Chapter 195 Take My Blood.

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Chapter 195 Take My Blood.

Zero stays with Yuki sitting on the edge of the bed talking to her. Trying to stay as close to her as he could. He holds her hand. She smiles at him. He just notices. She isn't herself. She is still pale, weak, and very clammy. He offers her more blood. Which she refuses. She just wants to sleep. Zero is getting nervous and can't wait for Kaname to get there. He doesn't have to wait much longer as Kaname appears knocking on the bedroom door.

"Come in." Zero says. Kaname walks in giving Zero a dirty look. Going over to Yuki. "Yuki my girl. How are you?" Kaname asks taking in her appearance. Looking again at Zero. "I'm Good. Just tired." Yuki responds. "I see. I need to check your wound. I need to use my healing powers on you Yuki." Kaname replies. Kaname unwraps the wound, to unveil a very large stitch. Kamane stares again at Zero. "What caused this?" Kaname asks. "I think it was the sprinkler system she fell on. The wound is the size of it." Zero answers. Kaname fuming inside keeps his calm. Laying both hands on Yuki's back. Her back is still filled with black n blues. The wound tender and swollen. "Did you give her blood?" Kaname asks. "Yes, I gave her some last night. I wanted to again now but she told me no. She wants to sleep." Zero responds. 'Well, she can't. She needs blood. To be honest. She needs my blood. It might be the only thing to fix this. It looks infected. Are you willing for her to bite me Zero?" Kaname replies. "If it fixes this mess then yes. " Zero responds. "Good, Cause she is burning up. If she doesn't, this isn't going to get better. Only worse." Kaname admits. "Yuki I need you to bite me." Kaname says offering his neck. "No. I can't." Yuki says looking at Zero. "There isn't time for that. Stop worrying about him. He is ok with it." Kaname hisses. "No." She repeats. "Yuki. Look at me. I am right here. Do it." Zero tells her. "I haven't taken from him, since before the ice coffin. I can't. Can't Zero's blood work?" Yuki asks. "it will take too long. The pureblood will work faster. It will heal you. Yuki your in a really bad state. You can take my blood. I don't mind." Kaname see's the fear in Yuki's eyes. "Yuki if you're scared it will break the bond with Zero. It won't. To Be honest, there isn't anything that can. You took from me years ago. It didn't break it. I see the fear in you. There is no need." Kaname remarks.

 Zero just looks at her. "Babe, its fine. Do it please." Zero comments. Yuki takes Zero's hand holding in hers. Looking up into his eyes as she bites Kaname's Wrist. She drinks taking in the pureblood of Kaname. Feeling it course through her veins. Seeing how he feels about her. Feeling closer to him now more than ever. Its why she was fighting it. She was scared, it would hurt the bond she has with Zero. Kaname closes his eyes as she drinks. Not caring if she takes every last drop. He dreamed of this. Her taking from him. Just in a different way. From his neck. And that he would be able to take from her. He knew that wasn't happening. He held back all his feelings. As she let go. "Thank you Kaname."She says as she hugs him tightly. A tear runs down her face. She knew this is what he craved. That he wished he was hers. She knew this would hurt him. It's another reason. She didn't want to. Kaname felt that as she drank. That she wished him no hurt. That she wanted him happy. Just like she was.

"You look better than ever." Kaname says as she hugs him. "whispering your welcome in her ear. "I want you to get some more rest. Now you can take Zero's blood. His should be able to be enough now. The extent of the damages needed healing blood. You should be fine now." Kaname states. "I don't believe how dumb I was to fall over the sprinkler. I guess my clumsiness is back." Yuki replies. "I guess so. My GIrl. Just be more careful. We don't need things like this to happen again." Kaname says tucking her into bed. "Zero may I have a word with you?" Kaname asks. "Sure." Zero answers.

Kaname and Zero walk into the Hallway down the stairs, to the living room. "Zero what the hell got into you? I Know you were pissed. BUt really? Did you see her back?" Kaname Snaps. "Yes. I did. It will never happen again. I didn't mean to." Zero states. "If she didn't love you like she does. I would turn you to dust right now. I took the memory of you doing that to her away. She doesn't need to know. What an ass you are. She already knows, I Just don't understand her." Kaname admits. "Look. It's not like I did it on purpose. I know it was wrong. I know she could have died. But you're acting like I beat her or something." Zero Snaps. "Zero what you did last night was even worse than a beating. You hurt her. You always hurt her with your words. You never think. My door is still sitting in my living room Zero. Does that seem rational to you?" Kaname snaps back. "Not everyone can be oh so proper like you. Holding in your shit all the time. I remember when she had you come undone. You didn't look so pretty." Zero shouts. "NO. I didn't but I didn't hurt her. I didn't come to you and take your house apart. Did I? There are ways to deal with things." Kaname huffs. "Only reason you can stand there and say that to me. IS because I was the one that got the photos. What if it was reversed? Huh, Tell me that? If she was with you, and you got pictures of her sucking on me?" Zero asks. " First I guess I wouldn't be so surprised. God forbid if you two keep your hands to yourself. Second, maybe I would take a close look to make sure it really was my girl before blowing up." Kaname states. 

"Bullshit! You would hurt. You would flip out. The way you feel about her. If she was with you and did that. No, You wouldn't be so calm." Zero snaps. "Yes, it would hurt me. To be honest, it hurts me, to see her all over you and we are not together. Just god Zero. Next time think first." Kaname remarks. "There won't be a next time. I am going to fix it that, Mika gets the hell out of here. She can't continue to do this. Now she is even sending lies. She just wants us to explode at each other. I finally gave in. I was doing really well. Until that. She knew I wouldn't be able to stay calm with that."Zero comments. "That means your going to have to talk to Nezera? Can you do that without screwing up?" Kaname asks. "Yes. I will. If it means Mika is out of our lives. Then yes. This can't go on.

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