the love and tenderness you two have for each other. Yet. I still see a flame there between them. "The councilman states. "They have a lot of history together. Not sure about a flame. We are doing the best to raise our children. As you can see tonight, they didn't even look at each other."Kamane offers. "Yes. That's a first. I have to say. I would be careful if I were you Kamane. She may be your wife, but he has his hooks in her." The councilman states. Walking away.

 Kamane thinking. You think. I freaking don't know that. Kamane rattled. He is just as pissed as Zero. Just he hides it even better. Yuki heard the whole thing. She doesn't say a word. She knows. That makes Kamane look bad. She knew. That also made him feel bad. She knew. That Zero was only still alive because of her. For her love for him. Its the only reason Kamane didn't take him out years ago. He didn't want to hurt her like that. He knew. She would never forgive him. She also knew, that If she didn't save him, he would be dead. The thought scared her. It took over her whole being.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now