Chapter 184 Ichiru's Birthday.

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Chapter 184 Ichiru's Birthday

It's Saturday, Zero isn't sure. It's a good idea to go to Cross for Ichiru birthday party or not. He knows. There will be a lot of people there. A few he isn't really into seeing. Nezera and Kaname being two. Nezera being even higher then Kaname at this moment. He could get over Kaname. He wasn't his problem anymore. He still didn't like Nezera much. He figured. He would suck it up. For the sake of his brother. They were trying to build a friendship. The wedding was a start. This would just help build. He knew. It was his birthday as well. He just didn't like all the hoopla. It wasn't for him. He thought many times if it wasn't for Yuki. He wouldn't even be here. That long ago at Cross. She saved his life. Not to mention many times after that. He owed a lot to Yuki. She always stood with him, always helped him. When he really needed it. She was with him. It was all he ever needed.

Yuki gets the kids and the car ready for there trip to Cross. The kids loved it there. They got to be with there older siblings and cousin. Also, they got to see Kaien. Who always babied them to death. They found him funny. Not like Zero who found him annoying. Then most things Zero did find annoying. It was just Zero. He didn't have much tolerance for things.

They all gather in the car and head off to Cross. Yuki just smiling at Zero. Holding his hand. They get there in an hour. Zero looking all around Cross. Memories of when he was young taking over. How he and Yuki would run these grounds. How the many times the returned here, weren't always the best. This place held a lot of memories. A lot of them not so good. Zero hoped that tonight would be better.

When they get inside Cross. Kaien is there to greet them. "Hello. It's so good to see you all." Kaien states. Hugging each of them. "It's great seeing you to father." Yuki replies. Zero just nodding. "The party will be starting soon. People are arriving. You can take your bags to the moon dorm. I am sorry but we have more room there. So you will have to bunk there this evening."Kaien states. "Great." Zero remarks. Yuki keeping herself quiet. The kids run off and play.

Zero spotting Ichiru. "Happy Birthday Brother." Zero says. "Same to you."Ichiru says. "Thank you for inviting us. It will be the first birthday in a long time. We share." Zero states. "No problem. My wife wanted all our friends and family here. She also told me you and Yuki are married again?"Ichiru asks. "We have always been married." Zero remarks. "I thought you left her?" Ichiru asks. "I did. It's a long story. After all, that was done. We are back together. She is my wife. I hope. She always is." Zero states. "You two sure are something. Doesn't anything keep you two apart?"Ichiru comments. "Doesn't look like it. We are soul mates." Zero replies. "She was the only thing that could ever tame you. Your rough exterior only she could calm."Ichiru remarks. "She has changed me. I can open up more now. Only to her though. I promised her. I would never push her away again. Its been over 40 years." Zero comments."If this makes you happy. Then good. I have my own. Maria is wonderful. We live a happy life. I did well for myself. I thank Kaname a lot for it." Ichiru "I am glad. He helped you. Will he be here tonight?" Zero asks. "Yes. Martha should be also. How does Yuki feel about her?" Ichiru asks. "Doing better then you might think. We have come along way." Zero states.

Watching the door as the guests pack in. Kaname and Martha walking in hand and hand. Yoshiko, Ren. Akio, Nezera, Yagari, Ruka, Kain, Hanabusa and Yori. They just keep pilling in. The drinks and food flowing. Yuki standing right by Zero's side. Not leaving him for a minute. A friend of Ichiru coming up to Zero. "I take it you are Ichiru twin brother Zero?" Fredrick asks. "Yes. I think it's obvious that I am." Zero says. Yuki giggling under her breath. "I just never saw you around before." Fredrick states." I don't come here often. I am pretty busy." Zero answers. Kaname and Martha standing behind them. "Are you married like your brother? Kids?" Fredrick asks. "Yes. This is my wife. Yuki Kiryu. We have four children together." Zero answers. Kaname behind Zero, His eyes glow Red. Martha heard it as well. A smirk on her face. Putting her hand on Kaname. "That's very nice. It's also very nice to meet you and your lovely wife." Fredrick states. Walking away. Kaname turning around. "Are you two now saying you are married?" Kaname asks. "Yes. We have been. No more hiding. I am proud to be Yuki Kuran Kiryu. I have been that for over 4o years. I think. I can finally tell it." Yuki says. "If that is what you wish." Kaname answers. "I do. You are now free to be with whoever you want Kaname." Yuki says, Looking at Martha. " I am so happy for you two. I see such a happiness in both of you." Martha remarks. "Thank you. We are very happy." Yuki responds.

Zero just getting the best present ever. Watching Kaname get deflated. He knew. That was a blow to him. Her not being Yuki Kuran anymore. Adding His last name to hers. She had to keep it Yuki Kuran Kiryu due to her being the Queen and head counsel. Zero understood and didn't care. Hell for the last forty years, she was Yuki Kuran for almost everything anyway. She was finally His wife out in the open. The one person. He wanted to know that. Now knew. He saw Kaname's eyes change color. He knew he was pissed. Too bad Kuran. Things aren't in your favor anymore.

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